Ch 34 Phone call

'Argh!!! Sometimes too much rewards can be annoying! Is there any option to mute the notification sound just for tonight? I just wanna sleep right now!' < Jay

'As you wish oppa~' Random

'Yawnnn! What a long long day... goodnight Random~' < Jay

'Goodnight oppa!' < Random

'...' < Jay

'...' < Random

'Ahh jinja... I can't even sleep peacefully because I keep thinking about that one roll!' < Jay

'Hehe, it's like something is constantly tickling you right? Wanna just roll it now?' < Random

'Whatever... go ahead.' < Jay

'Ogei!!! Go go roll roll!' < Random

'You seem awfully excited about this.' < Jay

'Hehe, it's like unwrapping a present! Cha... (cha means something like 'alright' or 'here you go' in korean) 3, 2, 1! Open!' < Random


[An unknown ring obtained]


'What is this?' < Jay

'...I don't know, try wearing it?' < Random

'Hmm, nothing happens, maybe it's just a cosmetic?' < Jay

'It doesn't look like a normal cosmetic ring, there must be something more to it.' < Random

'Whatever, we'll just wait and see. I'm gonna sleep for real this time, goodnight world!' < Jay

'I'm gonna do my research on that ring while you sleep oppa!' < Random


Few hours later

*knock knock

"Hyung! Jay hyung! Time to wake up and clean yourself up, breakfast's waiting!" < Changmin

"...araseo Changmin ah, just give me a minute..." < Jay

"Nae hyung!" < Changmin

'...sigh, I feel like I didn't even have a wink of sleep, time passes so quickly! I need something that is refreshing and can energize me, any reccomendation Random?' < Jay

'Dwarven spirit or ambrosia are both good, but both have their downside too. Once the effect of dwarven spirit is over, the fatigue that was stacked will hit you all at once. As for the ambosia, it is very expensive, but one sip will make your thoughts as clear as the sky.' < Random

'Ayy... how expensive can it be? Ambrosia, let's buy five of them! I will be needing it a lot more in the upcoming days.' < Jay

'Aigoo, if you keep spending the gold like this, no matter how rich you get, you are gonna empty the bank in no time! Let's buy only buy two for now! One bottle of ambrosia is enough for six months! Remember, you only need one sip!' < Random

'Araseo araseo! You were totally talking like Jee Eunnie just now!' < Jay

'When she is not around, I will take on the role as your supervisor! Hehe...' < Random

'Aii sii... alright let's see what this ambrosia is all about.' < Jay

He takes a sip from the bottle and the world feels brighter instantly.

'Yah! I see why this is named 'ambrosia' now, it's literally food of god, it even taste good!' < Jay

'Just a reminder, eating more won't make you feel any better as the effect doesn't stack so it will just be a waste.' < Random

'Glad to know it. Alright! Time to start the day off with a nice and cool shower! Lalala~' < Jay

'I will continue my research on that ring in the meantime, don't call me if there's nothing important okay? I don't wanna be interrupt.' < Random

'Okay okay~' < Jay


"Hyuk Jae ah, is it just me or does look a little taller and bigger than yesterday?" < Yunho

"I thought I was the only one who noticed that! I'm sure he was at the same height with Changmin yesterday, now he is slightly taller!" < Hyuk Jae

"Aii sii, at this rate, not only the best appearance, he is going to be the tallest in our group too! The world is unfair! :')" < Yunho

"Are you sure you aren't eating something different Jay hyung?!" < Hyuk Jae

"It's okay hyungs, we are still young and got a lot of room to grow! I'm sure if we follow Jay hyung's steps in his diet plan and daily routines, we will be just like him!" < Changmin

Changmin has totally became a loyal follower of Jay after seeing his rapid proression.

Jay's thought...

'Ugh... I totally forgot about the result of me limit breaking last night, luckily it's not that big of a change outwards, everything that grew are covered with clothes... -.-" (it's the muscles, not what you guys are thinking!!!)'

'Gotta be more careful next time... I'm not living in my old mansion anymore!'


*brrr brrr brrr

"Hmm?" < Jay

The bracelet (the phone) he is wearing is vibrating non-stop. He excuses himself from the dining table and goes back into his room. After locking the door, he answers the call.

"Hello? Jee Eunnie?" < Jay

"Good morning oppa~ hang on a second! Press this, this... okay done!" < Jee Eun

[Jessica has joined the call]

"Hello? Is this working?" < Jess

"What is this all about?" < Jay

"Nothing, just testing to see if this 'device' really work, apparantly it does!" < Jee Eun

"...can't you just test it with Jess?" < Jay

"Mwo yaaa~? I can't choose who I wanna call?" < Jee Eun

"No, it's not like th-" < Jay

"Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to us." < Jess

"Yah! I'm just saying it would be more convenient for the both of you! I'm guessing you girls are in the same room right now?" < Jay

"That's right. We are currently waiting for unnie's dad to come pick us up and send us to school." < Jee Eun

"I see, I'm just getting ready to leave the house now." < Jay

"Oh right, grandma has prepared lunch for all of us, Jess will bring yours for you later when you meet at the company." < Jee Eun

"Really?! I miss her cooking so much!" < Jay

"You better show up on time, otherwise I will finish them by myself!" < Jess

"Don't you dare!" < Jay

"Hmph! Bye~" < Jess

[Jessica has disconnected from the call]

"And there she goes. Jee Eun ah, remember not to be like her, you should be polite to the others especially someone older than you!" < Jay

"Err..." < Jee Eun

"Jay Kim, are you saying I'm rude?" < Jess

"?!" < Jay

"Sorry oppa, this is in speaker mode :P" < Jee Eun

"...bye!" < Jay

[Jay has disconnected from the call]

"Hmph!" < Jess


After hanging up the phone

"Yah! Why am I scared of her?! I'm the oppa here! This can't do, I will teach her some manners when I see her later!" < Jay

*knock knock

"Hyung! We are ready to leave, who are you talking to?" < Changmin

"Oh?! Nothing, I was on phone with Jee Eunnie, just a regular checkup, nothing serious. We can leave anytime." < Jay

"Let's go then! Everyone's waiting for you hyung!" < Changmin

"Araseo!" < Jay
