Three months later.....
How are you doing now,El? Megumi asked with concern in her face. I'm okay,I can walk steadily now...but I really took a knock down eight months ago huh? Elaine said. Megumi pinched her cheek and said,What the hell were you thinking when you flew while you were pregnant?! Since then,I've made you my top priority! You'd better not do something that stupid again,understand? Okay,okay,cut it out,Elaine said while laughing.
Hey,El,have you eaten already,it's two in the morning,you have to follow your routine,Arthur said while seated on the sofa. Yeah,yeah,then you two go get me something to eat,okay? Elaine said.
Okay,we'll go,Arthur and Megumi said. When Elaine felt that their energies have vanished,she went to the bathroom and saw that her skin had become pale again. Oh,no,not again.*vomit* she puked her guts out.
After that,she thought that she was fine but then.....*spit*I have to get a glass of water, maybe I'll feel a lot better,Elaine said weakly. When she was about to pour some water in the glass.....all the energy she had was drained. She couldn't move. Then it got worse. The water broke.
Ahh......Fuck! Damn it! Shit! The baby is coming right now?! Elaine shouted. hurts. Then blood started oozing out between her legs. She tried to crawl all the way to the door with the little energy she had left. When she finally opened the door,she shouted at the top of her lungs,Arthur...
Meanwhile,while they were going up the stairs,Arthur heard her,He gave the nurse passing by the food he was holding,spread his wings,and flew across the hall(good thing the hall was wide enough.)When he found her on the floor,surprisingly Megumi caught up to him and took her away.
What's wrong with her?! Is she okay?! What happened to.....Megumi cut her off ubruptly and said,Damn it,Arthur! You're drowning me with all of your questions. She'll be fine. I just need to deliver the baby and then I'll tell you the details later.
Ariella,Ariana,the tools,NOW! Yes! Dr. Garcia, they both said in sync.
Hey.....It's gonna be okay. She'll survive. But would you stop pacing you'll dig a trench on the floor,a nurse told her.
After one the operating room...
Scalpel.......Scalpel.....,Scissors....... scissors....
Phew! It's done. They both survived without a hitch,Megumi said. Dr.Garcia,but aren't they gonna die of excessive bleeding,Ariella said. Yeah,shouldn't you.....Shut your traps would you?! See for yourselves,their bodies sees those cuts as damages so they're regenerating. They're vampires,remember. Look at their ears,you airheads. Megumi said. Oh...we can be airheads sometimes,the twins said while chuckling nervously.
Of course,you wouldn't know because you're elves,Megumi said. Okay,enough chit chat. Ariella,clean the baby and put her in an incubation pod,got it? Ariana,bring me some water,I need to clean her body and take her back to her room! Aye aye Dr. Garcia,they both said while heading for the exit. Megumi just rolled her eyes and sighed.
She went outside and wiped her hairline when she saw Arthur,he quickly stood up and asked what happened to her. She just rolled her eyes and touched his forehead with her finger and he was able to see everything that was going on during the delivery.
After he saw everything,he said,that was...
She didn't have the strength to push,either way she was unconscious,we had to cut so as to remove her,the baby that is. It's a girl.
He widened his eyes and said with joy,it's a girl! Then he hugged Megumi. Megumi pushed him aside before he could and said,There,there! Don't get all mushy with me,got it? But.....i'm happy that my little peach blossom gave birth to an adorable baby girl.
And it's okay. She's gonna wake up soon,don't worry.
You should get something filling to eat. FYI,I don't care if you die of hunger,but if you end up on a hospital bed because of not eating,El will chew my head off if she wakes up. Then she left.
*sigh*I'm so happy,that you're both okay,Arthur said while looking at the two of them sleep.