Chapter 22.

Now,let me feed them then tuck them into bed they have classes starting nine O'clock tonight and if they don't get enough sleep,especially Ming,they'll rampage the whole school,Alisa said while going to check on them downstairs.

Are you done eating? Alisa asked. Yeah,we're*slurp almost done with dessert,Ming said while slurping blood and eating a black forest cake with berries on top.

When they were done eating,they drank their elixirs and before that Alisa put a sedative in their elixirs. And they quickly drifted off to sleep.

*sigh* Finally! Now I can finally continue with research,Alisa said removing her hoodie and hair pin remaining with a bralette and black pants and her choice of black sneakers she got when she last visited the human realm a few months ago.

Now,to take a look on goddesses,Alisa sat down and started eating liquorice. Now,

Goddesses are heavenly beings that wield an extraordinary amount of power. Their rivals were always the Demons and a war called The Holy War was done to determine which race was superior,but it only ended in bloodshed cause no one was declared the victor.

The ruler to the Goddess is known as The Supreme Deity. She has one daughter known the Goddess Elizabeth. She was always kind and had a good heart.

The Supreme Deity chose only four people to fight the Demons in her place. They're known as the Four Archangels. The Supreme Deity bestowed them with extraordinary magical powers known as Graces.

The First Archangel known as Mael,was given the Grace of Sunshine. He wields the power of the sun and he is able to turn the heat in his body and around him into power.He is at his strongest when it reaches high noon. But unfortunately,he was killed by a Ten Commandment known as Estarossa of Benevolence,the second son to the Demon King.

The Second Archangel is known as Ludociel,was given the Grace of Flash. This power allows to move at immense speeds which appears as a form of teleportation.

The Third Archangel is known as Sariel,was given the Grace of Tornado. It gives him the ability to produce powerful gusts of wind to slice through or blow this opponents away. He can also use this ability to create a wind like sphere around him,which he uses for defensive purposes.

The Fourth Archangel is known as Tarmiel,was given the Grace of Ocean. This grace creates a literal ocean out of the normal plain in order to trap his opponents.

Wow,this book is really in detail. Wait a sec,isn't this....I saw Elaine and Arthur try to open these books but they didn't even budge. Then why did I open it as if it was nothing! Alisa said. Oh,well,let me continue,

The Holy War 3000 years ago,the Goddesses formed an alliance with the Giant,Fairy and Human races so as to seal the Demons away in the relic known as The Coffin of Eternal Darkness,made by the giant craftsman,Dabuzu. But they sacrificed their physical bodies so as to seal them away.

Wow,that was something,but I at least got some info out of it,that goddess I saw in my dream is known as Elizabeth. But wait,I skipped a page.

The Supreme Deity had two daughters, named Elizabeth and Athena. Unfortunately, Athena died due to unknown reasons.

Oh,so that little girl I saw with that Elizabeth girl was her sister,Athena. But she died,Alisa said.

Wow,Mommy,what are you doing still awake? You should go to sleep,Ming said while holding her black bunny. Okay,go back to sleep,Ming,remember you have school in two hours. Okay,Mommy,goodnight, go to sleep, okay? Ming said sleepily.

After Alisa tucked her in again,she looked at her and said,I have no choice but to care for you and feed you three and let you call me Mommy. Then she left for the study.

I'll go to sleep after they go to school but for now,I have to research and eat coffee tiramisu while I'm at it.

Then she sat down on the chair and opened the Demon and Goddess books simultaneously and then she went back in the trans like state.

Urgh.....again? Every book that was difficult for Arthur and Elaine to open and I open it like it's nothing,this always happens to me,Alisa said while looking around.

Then she saw clouds,when she looked down,she saw it was an abandoned celestial realm. Wait,how did I know what it is? Alisa said.

Hmm....Who are....No! It's that Goddess, Elizabeth and that Demon, Meliodas! But what are they doing together? Are they not from different races?

You should have seen my little sister! Hahaha..... She really is a troublemaker! Mother was very livid! Elizabeth said laughing. I can imagine,Meliodas said smiling. A few weeks ago,I gave her a hair piece,the one I made with my magical power,she loved it so much,Elizabeth said. I did too,he answered.

Huh? Where am I? Was this supposed to be here? Hm...It looks like an abandoned celestial realm, seems I just found a place for me to just relax. Huh? Laughter, here? Where is it coming from? Is that Meliodas and Elizabeth? What are they doing here?! Caelia peeked. Oh.....I see.

Then she flew infront of them and said while tilting her head,Hey,what are you guys doing here? They looked petrified when seeing her there. Why are you so scared? I won't tell. I've known ever since my big brother here fell in love with you,Alisa said while sitting infront of them cross legged. Elizabeth said. Yes,meet my little sister,Caelia. No introductions were needed,brother, I know this goddess like the feathers on my wings, Caelia said while waving her hand. Yeah,you have wings but where are your feathers? Elizabeth pointed out. First,Answer my question. You have a little sister,right? Where is she? Alisa asked. How did you know? And yes,I do. But she always travels and comes after three months,my Mother told me so,Elizabeth said. Wait, is it a coincidence that you also travel and come back after three months,Caelia? Meliodas asked.

Now,there is a reason. And you're little sister is much closer than you think, Caelia pointed out.

Now,time to tell you both why I go back and forth, Caelia said. What do you mean? they both said.

Caelia inhaled deeply,closed her eyes and then a blinding light shone everywhere.

Hey,what are you doing with my little sister's hairpi.....*gasp* Uh....What the...they said shocked. Yes,Ellie and Meliodas. I am both a goddess and a demon. I'm both your little sister.I am both the last daughter to the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. I'm both Caelia of the Demon Race and Athena of the Goddess Race.

Wait ..... What?!

To be continued....