Chapter 37.

As they were flying upwards,they broke through both the Milky Way and the Sakura Cosmos and went straight to Heaven. They entered the golden gates and went straight to the Creator.

My children, The One said in a commanding voice. The three quickly knelt and bowed their heads and said with the outmost respect, May the Creator be exalted and worshipped. May we have the opportunity to ask why we were summoned? As you may know, Mikhail has unfortunately gone to the other side. She wants to destroy the world I once built from the ground therefore, I need you to purify her rather than taking her life, The One said.

Then Hestia, Caelia and Tristan flew in in haste and knelt and said, We have done your bidding Master. Now that you are all present, I want you to destroy the evil in Archangel Mikhail and protect this world I made for my children. You will bear children and they will reproduce until it is time for the Judgement,The One said. As soon as He gave the word,the six were already off back to Earth.

My son, what did you think of your grandfather? Ellie asked. He's WAY TOO STRONG! Stronger than anyone that has life and exist! Tristan said as they flew down. I know, Ellie chuckled. Your real name is Athena,isn't it? Caelia asked Hestia. What, don't be silly. That's your name, She said. It's yours. Mother named me after you died so as to remember you by, Caelia said. Who told you that? She said. It was in Mother's Study. I'm really shocked that we have the same name, Caelia said and Hestia "Athena" chuckled.

They reached down and found Brittania in chaos. Burnt corpses everywhere,people sliced in two those whose soul were eaten by the ghouls released by Mikhail were lucky enough to go through reincarnation. I'm back! Elizabeth hugged Meliodas. Then she turned serious and said,I need your help. You,your brothers and the Seven Deadly Sins. We must defeat Mikhail at all costs. If we don't,the world will fall to ruin. Elizabeth! Where's Anaisa? Is she alright? Estarossa shook her shoulders. She's fine. She defeating demons on the other side of the world, she said. Now,we all have to go to Edinburgh, I can feel Mikhail's reason fading. We must hurry, Caelia said. But as soon as they started moving towards Edinburgh,the gravity became heavier as they progressed. Ghouls,golems, demons from Hell were wreaking havoc everywhere.

*Hestia's real name is actually Athena. Caelia's angel self was named after her when she was trapped in the Infinity.

Out of the way. Purgatory's Flames,Hestia said in her cute but commanding voice. Then they were immolated into nothing. The only problem was as you moved closer to Edinburgh,the gravity would be too much and it might push you to the Earth's core.

I have to reach them immediately but how? Meliodas asked himself. Hestia stopped and touched his temple and said, Broadcast. This will help you to temporarily make contact with them. Think of it as a token of loving by little baby sister. Thank you Hestia! He said. Everyone! Listen to me! We have to come together again,something interesting happened again and it needs our intervention, He said telepathically.

Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain! Diane squealed in joy. Hello Meliodas, how's it going? King said. What do you think? He recently built a family of his own so of course he's more than okay, Merlin said in sarcasm. Well that's our Captain! After all this shit's done, we'll chow down and drink till we can't take it no more! Ban laughed heartily. Can you take this seriously Ban? Geez, little Escanor sighed. It really is satisfying to hear all your voices, Gowther said calmly. Alrighty then! Since I hear everyone's still alive,we meet in Megadoza in five minutes!

After five minutes, the whole world was covered in darkness,but it was perfect timing since they finally joined together...

On one side.....

There was Gowther. The other Sins were there too.

You're here, Meliodas said gleefully. Then his eyes landed on Ban and he shouted happily, Ban! Then he replied, Captain! And they did their normal routine,hitting each other. Can't you two grow up for once? Diane sighed. Come on Diane. We haven't seen each other in forever, Meliodas said. It would seem all of you look different,He said.

Well,we ARE or we're going to become parents after all,so what did you expect? King said calmly. Indeed you are right Harlequin. I shall give birth to a man who is ready to take on anyone, Escanor said proudly. Enough. You'll catch up later I promise but did you forget that there won't BE a world unless we defeat Mikhail Hestia said. Gowther went Infront of her and said, Athena. Thank you for fixing me. You're welcome. After this, please come to me. I have a present for you from your parents. Now time to go,She said and the Broadcast wore off and everyone was there.

What about the gravity? Ellie asked. I'll take care of this, Hestia said and moved her petite body to the ground. As soon as she stepped down, the demons on Earth were pulled down with the gravity she was releasing. Everyone could feel the fury inside her and hundreds of miles away,Mikhail twitched.

So..... the Seraphim of Heaven has come to. I see,Mikhail said as she sat on her throne on the now ruined kingdom of Edinburgh that was renovated just recently.

(Author: What a waste. Geez.ಥ‿ಥ .)

They also found themselves pulled in by the gravity and they were being pushed down. Spider's thread,Hestia said coldly and silvery strings came out of her tips and tore apart all the demons and ghouls in their radii. Then she realized she was angry then instantly calmed down and said in her small voice,I'm really sorry you had to be pulled into that. The gravity's gone and no ghouls in the way. Let's go! Then she started flying away leaving the others in awe. That's your.....little sister? Ban twitched and laughed nervously. No. Elder sister. Wasn't that obvious? Ellie and Meliodas said,still they don't have a grasp of how powerful she is. What the? But she's so tiny! Tinier and more petite than Elaine! How? A bewildered Ban asked.

Estarossa advanced South to defeat the evil on the other side, hoping that he would meet with Anaisa or rather Alya. Gelda, Zeldris, Henrietta, Genevieve and Tristan were busy protecting the whole Vampire Clan divisions and dimensions. Elaine was protecting the Fairy King's forest, the angels were sending the innocent who died into reincarnation and some to the Promised Jerusalem and protecting and healing those who still have little life in them. Caelia was busy in Heaven, The One gave her the power to put time and space in balance or the future won't restore itself.

Hestia then called out, Nariko, you're Master is in need of you at once. Then a dark light appeared. Someone appeared.... There was a woman, in a short white cloak, black clothes, jet black eyes, light purple hair cut short and she had two sword levitating on her sides and two ruby handmade blades in her hands.

Everyone. This is Nariko,my darling familiar. She's a human converted to a demon, Hestia smiled like never before. So she was transfigured. Interesting, Merlin looked at her. You must really love her if you're smiling like that, Ellie said. Of course I do, Hestia assured them. Nariko, the places that haven't been protected with the angels and magic like Belialuin, protect it with your life. That continent is so big. I know I might be putting a huge load on you but... It's fine Master. I shall do as requested of my darling Master, She said as she held Hestia's hand. Then Hestia smiled and she removed darkness from her mouth and it went into Nariko. She slit her wrist with her finger and Nariko drank from it. After her drinking, Nariko knelt and Hestia put her head against hers and said softly, Come back to me safely. Nariko. I shall. Master, she replied then teleported.

Just want to say that. I really love my Nariko. She's MINE. Take her from me and you're dead, understand? Hestia said cutely. We would never! They all said.

After a while, they reached Edinburgh and it looked worse than what they imagined. They found some angels trying to enter then they saw Ellie and Hestia. Seraphim and Goddess Elizabeth. May you be exalted. The first barrier won't open. We apologize for our incompetence, they bowed respectfully. It's alright. Go and protect Megadoza and its people. That's an order, Elizabeth said seriously then the angels flew away. After Merlin touched the first barrier,it shattered. They found dark bound barriers all over. We don't have time for this! Scythe of Judgement! Meliodas shouted. Then a dark scythe came from above and sliced all the barriers and they opened. Very good. I taught you well as a child. So you still remember that? Hestia chuckled. But of course, Meliodas smiled then they proceeded into the kingdom. As soon as they entered,they found people they weren't expecting.....

Both Galand, Melascula and Grayroad.

I have been waiting for an awful lot of time! Took you long enough, Galand said in his distorted voice.

I came back,just for you..... Daughter of Belialuin, Grayroad said.

My,my. Took your time getting here. We missed all of you, Melascula smiled. What are they doing here? Ellie asked. I can feel it. They're not from Purgatory, they're straight from Hell. Mikhail isn't holding out on us, Hestia and Meliodas said in unison.

Long story short, they are much more powerful than the ghouls and the demons roaming the Earth. They're from the Abyss, Hestia explained. You don't think?.. Meliodas said telepathically to Hestia. Yes. Grandfather is helping her, I can feel Edinburgh seeping with a shadow of his power, Hestia replied. Damned Lucifer! Meliodas gritted his teeth.

Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hestia. Go. We'll take care of them, Merlin said and everyone dispersed. Oh no you don't! Poison Sputum, Grayroad said and threw a ball of poison towards them and Escanor blocked it with Rhitta. I hope I shan't regret this! He said.