Clearing Complete

Chen Forms a ball of acid Expressionlessly Shifting its Shape before forming serrated Acid shards his eyes widen before he launches them at the Zombies Hitt them in multiple locations the acid explodes in their bodies melting their internal nerves and shutting them down the zombie's unbalanced weight forces them down to the ground.

Jack Slash, a few in front of him kill the level 1s in the area before Nodding. "so we only have level 2s left." they move towards a building that had a fairly large number of Zombie guarding it Drawing his pistol in 1 hand he points it forwards well his other hand halberd axe end pointing towards the ground the point curved facing forwards. the shield guard forming a wall. of shields as they enter the building jack fires off a shot immediately. A loud hissing is heard. Jack Stabs the Halberd forwards a Howl is heard as Jack dash backwards the shields men throwing their Javelin spears in sync They Skewer the level 2 Zombie before they reappear in their hands before switching to diamond spears the level 2 Roars running at the shield guard before a Bullet headshot it Stopping its rush and staggering it. Before it can get up the Halberd Skewer it to the ground. "STAB IT" The Shields guard all stab it with the spear Particularly the head.

[-500 Hp>exp 500.]

'Level up.' the level he achieve with the number oF zombies he killed being quite a lot

[Level: 5>11.]

Experience 540/1100.]

"Tsk I need level 15 to upgrade the fortified house to level 2" He Sighs before Standing up and Walking towards the silver chest Picking it up he toss it to a Shield guard. who straps it to his back. grabbing the corpse he flings it over his shoulder the arms and Leg Dragging across the ground Jack nods at them "let's meet back up with Chen and return to base. They Soldiers nod before they begin walking to meet up with Chen the Corpse Chen made being partly Corrode he told none of them to touch them until they got some acid resistance clothing The soldier nod as jack Walks up from the left carrying the corpse over his shoulder. "We ready to go Chen" he nods before they start walking back to the base.

Killing any Zombies in their path and Dragging as many as possible back. Reaching the Base they Head in the gate shutting behind them Chen Being surprised at how fortified and good it looks Jack raise his hand telling them to fan out looking around they see the warehouse's large Wooden Structure with the stone foundation being rectangular the roof being angled and Made of metal the Entrances to all being open as workers Move between them and construct more the farmlands being manned by 10 people the housing having been raised off the ground the stairs leading onto a used road the lower part of the house above the stilts being made of Stone bricks well above that wood much like a cabin but larger Square in shape a few Small windows For ventilating things those design is copied around the entire camp "throw me the chest" the Shield guard throw the chest towards him catching it he set it down toggling his Upgrade On he touches it the chest is consumed by a light changing from silver to a Slick diamond Coloured chest. toggling the upgrade off he Opens the Chest It Glows before 10 different items appear on the ground. "hmm"

He picks up the first 1

[Breed field Blueprint Rank: Gold ]

"oh, a breeding field I have no Calvalry. right now though well with my next level though I should have it though."

He picks up the second item.

[ Unlimited recruitment right. Rank: Silver Tier 4]

[ Requirement requirement. {Lv 4 Barrack} {Lv 4 Armory} {Elemental totem.} [Bluepint for totem]

"Well that's Pretty Good"

he picks up the 3rd item

[ unlimited recruitment Honour Guard. Rank: Dimond Tier 6 {requirement Barracks level 6 Armory Level 6 Atributless Unit 500 = 1 Blacksmith level 6} /]

"hmm honour guard"

[Honour guards are a faction of immense Martial Prowess and honour capable of holding off 3 level 6 zombies back by lower levels this UNit is an honour Guard that protects the Lord they will drop all orders when the lord is in danger are compatible with any weapon The Armour require is Heavy Steel plate this armour being near immune to any form of ammo from assault rifles Pistols Capable of brushing off Low level explosive and Arrows only Zombie level 6 can damage them this armour.]

"holy shit"

He Picks up the 4th Item.

[High-grade medical pills Scroll Containing information off all sort of medical items recipe up to diamond grade]

he Blinks a few times before picking up the 5th Item.

[Ulimited recruitment Dire wolf Cavalry. Rank: gold Tier 5 {requirement genetic lab lv 5 Breeding field lv 4 armory. Lv 5 barracks} /]

"well, I did need Cavalry Just didn't expect a dire wolf and genetic lab."

[this Lab allows for the manipulation and creation of modified Creatures these labs are Often hidden underground They can form and research Dire wolfs Wyvern Wholly Rhino companion tiger pegasus, Griffin. Superhuman strengthening pill lv 8 miracle potion lv 10.]

"Oh, so it's how I get Dragon."

he Picks Up the 6th item another Dimond light appears.

[Dimond gun Blueprint. Light Machine gun HK21]

" I'm gonna need to up my strength if these are the weapons I'd get."

he picks Up the 7th item A blinding light emerges.

[Legendary Innate ability injection Rank: unique.]

He Looks at this wide-eyed person around him having been surprised with the precious ones look at this viciously before stopping Know these Innate are only for lords. "the Fuck"

picking up the 8th Item A Silver Light illuminates the environment.

[innae Ability Upgrader. Pill] (it upgrade the ability to Lv 2 his abilities are currently lv 1)

"ok I'm either insane or the world wants me to kill something."

picking up the 9th item a white light appears before he looks at it.

"terribly Lucky."

[Zombie soul converter. +1]

picking up the 10th item a Blue Light Appears.

[lv 3 blacksmith Recruitment 50 Grade: blue]

"That was anticlimactic"