territory cleaning.


He Multiples both Spear by 30 60 Spears 30 of each type appear in front of him He Smirks before walking Out carrying the spears Like Logs before placing them on the fortified wall. "these will be your weapons." they Look at them Shocked At the quality being Purple quality 1 of the shield men goes Forwards And Picks up the diamond spear viewing it His eyes Become even more shocked at the 3 Traits he looks at the second Spear before Picking It up, "oh ya you're gonna have to make your own holsters I didn't get the time to make it." they nod Before holding the spears in both hands 1 Jantian in either hand.

[Agustine: 51%]

jack Smirks at this before Looking at the ranger and nodding he Speaks Loudly "Let's Go we have clearing to do." The Shield guard walk in front of Jack behind him is the Rangers opening the map he heads towards 1 of the graveyards. Smiling. "SHIELD WALL!" They pull up their Shield in front of them the range Spear being held in their shield hand the diamond in their other hand having it facing in front they Step in sync forwards. Moving Forwards they come across a Graveyard. "Another graveyard." the men lower their guard for a minute before becoming alert Jack walks in front of them. hoisting the halberd up he Swings it down Something Cracks "Aaah protection shield Annoying" it Cracks even More before shattering. Jack Walks in unholstering his gun he Points it towards the Cabin before walking towards it. The Person inside Shivering his Hands over his head eyes widened in fear. Jack reaches the door before Kicking it down

the person inside gets a notification "[Your HQ has been broken into]" "HUH" He Looks behind him a Gun muzzle pointed at his head he raises his hands Shivering "Your name" he talks In Chinese the translator doing its Job. "Yan Chen, Yan Chen" He Repeats still shivering "oh I'm Akiyama" Chen's eyes shift to the corner Looking at him. "you awaken your Innate ability yet." Jack Points the gun up towards the ceiling the lad in front of him being easy to get along with."

"N-No" Jack Loeks at him. "oh, I suppose it's random. I Only awakened mine because it was related to touch it, a toggle ability".

(his upgrade is toggle after all upgrading everything he touchs might cause Problem since Lifeforms can be upgraded as well.)

"So want to come with me." Chen looks at him "nothing's free" "I'm more concerned about surviving than taxing, you dumbass. Get up" Chen Slowly gets Up "so we should probably figure out your innate ability." he Scans him using the system.

[username: AcidScouge.

Name:Yan Chen

Experiecne 0/100

Location: Chinese Region]

Intelligence>Int: Average]

Strength>STR: Mortal]

Agility>AG: Mortal]

Stamina>ST: Average.]

Constitution >Con: below average.]

[ innate abilities: Locked 1 Locked 2 ]

[Hint: Something needs to die.]

[hint 2: He needs a native]

"hmm, 1 direct. Well let's get it first Chen you need to kill a Zombie" "ki-ki-Kill Som-Something" his Eyes widen in horror, Jack Place a hand on his shoulder. "this is Kill or be killed If you provide no use you die no matter who it is." Chen's eyes widen before he shivers looking at Akiyama nodding they walk out of the camp the corpse Still sitting around from Akiyama Killing them. the soldiers bow "Lord Akiyama" he Nods "this is AcidScouge He will be joining up on are clearing" "will you capture his Graveyard Akiyama Shakes his head. "no he will work as an Outpost. He's in a good production location having woods and rivers around him quite a bit of Fertile Land as well." they nod before lowering their shields and moving forwards. "he has to kill a Zombie to unlock his first innate talent. it's very obvious what it is though." the soldiers Nod being aware of it.

A Zombie Shambles About before a Shot fires off Jack being surrounded by the guardians the Rangers being in small squads far out. "CIRCLE FORMATION" The move circling around their shields on the ground for grip their Spears Point outwards towards the incoming onslaught.

"Chen I will give you this gun you are to shoot a zombie through the shield." he Shivers before Nodding passing him his pistol Chen holds it with 2 hands before Aiming it and Firing off a Shot kickback staggering him

[-100 Hp>Exp10 ]

[question activated Zombie Converter. 1/10]

[Innate ability Unlocked Acid mastery. the ability to control acid to an extreme degree well also being able to form Runes that input the properties of acid into them this can be used for anything you can manipulate Acid in the air Using your mind this requires stamina.]

[username: AcidScouge.

Name:Yan Chen

Experience 0/100

Location: Chinese Region]

Intelligence>Int: Average]

Strength>STR: Mortal]

Agility>AG: Mortal]

Stamina>ST: Average.]

Constiution >Con: below average.]

[ innate abilities: Acidmastery. Locked 2 ]

"What acid Why" Jack Smirks "Acid useful for many things even being good enough to cut steel in 2 this runic Stuff Though might be problematic Considering all my weapons have Diamonds for tips carving into them without laser is rather difficult however with a bullet it shouldn't be too hard." Chen nods

"try it" the Zombies that get within Range are All Stabbed in the head by the Guard Jack having already taken his Gun back, Chen Nods before using 2 hands A sphere of Acid appearing in front of him from his focus he Fires it out at a Zombie a horrid Incompletely howling coming from it as it's flesh burns away the bones being all that remains.

"well then that 2 Chen do you think you can kill more" he abruptly Freeze it finally striking him he falls to his Knees before throwing Up On the ground breathing heavily from what he just did "I'm a murderer."

"that thing is not Human it's an animal" Chen calms down a little breathing out he stands up slowly Jack Supporting him because he nearly fell over. "Ye-Yes" Chen Walks out of the encirclement 2 Guards following him they Switch their spears to the throwing spear prepping it they Toss it with high amounts of Strength behind it It cuts through the sky rings of air appearing behind it Impaling a zombie its Body staggers Nad flies back Smacking the ground it skits and rolls the Spear Returns to the user having 1 kill added to its count."

Chen Forms a ball of acid Expressionlessly Shifting its Shape