A few hours later.....
*nhh*Elaine abruptly woke up and touched her belly and said with anxiety,Arthur,wake up,damn it! Where's my baby?! What happened to her?! Where is she,answer me? Arthur went to hug her and said,Would you stop crying please? Look over there. On the left,they saw a sleeping baby girl in an incubation box. Oh,thank goodness,*sigh* I'm so hungry,can you fetch me something to eat please? Okay,Arthur said. When he went to hold her hands,he still noticed that she was a little pale and asked,El,why are your hands cold,it's like I'm touching an iceberg.
Elaine quickly let go of his hands and said,Can you go fetch me some food please?I'm starving. When he left,Elaine looked at her baby and said,It's okay my little plum blossom,Mommy will take good care of you and Daddy too,okay?
I'm back,I brought you rice,a meat curry,I put in some ginger to help warm the body. I'll bring your dessert,elixir and blood later,okay? Arthur said. Okay,Elaine answered.Hey,look,she's waking up,can you bring her to me,Arthur. He slowly scooped her from the incubation box and slowly placed her on Elaine's arms. Oh,have you picked out a name yet,El,Arthur asked. Alisa,Alisa means great happiness. That's what she brought in both our lives,Elaine said with a smile on her face.
She breastfed her for a few minutes,then after she was done, Alisa smiled at Elaine and then drifted off to sleep. Hey,hey,did you see that,she smiled at me! Elaine said with excitement in her voice. Yes,she's gonna grow up to be just like you,Arthur said. But it's not fair that she inherited most of your features,Arthur,Elaine frowned.
Hey,did you see her eyes,they look just like yours,Sky blue and navy blue eyes,so beautiful, Arthur consoled her.
Arthur placed her back in the incubation box and told Elaine,You better eat the food before it gets cold. Mmm.....it's really delicious,Arthur. *gasp* Why.....did you give me this variety,I thought you told me not to eat spices. It's okay,I agree. For you to go back to the way you were before that is. But,no alcohol for just a month,okay? Mmm.....so good,it has both black pepper and ginger. Delicious.
Arthur just smiled and helped her eat because she was a little weak.
Megumi entered and said,Hey,El,you doing okay? Did he do something to you when you woke up? If he did,I'll...Hey,Mimi,don't worry, I'm fine,Elaine chuckled. But...I'm happy for my little peach blossom gave birth so I have no choice but to accept that Arthur is the father, Megumi said. Thank you so much.....Arthur was about to finish but Megumi cut him off and said,But that doesn't mean were buddies or that kind of stupid crap,I'm only making a truce with you because of my little El,got it?
You will be discharged a few hours from now,so drink some blood and the elixir I gave you and get some rest,by then you'll feel a lot better and you'll regain your colour back,Megumi explained. When she was about to leave the room,she said with a cold voice,Arthur,I have no choice but to forgive you this time but I won't just brush off what happened to El,if you think this....Hey,Mimi,it's okay,you see,I'm fine,you don't have to....Elaine was cut off and she said,Let me finish El,I can't just pretend that none of this happened! She continued,If this happens again,there is a possibility that she might die,and if that happens you're gonna have to have to choose which hole you're gonna shit through,understand?! Then she left with her guns in her hands.
Um,Arthur,forgive her...way of language. That's one of the things we have in common, when we're angry,we speak like that. It's just she's worried sick about me and....It's okay,I understand...and she's right. I shouldn't have prioritized work over you two. I'm sorry,Arthur cut her off.
Hmm.....I'm done with the elixir and the blood. Can you do me a favor and BRING ME MY DESSERT? YOU FORGOT! YOU KNOW THAT'S MY....Arthur cut her off and said,Sheesh,can you put a sock in it? I'm bringing it. Elaine blushed and said,It's my favorite, Mocha Cappuccino Ice Cream,with chocolate glazing, chocolate chunks and chips and raspberries stuffed with chocolate chips and cheesecakes on the side. Of course,I know. Your my Elaine. And.....I love you. Elaine ate a raspberry,pulled his shirt closed to her and passionately kissed him and said, I love you too silly.