Chapter 10.

Two days later...'s already nine O'clock at night,I wonder what Mommy has whipped up for breakfast, Alisa said. Mmm.....what's that smell? No! Say it ain't so! She quickly spread her wings and flew up to the kitchen. It' velvet cheesecake covered with a chocolate glaze and raspberries.Oh...My favorite type of blood.

Hmmm.....Mother,why are you getting mushy with me all of a sudden,what's with the special treatment? Alisa asked. Urgh....damn it! You're a cruel and heartless soul,Alisa,you can't even remember your own birthday! You know your barely one hundred and thirty years old,and you forgot. Urgh...sheesh,Mommy,can you put a sock in it? Okay,I'm sorry I forgot,I was training with my swords,Alisa said. By the way,I need to talk to your daddy,so eat your breakfast already.


Arthur,Elaine called out. Hmm...Arthur looked up because he was reading a scroll. I.....I wanna talk about our daughter,Elaine said. So,what's up,is she okay? I mean she's been training hasn't she? Arthur questions.

I...I mean,the three swords that responded to her birth,and to make it worse,I don't know what variety it is and what kind of power it wields, Elaine said in a worried voice.

Arthur sighed and said,Nothing's gonna happen to her,over my dead body,understand? She's still our daughter after all. Okay,quit your worrying and let's go and give her her cake. Okay?

Okay,I'll let it go.... but I'll protect my daughter at all costs,Elaine said.

Downstairs,while they were eating,Alisa's pointy ears started twitching and then she suddenly stopped eating her cheesecake. She stood up from her chair and said in a cold voice,Mother, Father,do you sense that? Sense what? They asked. You want me to believe that you didn't sense that?! There's a massive magical energy approaching here.....*gasp*and they've put a magical barrier within one hundred kilometer radius.

Suddenly,a massive wind gushed with brutal force and blew the house away. The only thing left was the floor. Then a massive army of fifty thousand men emerged infront of them. When the leaders appeared Arthur and Elaine gasped and said,Why? Jacob,Chichi,Marina and....Rie! Mom,Dad,who are those people and why are they attacking us? Alisa asked. They are.....they were were our comrades and supposedly doing it for power.

Then Rie chanted,Deadly Poison.It was directed to Alisa. Elaine and Arthur stood infront of her so as to protect her. They spat blood. Then Jacob and Chichi teleported next to Arthur and Elaine and they were stabbed in the hearts. They both spat blood and slumped on the floor. Elaine mustered up the strength and said, Please....I beg you.....Don't hurt her,please. We only came here for you two,but we'll let our comrades slice and dice her to pieces,Marina said. Let's go. Comrades, don't let this girl live, understand? Yes Ma'am, they roared.

When they left,Alisa was just stagnant and rooted to the ground while looking at her parents near death. She squatted and kissed their foreheads then she walked infront of them and said,Mother,Father,I wasn't able to protect you. Please forgive my incompetence. Alisa....

One of the soldiers came close to Alisa and said,Hey little girl, we're gonna have fun with you before we kill you. That soldier trailed his hand on her body but then.....Alisa rose her head and looked at him with rage and wrath in her eyes. She grabbed his hand and turned him around and took her sword and slit his throat.

Overpowered with rage,a mysterious and sinister aura seeped through her and she said, You all conspired to kill my parents? You really have guts. Listen up,you pigs in human clothing,you did this to them? I will slay you all for this. And your leaders too.I will have their heads on a silver platter.

When she rose her sword,a black crest started appearing on her head. Now...My sword,The Bloody Rose,will expunge you from existence. Sorry,But this is your end.

Hahahaha...this little squirt thinks she can defeat us! They said. What are you doing,Al, you'll die,Elaine shouted weakly. She looked at them that they even felt scared of their own daughter.

She jumped and shouted,Dies Irae! Then a massive ray of dark power destroyed them. Then she spotted three of them trying to run away,she swiftly reached them and whispered in their ear,No one will live to tell the tale! Then she said,A thousand divine cuts,and they were sliced and diced into literally a thousand pieces. Then more soldiers started to come. She started to power up even more then she smiled. Elaine started saying, Tatsumi, please stop her, her power is more powerful than all the ancestors combine. Stop her! Her rage will destroy the kingdom. Please!

Then someone appeared behind her out of the blue and touched her back,she gasped and felt as if she can't even walk. She said, Mother, Father,I know now,that the world is a cruel and unfair place. I will avenge you...that's a promise. Then she fainted.

Tatsumi put her down gently,opened the barrier and when the soldiers were about to arrive,he said,'re such a nuisance. He snapped his fingers and said,Acid rain. And the rain melted their skins and bones,not even ash was left.

Arthur and Elaine said,Tatsumi,thank you....for everything. Could you do us a solid and repair the house back to the way it was....and tell Mimi that she has to be strong for my sake...and be there to comfort her. And please don't worry about Alisa she'll be fine. As you wish.....Queen Elaine,Tatsumi bowed his head. Elaine shrugged and said,you don't have to be so formal with me,we have been friends for centuries. And....make sure you tell Mimi how you feel,okay? Elaine teased him. Tatsumi flushed. Hahahaha.....we'll be off then,see ya! Then they disappeared and their spirit turned to pink rose petals and flew with the wind.

May you rest in peace,Queen Elaine, Tatsumi said.

He compressed his energy to one point and said,Reverse. That oughta do it. The house is back to normal. Then he took Alisa and went into the house to put her on her bed.

I better go and tell Megumi about this before she hears it from someone else,Tatsumi said. Then he left and but put a protective barrier around the house.