Sixty years later......
You're so adorable,Alisa,can you please do me a solid and help me in the kitchen,please? Elaine asked. Sure,Mommy,I'll be right there,Alisa replied.
When Alisa came down from downstairs,Elaine asked,Do you know what day it is today? It's really important. Umm....just kidding,it's Daddy's birthday. we have only two hours until he comes back home,now is two O' Clock,he'll be back by four,Elaine said. So,you do the food and I'll do the pastries,deal? Alisa said. Deal,let's go.
Hey Al,you know his favorite desserts,don't you? Elaine asked while reaching for the herbs and black pepper. Yeah,he's my daddy,of course I know,it's just like one of your favorites, the espresso cake with lemon meringue filling and on the top is kiwi slices and raspberries,Alisa shrugged. Wow! You do know us better than we know ourselves,Elaine said.
One hour and thirty minutes later....
Now,I need to make the onigiri then I'm done,Elaine said. Hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,Mom,hold the bacon,do you remember you almost destroyed the kitchen just because you wanted to make ONE onigiri?! Alisa said in shock...I'll make the onigiri and you slice and dice the toppings of the cheesecake deal? Okay,Elaine said.
I'm back,Arthur said. SURPRISE,YOU DUMMY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Alisa and Elaine shouted with enthusiasm. A shocked Arthur dropped his katanas due to the surprise. Thanks a bunch,my little plum blossoms,he said. Alisa went to hug her and said, Happy birthday,Dummy,oh,I mean Daddy, then she smiled mischieviously. What are we waiting for,let's dig in...wait,aren't these all my...Both Alisa and Elaine said in sync, favorites,we know. We know you better than you know yourself. When they stood side by side they looked like twins.
They ate and ate and until Alisa and Elaine noticed that Arthur was smiling. They looked at each other and communicated telepathically. Alisa said,Did you see that?! Daddy....he...just smiled! I've never seen that before and I'm only six years old in the human realm. This is bonkers! Yeah,I've only seen him smile twice,When we shared our first kiss and when you were born,Elaine answered.
Did you know that I can hear you two? Arthur said while he was taking a bite of the cheesecake. They both smiled wryly and continued eating.
Author;But two days later,it was Alisa's birthday,she was turning sixty one years old.....but things won't be all rainbows and ponies just like this. Maybe,just maybe there will be bloodshed.
Tune in to the next episode to find out.