Ch 35 Boah

As usual, the boys ride to the company after school. As soon as they enter the building, they got stopped by the counter lady, she gave each of them a timetable, and there's a note attached to Jay's timetable.

The note says:-

"After discussing with your fellow instructors, we have decided that even though each of you are certainly very talented in your craft, but there are also alot that you guys are lacking. So we have come to a decision that for now, you will focus fully on what you are lacking first, for example Yunho and Hyuk Jae will focus on their vocal training while Dong Hae and Changmin will focus on improving their dancing skills. As for you Jay, it's a hard one because your skillsets are too well-balanced, so just for now, you can decide yourself which class you wanna attend. Or, you can continue learning music production from Young Jin-ssi."

Next page...

"After the lessons, the five of you will gather at the practice room you guys were in before. There, you will start practicing your sunbaenim's songs just like the other trainees. By the end of each week, the instructors will give you guys an evaluation test, and only if the five of you are able to pass the test, we will move on to the next step.

P.s As you can see, this ain't a normal timetable for a trainee, so I would appreciate it if you guys can keep this a secret to the other trainees. Yes, this is a special treatment for you guys, do not dissapoint me.

Signed by the president, Lee Soo Man."

After reading the note, the five of them felt even more pressure on their shoulder than before. So without further ado, they seperated and went to their respective classes determinedly.


When Jay arrives at the studio, Young Jin is inside bobbing his head to some kind of music, he didn't even notice Jay until he taps him on his shoulder.

"Seonsaengnim! I'm here~ what are you listening to?" < Jay

"Yah! You nearly gave me a heart attack, don't sneak up on me like that!" < Young Jin

"Hehe... sorry!" < Jay

"I'm making a debut album for our soon-to-be solo artist, Boah. Have you seen her in the company before?" < Young Jin

"No I don't think so." < Jay

"Then you are in luck, she will be here soon." < Young Jin

"Ah? Should I leave? I mean... am I supposed to know about the details of the album? Isn't this sort of things confidential?" < Jay

"As long as you don't leak any information, what's the harm? And to be honest I'm having a brain lag moment right now, so it would be great if you could share some of your ideas with me." < Young Jin

"Err... I guess I'll try? But I need to know her singing style before I can progress any further." < Jay

"That's simple, just ask her to sing later. And hey if you do well, I promise I will credit you as one of the album producer." < Young Jin

"You serious?" < Jay

"100%" < Young Jin

"Alright I'm fired up!" < Jay

"Good, now while we wait for her, let's try to finish what we left off yesterday." < Young Jin

"Nae seonsaengnim!" < Jay

"Just call me 'hyung', seonsaengnim sounds too damn old." < Young Jin

"Nae hyung!" < Jay


An hour later

"The song is nearly complete, just need a few extra touch to it. You did very well, can't believe you have never done this before, I'll leave the rest of the work to you." < Young Jin

"Sure hyung!" < Jay

The buttons and devices that were so complicated to Jay yesterday seems so easy today all because of the 'master' skill he acquired. It just felt so natural when was using them, it's as if he has done this for a long time. He even had to act clueless sometimes to avoid more suspicions.


*knock knock

"Young Jin oppa~ Boah is here~ are you in there?" < Boah

"Ah she is here... Come in Boah!" < Young Jin

"Yahallo oppa~ I just finished my practice and I'm so tired~ Can I take a nap for a while pwease?" < Boah begged cutely

(Is this the Boah I know?! The Queen of K-pop Boah?! The Boah that has never done any aegyo in her entire career?! The legendary Kwon Boah?!) < This is what Jay is thinking right now

Suddenly, she feels someone staring at her, so she looks around to find the source of it and sees Jay standing at the corner of the room with a shocked and perplexed expression O_O + ._.

"Eh? Who are you?" < Boah

(That's what I wanted to ask! You are not the real Boah! You are being possessed!) < Jay's mind

"Err... hi! Heh... I'm uh... a new trainee in this company. N-nice to meet you sunbaenim..." < Jay

"Yah! Why are you stuttering? Don't tell me you are nervous in front of her! What is this? Get yourself together!" < Young Jin

"???" < Boah

Jay shakes his head and takes a few seconds to realize that she is not that version of Boah YET. Right now, she is just a 15 years old, ready to debut trainee. That would explain her different personality. After realizing that, he returns to his normal self.

"Ehem, nice to meet you sunbaenim! I've heard a lot about you during my time in the company. Congratulations by the way, Young Jin hyung told me that you are going to debut soon." < Jay bows deeply towards her

"Hehe thank you! But what did you hear about me?" < Boah seems more interested in what he heard

"That you are the 'model trainee' for the others, that you are ranked number one among the trainees, and that you are a great dancer." < Jay

"Ding ding ding! Correct, 100 points for you! That's me! Teehee" < Boah

"Hehe..." < It's still very weird for him to see her like this

"The name's Kwon Boah! Born in year 1986! What about you?" < Boah

"Jay Kim, also born in year 1986." < Jay

"Heol (something like OMG), jinja? You look way too mature to be 15!" < Boah

"Hehe, thank you! I hear that a lot." < Jay

"We are basically qinggu then! Which month were you born in?" < Boah

"February." < Jay

"Ayy... an oppa!" < Boah

"You sound disappointed." < Jay

"A little bit~ I was thinking how cool would it be if I have a dongsaeng like you~ but it's okay, having you as my oppa isn't that bad either~ let's drop the formalities and be comfortable okay Jay oppa?" < Boah

"Nae... Boah-ssi." < Jay

"Ssi?" < Boah

"...nae Boah!" < Jay

"Naeng!" < Boah responds cutely ^o^
