*yawns*Hmm....Wow,Arthur left quite early today,it's eleven O'Clock at night. Way too early! I wonder what mission he's suppose to take that needs punctuality,said Elaine.
Oh well,I better go downstairs and get something to eat,I'm starving,said Elaine. Wait a sec.....what the fuck....Arthur didn't make me my dessert and food too?! What the.....Is that mission so important that he broke his promise? Elaine said with a disappointed and angry look on her face. Oh well,I guess it can't be helped,I have to make something myself! I can do this but I shouldn't overexert myself or I might end up fainting.
Hmm.....what should I make? she asked herself. Oh.....I got it! Pickled plum rice with meat and I'll add a twist of my own. Sautèed onions on top! Yeah.
Then Elaine started prepping the fruit salad and ingredients,then in a flash,she started cooking. I put this...then I add this....the meat should have one of my favorite herbs,Water Cress.
Then after marinating it in the spice mixture,I put it in the oven at 400 degrees for fifteen minutes.
Perfect timing,both the rice and the meat are done. So all I'm left with is the sautéed onions.She started cooking then in a flash,she was done.
Urgh....finally,I'm done. He'll probably flip if he finds out I was exerting myself. But what the heck....he's the one who forgot to cook for me. So he doesn't have the right to scold me,Elaine huffed.
It's all done. Now....time to eat. Mmm.....it's really delicious,if I do say so myself. Seems my cooking skills haven't worn off in the last five months,Elaine said. Aww....I'm already finished the whole serving. Oh,well,I might as well take a bath,I'm drenching with sweat after all that cooking.
After the bath.....
Why hasn't he come back it's already five O'Clock! Elaine said. Hmm...I might as well take this opportunity to fly. Just for a few minutes,no biggie right? Ah,fuck it.....he's not here,might as well live a little.
She walked on the upstairs balcony and spread her big black wings. Her light blue hair wooshed with the wind and she said, Yes! Finally,I get to fly again. Good thing,he's not here. Hmm.....I bet when you continue growing,you'll have big wings just like mommy,she said affectionately touching her big belly.
Oh,there he is,why can't he just fly over here instead of walking! Hey Arthur! Hurry......up...
Elaine fainted from up the sky,she looked like a fallen angel. Arthur shouted,Elaine.......
When she flew at her side,she flew her to her doctor,Megumi. When they reached there,she was taken to the ICU for immediate treatment. Arthur stayed there pacing back and forth,he didn't even bother to tuck his wings back. After two hours,Megumi got out,wiping her brow then she said, Arthur,she's in critical condition but good thing you got here on time or she would be at the brink of death. She continued,This accident was due to over exertion. When she fell,she used both her wings and all her magical power to protect that baby girl growing inside her. She received minor injuries on her wings and back. But her head suffered a terrible blow. But don't worry my friend is a warrior,she will wake up,Megumi said with a worried face.
Thank you for saving her,Arthur said.
But then......Megumi changed her face and looked furious. She grabbed Arthur's shirt and shouted,Damn it,Arthur,where the hell were you,you dumbass?! Huh?! Answer me!If you were there,things wouldn't have turned out like this! She was at the brink of bawling her eyes out.
She turned around,calmed down and said, Fuck......if something happens to El,I'll kill you myself understand?! The murderous intent in her eyes was sure enough she wasn't joking.