
Akiyama sleeps passively the woman getting closer her murderous intent only increasing as she approaches her eye blurry almost animalistic her pride ruined she reaches the chair raising the claw in the air.

over Akiyama she gets ready to swipe it down hesitating her arm shaking she lowers it pushing it against her Chest 'why can't I do it he humiliated me why won't it let me it as if I want something but what'.

Akiyama remains asleep the girl scratches her head lifting the claw into the air again she attempts to slash down succeeding in hitting the chair arm she raises her hand going to touch his cheek before pulling back.

'why Why WHY!' she thinks to herself grabbing her head she gives up her arms falling back to her sides turning around her tail waving in the air. She enters the bed laying back down she falls asleep crying to herself.

morning Strikes Akiyama's eyes getting up he looks at her. He walks towards her pulling the blanket over her completely and leaving a set of Clothing in the room he exits enters the main base he walks towards the centre.

"time to capture that warehouse" he moves towards another console tapping buttons it shows the surrounding area around the Warehouse he found in the words of the broken women looking at it he places his hand on his chin.

"hmm plenty of alleys for squads" he zooms in getting a good view as a more detailed depiction appears looking at it, he sees the entrances 2 red dots At each zooming out he plans the location of the transfer gate.

reading the coordinates of each he enters the hub entering the coordinates into it 2 gates appear Shifting to intangible a guard runs to the alley gun drawn pointing into it "huh I thought I saw something".

his partner looks at him "Is something there!" The guard grumbles "NO IF THERE WAS I'D BE DEAD!" the other 1 shuts his yapping trap before going silent the guard returning to his post Mumbling. "I saw a blue light for a second there".

Sig moves back to the planning table delayed movement of the dot allowing him to see the motion "hmm". he looks at how a dark circle surrounds the red dot "what's that mean" he taps it getting a single word [Armed].

'oh, he drew his weapon.' the Outline vanishes 'seems he went back to his location. he looks at the coordinates of 4 more alleyways on the flanks of the main spawn "Since they can possibly camp it let's do this"

repeating the process he input the coordinates 4 more blue lights appear before vanishing he nods "there are a total of 6 routes for them to enter through" he looks out "Get Over Here it's time to go over the plan of attack!". he shouts.

The goons responding surrounding the board he displays it on a wall "you're going to use these" he hands them 2 items each. "these 2 items do the same thing but have different designs it basically an extension line keeping you connected to the gate even at further distances".

They nod putting them on "you have to enter the transfer gate once you should be able to see crystals that act as beacon points". They look around seeing them "go touch it" they listen touching the crystal they warp.

entering the fortified area outside the hub they see the base a few metres away running towards it they see the gate "use the cards they allow you to access a limited amount of areas to improve this get promotion to gain access to previously restricted areas".

they slide their cards in the gate opening for them waltzing in they see Akiyama "So you figure it out Congrats this is now the point within the hub that you will appear in after any artificially inflicted death".

1 raises their hand "go ahead" he hesitates for a moment "what counts as artificial and non-artificial". Akiyama looks at them "well to put it simply artificial is when an action that can be potentially lethal such as death is done by or is dealt by another creature with purposeful intent accidental will not prevent death".

"and natural or non-artificially". Akiyama sighs "foodborne illness such as viruses Pathogens/bacteria Fungi Protozoa and parasites will technically kill you, but there is measure to prevent that already established.

Falling downstairs and snapping your neck will kill but getting pushed will not. A tree falling on you not cut by a person will kill you. A forest fire or accidental fire will kill you however a purposefully Started 1 will not anything that does not have a viable identifiable purposeful attempt. will not kill you but everything that does not will".

they all nod understanding it "so we're effectively immortal in combat". Akiyama shakes his head "if you turn it off like some of you will probably due then you permanently die". they sigh. returning to reality.

"now' he marks down the attack points for the warehouse them looking at them and nodding understanding the purposes "be careful of the entrances they are guarded by 2-4 people I'd have to get a scout in after all I can only see the external building until you enter it".

they nod "anyhow get armoured up and say goodbye to your families and prepare for a departure take this as your first real combat experience". they stomp their foot on the ground placing their fist on their chest and their other arm behind them "YES SIR!".

Akiyama smiles "you'll have support from Ebon be warned though he's an engineer, so he's not meant for combat without preparation". The shoulders nod leaving to say goodbye to their families Akiyama looking at them.

marked as green dots with a white circle pressing it [Minorly armed] "potentially a knife or pistol time to prepare some vehicle systems" he turns around moving towards the refinery a console in front "time for Onyx's big reveal".