
(R18 Alert this contains certain factors that may offend or Disgust some viewers' discretion is advised)

The fox girl looks around wildly before putting her hands on her head and screaming at the top of her lungs "get out, get Get, OuT GET OUT!" Akiyama stares through the glass "She really will lose it at this rate I have to upgrade this then I'll deal with her.

putting his hand against his secondary Gauntlet it lights up glowing yet again a diamond hue.

[wrist mounted blade]

[Grade Diamond]

[Duel weapon type no alterations detected no partner detect upgrading weapon]

[Trait 1: Innate sensory. This subtle Increase in the alertness and sensitivity of the user to their surroundings giving them a higher perception of distance depth and range.]

[Trait 2 able to be toggled: Necro Numbing Tisax. the blade is coated in a Poison that inflicts a numbing feeling inflicting symptoms relative to necrosis and increasing the production of Melatonin the victim is slowly afflicted by a numbing Sleep until past tense]

[Trait 3: Induced antidote. Any poison or venom priorly put on the blade will be absorbed, and an antidote will be created within and then stored in specialized vials that can be ejected emptied and replaced]

[Trait 4: Blood-borne. Any wounds inflicted even poison-related will speed up the natural healing process of the User's body.]

[Trait 5: vision the blade directly Relays information to the brain creating a delay in action once thought causing a low degree of further thought processing before going through].

[Trait 6: Heat control. Allows for the ability to subtly control the surroundings to a selected degree.]

[innate magic: None]

"oh well, now then shall we get to what I originally planned to do". he looks at the fox her eyes mind driving her mental scratching her shoulders aggressively inflicting pain to suppress her heat as her mind-boggling sex increases,

her pussy hot to the touch. Falling to her side she rubs it speeding up as she breathes out her tongue hanging out she rubs it faster sticking her fingers in before pulling them. Out rubbing, it again she shoves them even further in. huffing and panting she continues to thrusts and rubs it only to get no satisfaction even after the Orgasm.

Akiyama smirks "well she's pretty far gone I suppose it's about time to truly break her" he opens the Glassdoor the girl immediately stops as she looks towards it her pupils dilating hearts appearing over the top of them.

'Smells good' She leans up before dashing on all 4s towards him Akiyama responds in kind pulling a needle he grabs her injecting it into her vein she starts to drool her eyes rolling up Akiyama smirks.

"So efficient plaything" he places her on the ground grabbing her head he forces her to face him Pulling out his cock he pushes her head towards it feeling resistance. Her straining her muscle to prevent it from entering.

pulling out another needle He injects it into her neck again increasing them as she opens her mouth to let her tongue out. The dick shoves it way down her throat before she pushes off being forced forwards her eyes widen in horror.

"aah demihumans are always so damn good" she tries to bite down on it realizing the muscle in her jaw isn't listening to her "MMM" she screams muffled by his cock Christopher pulls her head back before pushing her back down on it.

increasing the pace he slowly applies more force pushing more into her mouth her throat adapting to this fairly quickly Akiyama lowly grunts shoving it in she starts to choke laddering her off he lets her breath.

before pushing it in again getting closer to his climax as his dick start to increase slightly ready to release it the twitching increasing she tries to shake her neck and push off only being overpowered He Climaxes.

Letting out a sigh of relief her eyes widen at the amount her throat refluxing As it contracts swallowing the majority of it her mouth opens lets some flow out onto. The ground Akiyama smirks "we aren't done yet my little toy"

she looks up at him fear in her eyes she screams going unnoticed "nobody helps a slave" she goes silent. her eyes dull as her clothing taken off piece by piece. viewing her body he stares at it for an extended period of time.

'do I finish the job after all I could just leave it to my pet, but then she become addicted to it and not me'. he debates his option the women still dull in the eyes awaiting the final result. Akiyama blinks grinding his teeth.

"can't fix what I've already done but I sure as hell can make the right choice even if it is futile" he takes off his jacket throwing it on the surprised women "it seems this city had more of an effect on my mental state then I expect".

he walks to a wall scratching his neck before the blade comes out putting the same liquid in the needles an antidote made almost instantly ejecting the capsule extracting the liquid from it before looking at the terrified women.

"sorry" he forces her to the ground inserting the needle he injects the liquid her eyes slowly closing as drowsiness overtakes her. Akiyama stands up putting a hand on his face he starts to close it dragging it alone his face.

leaving marks on it sighing he debates it once again before walking in picking up the women he takes her upstairs ignoring the glances he looks at them "mine" he opens the door closing it he sets her on the bed locking the door.

afterwards he sits down on the chair. "It seems I'm out of check he closes his eyes before breathing out "to think I actually nearly became the thing I wanted to destroy Stupid fucking dimwit'. he smacks his skull.

leaning back in the chair he closes his eyes passing out the women's claw eject out getting up she walks towards him her eyes mad with murder in mind from that humiliation.