Chapter 3.

Five months later...

*vomit* For how long am I gonna take this?! Elaine said with frustration in her voice. I'm sick of coming here and just vomiting and retching every morning! Urgh...Being pregnant is hard. Now I have a belly. I can't wear shorts, I can only wear leggings and a big hoodie.

Hey,it's fine,El,you don't have to get all frustrated and stressed it's not good for the baby,Arthur soothed her.

But urgh..... fuck,I've given up a lot of things even my job,my missions,almost everything I love,Elaine slumped on the floor. It''s just too much!

Arthur grabbed her shoulders and forced a passionate kiss on her. When he let go,he kissed her forehead and said, El,it's gonna be'll be all worth it when our baby comes out to this world. Wouldn't you want a your junior self to call you Mother? So don't worry I'll be taking care of you and our baby okay? Now, let's brush our teeth,floss our fangs then go to sleep,okay,it's very late now, it's seven thirty five in the morning.

You understood what I said,right El? Arthur questioned. Hm-Hmm,answered Elaine.

Their did their before bed routine then tucked themselves to bed.

When am I going to sleep in my coffin again?asked Elaine. Until the baby has grown to a suitable age,okay?answered Arthur.

Okay,said Elaine. Then she drifted off to sleep.