Megumi,what happened? Even what happened right now is way beyond my knowledge,Arthur asked.
Well....You connected with her when you kissed her,because you are the one she loves most but when your spirit went near the core of her magical energy,you encountered her,correct? Megumi said. So that's what it was.
Yes.....but she was...,Megumi cut him off and said,different? The opposite way she would react when she would usually see you? See,that happened because her negative emotions during that period merged together and consumed her spirit. Anger,Frustration,Sadness and Sorrow. That's why she behaved that way. Now you understand...don't you? Megumi said with a cross look.
Thanks,Megumi,Arthur said. Megumi just looked at him coldly and said, I'll go and get you some blood,you looked pooped. But know this,I'm not doing this for you,I'm doing this for El. If it were up to me,I would've already done you a fucking favor and shown you what colour your brain is. Then she quickly left.
Arthur just sat there looking at her and said,So that's how you felt when I wasn't there....I didn't know. But why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep all those feelings to yourself? I'm sorry. If you can't forgive me,I understand... but, please, don't leave me. Okay? Wake up,okay?
Three days later...
Arthur was reading some books on the sofa while drinking blood when he looked and.....
Nhh...What the hell happened and why am I in a lousy hospital gown. Aw....shit,I fell.
Arthur,while seeing this,dropped both his book and a full glass of blood on the floor. Elaine said,Dummy,that's a waste of blood you know. Arthur went near her and hugged her and said,Your finally awake,damn it,I was worried sick that you might never wake up again!
When they looked at each other,there was an odd atmosphere....then Elaine made a cold face while looking at him and he started to get tense because of what happened during the connection. While making that face,tears started flowing down her cheeks while looking at him and then she said,Arthur...I love you and never forget that,you dipshit. I saw what happened when you connected with my core and you saw'me'. I might be cold and heartless....but I can't go that far when it involves you. And remember dummy I'll always love you,Arthur.
Arthur,with a shocked face blushed.Pfftt! look like a tomato. This is actually the second time I've seen you like this,this and*flushed*our first kiss,remember?Mmm....Arthur abruptly kissed her passionately then looked her and said,I....I love you too,now and forever. Megumi was at the door then sighed and smiled at them,she said,Urgh....fuck it,just.....just take care of her or you remember what I said? Arthur nodded. Good....Oh,Elaine,You'll be drinking this elixir so as to replenish both your energy,your body and the baby inside you,got it? I brought you assorted berries blended with almond milk,a salad and since you're here Arthur,do me a solid and give her some of your blood,would you? Drink the elixir after you have eaten the food I've given you and the blood,okay? I gotta go,I have lots of patients waiting for me. See ya,El. Then she left.