Sitting on a log that just so happens to be there He places his Arm on the table the Strongest Anrak Sits opposite to him and grabs his hand Placing pressure the air swirls slightly Both men apply more and more strength.
Growning the Air swirls faster as small whirls form around them the other Anraks Waiting in anticipation for the Anrak to win Suddenly the Log begins to creak under the strength increasing the Output of the anraks arm starts to move down.
as he begins to lose maximizing the Output Agustine Grins under the helmet the anraks arm slammed to the log before crashing through it. and hitting the ground Austine stands up bellowing out a laugh before talking "I win"
The Grease Monkeys Simply Side with him seeing the profits and mechanics they could get. Lythinma Looks at the civil 1s "I suppose I should start explaining What it's like here" They nod Paying attention.
"Simply put you might have noticed the weird Lord to begin with. Lord Akiyama, he is currently Recovering From a Coma as it was called by a professional at the start As such that suit heals him he won't die when leaving it."
the Expression on their face slightly Changes their pupils dilating before returning to normal The slight shift was noticed by Lythinma her eyes Narrow slightly. "as such DO not think he is weak he is probably the strongest here. Anyhow he will pay and treat you fairly Probably like a friend"
Lythinma Sighs Agustine walks up behind her "you done yet I've already gotten them on our side."
Lythinma Looks down at her clipboard. "hmm" looking at the list she sees Far less Echo than expected her eye widen Dropping the clipboard she sprints towards Akiyamas Location
slamming the door open she looks around panicked moving through the building she reaches the back finding Akiyama Undisturbed "Where did those echoes go." she returns to the group she was talking to picking up the clipboard.
"Apologize for that Back to explaining Akiyama Likely Won't be on the frontline for now as he still recovering He use to be a dam monster-killing thousands of zombies and high tiers with ease. To put it into respective he Practically held the line against the Zombie horde of the first Tide With ease the only reason he is not a world superpower the only reason he's not is that he collapsed shortly after single-handedly Killing the Tide boss."
Lythinma sighs Remember that time when they rush him up to his bedroom to hide him encase the wave didn't End After the boss Luckily it did only for the entire Faction to collapse In 2. Chen Leading 1 well Augustine lead the other eventually separating into the 2 Known Faction of Lord Renzo Akiyama.
Agustine Walks Up behind her "did you manage to get Them onboard with it." Lythinma nods. "they are Onboard I wonder when Akiyama will wake up The Sun Begins to set As the air cools.
Akiyama Mech begins to glow Turning on "[ All system a go Lord Akiyama Renzo ]" The Mech starts moving forwards Jumping off the ledge he lands on the platform below him. he walks towards the Dock.
2 Massive guns appeared before Stands slammed into the ground The Gatling barrels Ignited as they begin to spin A low Globby Holler Comes out as a large bloated Body rises off as the water cascades down its bloated body Worms Shifting and Moving under its Skin.
as it roars Thousands of worms fly out of its mouth and land on the dock squirming before dying Lacking a host. it starts to sprint forwards the globs of extra fat wobbling and bouncing disgustingly. around the inside viewable to some extent its rib cage being cracked the hundreds of thousands of wriggling worms moving around.
"God that's more disgusting than the first field boss it's leg gets shot out from the explosive firepower falling on its fat stomach it attempts to get up failing miserably Like a title on its back it's 2 remaining limbs wiggling in the sky.
"die" the guns fire off full speed shredding any resistance in their path the corpse Getting Obliterated the group finally arriving after hearing the gunfire he Anraks Moving slowly. the hulking figures weigh a lot more.
They see the 2 huge miniguns firing off with no backlash whatsoever. "What the hell going on Akiyama." Akiyama's mechanical body Shifts Looking at her. "nothing important just killing corpses"
"huh but that's a lot of firepowers for a simple corpse" Augustine states "fine it was a high level I used the firepower though it gave me a lot of XP anyways" Lythinma looks irritated, "I told you not to be so reckless well you recover."
the Minigun expires dispursing into particles. "it's fine as long as I don't try to take on an entire horde." Akiyama completely ignores the actual Reason. "DAMMIT AKIYAMA" Lythinma roars Akiyama Looks at her.
"Akiyama..." Lythinma covers her mouth quickly shivering slightly "It's fine just remember to always keep the Titles I'll talk to you in private later." he says still I the mech Lythinma Shivering "why are you shivering" Augustine asked.
"he's never emitted such an aura," Lythinma says Lightly looking at Akiyama back "it's as if I Flick a switch. Accidentally "Agustine's eyes shift slightly questioningly look at her silently.
"What kind of switch?" Augustine asks "the kind you get when you piss off an Alpha male." Augustine blinks under his helmet before cathing on "ooooh you're fucked literally" She gulps down imagining the most sensual thing possible
'what he going to make me due during are private conversation what did previous lords do to the girls they often brought into their private Corder recalling not being able to walk in the morning afterwards,
"ye totally what he going to due to you now I wonder how rough he will be." She shivers Again before hearing a loud howl immediately looking back seeing More and more Zombies coming out of the water and climbing on the deck. "GO GO GO!"
the natives move immediately to the Sniro unholstering their weapons and the anraks as well before the Anraks move to the front ready to crush them into meat paste.