The Anraks Club slam against their opposite hand as they move forwards the ranger aiming their bow well Augustine Stands their watching. The Zombies getting within Reach are slammed down on the audible crack of their necks as they bend Unnaturally
Forwards their jaw Slammed up as their rotted Teeth are cracking before Shattering they are smashed to paste on the ground as the Anraks move forward waving the club horizontally Zombies are thrown off the bridge before the Sniro's Snipe them in the air. the ranger firing on those Zombies just entering the other melees unit waiting behind the Anraks
the handle the zombie's well-annihilating majority of them Akiyama Watch this his body already having recovered to slightly fragile he sighs Knowing full well how much it gonna cost him to supply the anraks with stuff.
Looking over everything happening it starts to change from night to morning the sun rising over the horizon as the Zombie stop swarming Akiyama Looks at the archive vehicles having unlocked new 1s
[swamp vehicles.]
[platformer carriage]
[A Simple vehicle possessing 6 terra wheels of large size this platformers Platform Being an extremely large rectangle with razors on all sides that constantly shifts to sever trees from the base the main vehicle sits on the back of the platform. equipped with waterproofing and Amphibious properties Useful for transporting out of large swamps or rivers.]
[Swamp buggy.]
[A Buggy with a tower-style design that Lifts the vehicle above the water capable of all-terrain travel at an extreme Degree, notable good Transport as it can sink down on its suspension but can also rise to Cope against mediumly deep water the jeep will sink to the bottom.]
"hmm, quite a few options I suppose Modifying and creation will work better let me see what do I need to attack Chen" He Looks at the Characteristics of his city being Coperered in Primarily word structures reinforced by Metalthe waves strength limited to his game stage.
Currently sitting at a little over 80 "he probably gets 1 to 2 Level 5s" nodding he start working on a strategy to Infiltrate. the City and eliminate the Official ultimately destabilizing the territory within the kingdom.
"hmm" he walks over to the mic "Augustine please Report to the Headquarters" it announced over the entire PA system preinstalled in the territory Augustine's Face under the help remains neutral as he walks towards the HQ.
entering the HQ He's greeted by the massive mech look at the display on Chen Territory. "what about what you call Lythinma for." Akiyama Looks at him "forget about it I'm calling you to disguise the Makeup of Chen territory to the best of your abilities."
He nods before placing a plus through the middle of it. Akiyama Look at this with interest "to put it simply the territory f Chen is split into 4 1 Having a lord at each head a monarchy if you will 4 lords 1 King."
Akiyama nods "as such we'd only "have to Potentially worry about 1 of them out of time. To begin with, the North region is focused on chemicals well the south is focused on the opposite the military research is done by the King and the politics the west lord the Eas organizes and pass rules onto Chen to get them proved all 4 Of these people are completely and utterly corrupt going as far as t r@pe drug or just outright kill people the Natives live a life of suffering as the citizen is above them by a meagre margin just enough to have some sense of power but none to those above soldier being held in high regard by Citizen when not being forced to do their jobs."
"I primarily focus here on the east." He points it out "due to this region possessing the lawmakers of the King they are quite influential. Knocking them out or taking them hostage would force Chen to make a move effectively trapping 1 potential adversary as for the rest of them I'd focus on the north."
"Meaning knocking out their chemical Production and potentially the drugs they use or at least destabilizing them heavily. You might be able to knock out a few Industries as well." Akiyama place 1 of the robotic hands on the chin of the sphere or where it would necessarily be on a human. "I would like to destabilize their vehicles first."
Augustine shakes his head. "they don't have vehicles or have very few of them Primarily using horses or Camels to navigate hence the very bad roads or I should say trails since they don't particularly trade with anybody they're very Isolated.
"The only real ally we'd have to maybe worry about is the fortress territory of Keltread. And even they rarely interact with Chen only really talking about troop placement for support Chen having Inact quite a few atrocities revolving around it."
Akiyama's robotic eye Looks at this with interest. "he killed their entire Military hostility took over their political bodies and then left the Fortress of Keltread quickly reclaiming their Independence and ever since being a separate territory that troop and MIlitary count are off the charts the previous warrior stationed their quickly eradicated by the very folk they where meant to protect.
"to be more specific their antics brought it on them grabbing teenaged girls deflowering them forcibly before throwing them on the street broken primarily using drugs for the Knock out then doing all the other things to them."
"another time they basically executed 1 of the most Prestigious people in the city the Healer to force the Supposed dependent Country to buy fro them after this Keltread declared themself independent and completely annihilated the few soldiers now sustaining 1 of the most powerful army within the region under the communist party and the other 1 which I believe is a dynasty these 2 constantly fight just about everywhere being a leading power and all."
"ya I look at regional for a bit they consistently use propaganda and it's rather annoying to find actually useful information so technically they've done a good job as for the dynasty I can barely find anything outside its name and ranking system."
Augustine Nods "they are very secretive in fact the only reason they have influence is because of this secretive method the party having Litte information on them and being cautious"
"Where are we based Augustine" he scratches the back of his head