Chapter 23.

I am both a demon and a goddess. I am both Caelia of the Demon Race and Athena of the Goddess Race,Athena (Caelia) said.

She looked completely different. She was wearing a one shoulder,short,white samurai like garment with golden margins and white flatless boots that reach her knees. Her hair colour changed too,from silky black to golden hair and she had the hairpin that Elizabeth gave her. She had big,white,splendid wings too.

If your really my sister,prove it! Elizabeth said. *sigh* seriously? Okay,Athena said. What's my favorite tea? Peppermint,she answered. Between Ludociel and Nerobasta,who do I like most? Neither. They are both a pain in the ass,Athena said with sarcasm. Okay,last question. Who do I love most in the whole world? That's easy. Meliodas followed by me and Mother. You really are....

Now! Enough of that! Let's get to the explaination.

It's only Father and Mother that know about this, now you two, Athena said. What?! How is that even possible?! Elizabeth said shocked. Why didn't you say sooner? Meliodas exclaimed. Well,first,you have to promise not to tell Zel and Estarossa,understand Mel? Athena looked at him. And you,Ellie,you have to promise not to tell Nerobasta and especially Mother that I told you this, Athena looked at her.

Yeah,we promise,they said.

*sigh*,Okay. There is a prophecy in both realms that claim that there will be three beings that will be born in between both races,and I'm one of them. Maybe the other two haven't been born yet. I don't know how I was born but I know that the first place I was born,was none other than Purgatory, Athena said while sitting cross legged. What? Why there? Meliodas asked. Beats me. So when I was born, Mother felt the surging power of both negative energy and Druid power in the Demon Realm. Believe it or not,Father and Mother met and decided that I will have to stay with either of them for three months. That's how it started.

Anyway, Athena said while standing up and then she inhaled deeply again,closed her eyes but this time, negative energy covered the whole place and she changed back to Caelia.

I have to go,Evaine and Morgan are gonna start looking for me. I won't come back up here again, Caelia said while preparing to leave. Why? Elizabeth asked. Because if I'm followed here,someone's gonna find out about you two,so I won't risk your relationship,Caelia said while ruffing her hair.

Hey,it's pretty weird,don't you think? Caelia said. What is?they asked. That both of you are my siblings but you're madly in love with each other and dating, Caelia said. Yeah,it's pretty weird, Meliodas said.

Anyway,I have to go,see ya! She sprout her wings and before she was ready to leave she looked at them intently for a second and said winking and sticking her tongue out,I wanna become an aunt soon,understand? Later,gaters. They both looked at each other and flushed. Then Caelia left.

Huh? Where did they take me this time? Alisa thought. That's Caelia,but what is she writing and why does it look as if she's crying? She thought. Wait,when did it become night time?

Caelia opened the same red book with golden printings and started writing with her font handwriting,

I'm longing for a plastic heart,

But the one who realizes how boring that'd be will win.

Love is something that's bittersweet,

Plain and simple while complicated and mysterious,

You get worried about the most pointless things,

How does it feel? That's how it feels.

You're gentle and sincere yet eccentric,

I pretend to be strong and compete against you,

I get dizzy whenever I try to be honest with myself,

I get hurt,I hurt you,Innocent Preparation.

In my mind,I'm always alone on an innocent Pre-Parade.

Then she closed the book and held it tightly on her chest. She took the book and flew out of the window. She was going to Lake Pienes.

When she reached there,she sat at near where she buried her first love,Tristan. She sat there silently while looking at the glowing red moon and hearing the waves.

She held the book tightly and tears started flowing down her cheeks. She said,You are the reincarnation of the Tristan I knew all those decades ago. You are the same person but you don't even remember your promise.

Flashback...Decades ago....

A young Caelia and a young Tristan were lying on the plains looking at the glowing blue moon and sparkling stars.Tristan went on top of her and looked at her intently and said,Caelia,I love you and I'll be by your side forever. If it wasn't for my big sister Gelda meeting your brother,I wouldn't have met you. When we grow up,we'll be together forever. Demon or not,you're still my cold,fierce yet gentle Caelia. Then he moved her bangs and kissed her forehead.

You really mean it? If you ever hurt me,even if my love for you is too strong to contain,I'll still kill you, Caelia said.

Now,get off me,Zeldris is gonna get really mad if I stay here too long,Caelia said. Okay,let's go,Tristan said while holding her hand.

Flashback over...

I still can't believe that you could forget that promise of yours,maybe it was just a false promise after all,we were only eight hundred years old back then,Caelia said while looking at the book. She sat there and tears flowed while she was looking at the moon. You know,you're first person to make me cry, do you know that? Caelia said.

Then Alisa returned back to normal. Let me go to sleep,I really need it,she said. Mommy,we're up,Ming said while skipping into the study. I bet she's absorbed in her research again and couldn't get any sleep,Xia said yawning.

You are right. Now let me go make you breakfast and then.....she started falling asleep.

Tatsumi,please prepare them for school. Feed them, give them their elixirs and pack them their snacks, Alisa said half asleep on the study table full of books and scrolls. And Ming,wake Xuan up,wasn't he hyped that he was going there,why is he oversleeping? Alisa said sleepily. Okay,Mommy,I'm going,Ming said. As you wish,Miss,Tatsumi said.

Alisa unsteadily stood up and said,Be good and don't get into too much trouble. I'm talking about a certain red head I know and care about. Goodnight.

Then she went to her king sized bed and quickly drifted to sleep.