Time sure does fly, wouldn't you say? It's been over eight years since I woke up and the death of our elder sister Hestia, Caelia said. Yes. It sure does. Hes would have been happy to see you as a mother now, Estarossa said. Let's go visit her. She must be in her secret chamber now since it's right after winter going to spring, Elizabeth suggested. You want to come with us? Meliodas asked Tristan. No. Take the kids. She would be happy to see them. It's a sibling thing and I wouldn't want to ruin it. Besides, I have a lot of work waiting for me back in my own kingdom and Nimuë is going to chew my ears off if I don't do it, Tristan chuckled then left.
They all teleported to Amaterasu, Hestia's secret chamber. When they all reached there, there was nothing but vast and lonely land full of green grass. Father, where is it? I don't see anything but grass, Tristan asked. Wait a sec, Meliodas said. Then the four siblings stepped in front of a tiny white flower, slit their index fingers and let one drop of their blood drop on each petal. Nothing happened. Why is it not working? Gen asked. Gen, Henri, Tristan. Come here for a second, Estarossa said as he crouched down to their level. Hold out your finger onto the flower, He explained. Then he pricked each of their fingers and three more drops fell on the tiny flower. What now? Henri asked.
Darkness seeped through the flower as it covered the whole place then Estarossa touched the ground with his slit finger and Amaterasu appeared. It was full of crystals just like the Necropolis. The night sky was glimmering with stars they could see the 12 main constellations. There were two moons, the red moon in the East and the blue moon in the West.
It's beautiful here! Gen, Henri and Tristan exclaimed as they ran around. Then they encountered a little girl with long sky blue hair. She had stars as a halo as she came down to them. I am the guardian of Amaterasu, Kakia. How may I be of help to you? Kakia asked. We're looking for Hestia. Have you seen her by any chance? Meliodas asked. Ah. Meliodas. Yes. Indeed I have, she is my master after all, She exclaimed. You have to go under a little test first. Who here thinks they know Hestia? Kakia asked. That would be me, Estarossa said. Okay Come with me. Then they went to a crystal in front of them.
Okay. We are done, She said after a few minutes. Already? Estarossa chuckled. That was the easiest test I was ever given. What do you mean? Meliodas asked. You don't have time to waste. Although you're all among are the most powerful beings in your races, Amaterasu thinks of you as someone of my caliber, the second most powerful in the place and when it thinks of you that way, it will do anything and everything to push you out, Kakia explained as they walked.
Then they stepped in a door shaped crystal and the scenery completely changed. It was a vast green plained land. You could see birds flying, a gentle breeze blowing, everything about the place was inviting. And Estarossa remembered it as if it was his cool off place. Walk straight ahead. You will encounter Master there, Kakia said and left. They walked and they saw her sitting on the plain, staring at the waters of the lake and the sunset while her pale looking hair followed the wind.
So, you came. I'm glad, Hestia said as she stood up, turned around and smiled. Elizabeth ran to her and hugged her. You dummy! You dummy! You're a real dummy! Always trying to play the hero! Dying once just wasn't enough for you, was it! Do you know that when you act that recklessly, you hurt the people around you? She cried. Look. It had to be done. Or would you have preferred not to give birth to Tristan, Hestia said. Ellie broke free, dried her tears and asked her what she meant. If I had not actually taken my life that brutally, time would rewind for every one of you in the weirdest way. How? Caelia asked. You see. You, wouldn't have given birth to Gen and Henri, you wouldn't have known Tristan or even my servant Nimuë, the one who has always been with you since you were born. Elizabeth and Meliodas, you wouldn't give birth to Tristan and you would be mortal enemies with your eyes closed, not wanting to see the other in any way possible. Zeldris would not have met Gelda in the first place and your little unborn child wouldn't be there, Hestia steadily explained. Back up a sec. What? What do you mean unborn child? There's no child coming, Zeldris said. Yes there is. Take it from me when I say there is one coming. I have been watching all of you, Hestia said. Estarossa. You would dive into the oblivion of darkness and never come back to the light. You would be lost forever and three quarters of your immortality would be sucked away from you. And Anaisa would be no one to you, She said. So you see. My death prevented all these and more. So, Ellie, everything I did was absolutely necessary, Hestia said.
But.... It's not fair. Why you? Ellie teared up. Tristan stood up from where he was sitting and floated up and wiped Elizabeth's tears. You're such a crybaby, Mother. It's actually really funny, Tristan smiled. I am Tristan. The first and last son to the goddess Elizabeth of the Goddess Race and the Demon King Meliodas of the Demon Race. It's nice to meet my aunt who's just like me, Tristan looked her in the eye. You're pretty proud of it. I'm glad. I'm Hestia. I'm just like you, both a goddess and a demon bit I'm more advance than you. I drunk blood when I was still alive, She said. Like a vampire. So you were part of three races? Gen asked. Can't say for sure. You must be Genevieve and this one must be Henrietta, Hestia crouched down to their level. Yep. You're right. My name's Henri, aunt Hes, She said happily. It's very nice to meet the three of you. You have very unique powers so embrace them rather than trying to push them away because you were born with them. There's not much you can do after that, Hestia said as she stood. Zeldris, Hestia said. Yes? He said. You can go ask her yourself rather than me showing you, okay? She said. Okay, He said. Everyone.... what you have as of now, grasp onto it tightly and never let go. But if you hold it too tightly, it might turn to dust and slip through your fingers, okay?
I'm sorry to intrude in your conversation, Master, Kakia came out of nowhere and said. It's fine, really. That means it's time for you to go, Hestia said. Kakia waved her finger at everyone and they start to slowly disappear. She hugged the kids and they said their goodbyes and they disappeared. She hugged Ellie tightly as she cried and disappeared. The same with Caelia, Meliodas and Estarossa. Zeldris took the initiative and hugged her. I'm going to miss you, He said. Me too. Now go before you make me cry like an idiot. Be a good boy, okay? I love you, Hestia said then he disappeared.
We're back. We're back in the real world, Henri said. The Amaterasu is just as real as the ground you're stepping on, Estarossa said. Gen. Let's go. I wanna tell Father all about Amaterasu and what I saw there, Henri said. Okay. I have something to discuss with him anyway, Gen said as she snapped her fingers and opened a portal to the vampire realm. Ill tag along if you don't mind, Zeldris said as he walked through the portal. On... second thought, I told Tristan that I would spar with him today and I would be a real jerk if I bailed on him, Henri said as she walked away.
Gen reached her and grabbed her by the collar and dragged her to the portal. Let me go, Gen! Mom! You gotta back me up here! Gen is going to kill me! Help me out here! Henri shouted. Try to come back to me alive, okay, Henri? Caelia said as she was goodbye. You're a cold hearted devil, Mother. Just please say a prayer for me at my grave. Fullfil my wish and remember me! Were the last words they heard before the twins disappeared into the portal. Those twins are a real handful, wouldn't you say? Estarossa chuckled. Caelia happily sighed.
They went back to the castle and they went their own ways. Elizabeth and Meliodas took Tristan and gave him a bath and he took a nap. Look. A tear. Seems that he was sad about Hestia, Elizabeth said as she wiped the tear off his son's face. I felt it too. He was so attached to her even though it was for a few months, Meliodas said.
Caelia went to her secret place as well so as to regenerate her mana, powers, core and miasma, The usual routine since she woke up. Estarossa on the other hand, went to look for Anaisa.
Anaisa! I finally found you. I have something to discuss with you that can't wait, Estarossa said. What is it, master? Is it something serious? Ana said as she tilted her head. Then that's when she heard a very loud gong. Then her eyes got instantly clouded. Then out of the blue, she screamed hysterically.
Whats wrong, Anaisa? Estarossa asked with worry in his voice. Did you hear that? Ana said coldly. Hear what? I didn't hear anything, He said. You liar! You liar! There was a very loud gong that could be heard! You want to tell me that you didn't hear that! She shouted. What are you talking about? Your imagination must be running wild, Estarossa said. No! No! No! No! No! I would never lie! I heard a gong, I swear! That means one thing! She said.
Then she heard another loud gong. She screamed hysterically again. Don't touch me, Master! That's the second one! The Heavens are in complete havoc! She's finally gone rampant! The one and only Mikhail has finally gone berserk and gone to the other side! Her subordinates have joined the other side! Ana shouted as her mouth, ears, nose removed blood.
What's going on here? Meliodas asked. We could hear her screams all the way from the castle, Elizabeth said. I don't know. She said she heard a gong but nothing happened. I didn't hear anything. She said that she heard it two times, Estarossa said as she tried to calm her down. The she heard the third and final gong. It's over. She has completely gone over to the other side. She will wreak havoc in the whole world. No one will be spared. She will be merciless and ruthless to anyone and to everyone, no exceptions, Anaisa said as she cried bitterly.
Then Elizabeth felt a rush all over her body. You said she heard three gongs, is that right? She said shakily. And she was talking about someone named Mikhail and the Heavens. Oh no, Ellie exclaimed. What's wrong? Tell us. And why are you shaking, Meliodas asked but she was spacing out as she made a horrified face.
.... Beth. Elizabeth! Elizabeth! He shouted then she came back to her senses. This can't be true.... It was never.... It wasn't supposed to happen! Elizabeth said as she raised her voice. What is it! Estarossa asked as he held a fainted Anaisa. My Grandfather. The omnipotent creator. He has a handful of angels that he trusts and uses them for his work all over the world. One of them is called Angel Mikhail, the twin sister to Archangel Michael. She is the Archangel of Death and it seems that she has been corrupted somehow and she is descending, Elizabeth shakily explained.
She sprout her wings and her look completely changed. Anaisa's body started to radiate a blinding light that scalded Estarossa's arms but he didn't care. The body floated then the light enveloping her completely shattered like a broken mirror and she took the form of angel. Surprisingly, the same thing happened to Nimuë and she appeared next to Anaisa.
Anaisa.... Estarossa mumbled. I apologize. I am not Anaisa. My name is Archangel Alya. And I am Archangel Anya, Nimuë said. And we are the Archangels of both Hope and Doom.
Goddess Elizabeth, our Lord requests an immediate audience with you. That is precisely why we were awakened, Anya said. I suggest that we not waste time. We must go. Seraphim Hestia and Archangel Athena have already ascended along with your son and when heard the first gong, Alya said. Now you must hurry. We must not keep our Master waiting, Anya said. Right, Elizabeth said with a serious face. Then she turned around and kissed Meliodas as quiet tears flowed down her cheeks. I have to go now. l love you. Never forget that, Meliodas. I'll come back to you, so wait for me,okay? Elizabeth said. Ill wait for my Elizabeth to come back to me, Meliodas smiled.
As they were about to leave, Estarossa shouted Anaisa's name. She looked back and looked at him. She flew down and kissed him. Her eyes went back to their normal sky blue color and she said, I'll come back to you, Master. I promise, okay? Then her eyes turned green and she went back to being Alya. Then they left for the Heavens.