Chapter 7! The Trinity Foundation!

The family of five enjoyed a hearty meal at the Home Away Restaurant to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the children. 

Various gifts were presented to the children and even though they never lacked anything, Vicker still spoilt them with so many gifts that they always choose to give some out to the needy. 

The compassionate children will even start the Trinity Foundation that will provide for the needs of many less privileged children in a few years.

The organization will gain a lot of attention globally, but the nameless faces behind it were never ever seen. 

Every single one of the children was dressed to the nines. 

As payment for allowing them to get homeschooled, the children had to allow Sabrina to dress them up like barbie dolls and they gladly obliged, much to the shock of Sabrina herself. 

Even though the birthday party was not a grand one but rather a small family affair, the kids enjoyed every bit of it to the fullest.

Vicker Hastings chose to keep the triplets away from the prying eyes of the public, hence, not even a single photograph of his children was out there. 

He never fails to mention his family at the least chance though. As a mafia boss, he has enough enemies that could form a bridge over the Atlantic, if only they choose to line up. 

As the safety of his children is extremely paramount to Vicker, he dared not expose them to the public.

As a result, aside from his immediate family and a few trusted ones, no one else knows the faces of his children.

As they approached their modified Rolls Royce Phantom at the underground car park, Adriana requested a specific laptop for all three girls, just like Matilda had instructed.

 Vicker then decided to take them shopping immediately. 

Meanwhile, as they approached their car, a surprised childish voice was suddenly heard from up ahead "Adriana Hastings! your mommy and daddy are finally found."

Realizing the situation, the child's mother covered her mouth and spoke hurriedly "Dir...ector Hastings...I swear we didn't see a thing." 

As clueless as she was, the little girl tried defending herself once more. 

However, her father had also apologized to Vicker swiftly and walked away with his daughter, to prevent her from causing further trouble. 

"Caroline Brown, I guess you don't like your phone anymore" The little girl by the name of Caroline Brown could not understand Matilda's statement and was dragged away before she could enquire more or even think of a retort. 

Adriana felt overly excited at her sister's comments and spoke excitedly along the ride.

"Tilly, please wipe the Halloween pictures while you are at it okay" Matilda responded briefly, "with pleasure".

Caroline Brown happens to share the same class with Adriana Hastings, but they could not be described as the best of friends. 

When the class teacher had Caroline dressed up in the Halloween costume Adriana designed for Matilda, they decided that the pictures needed to be destroyed after cutting the costume into pieces.

The biased teacher's excuse was that the attire would not suit Matilda and would rather look good on Caroline. She couldn't be blamed though, the children never disclosed their real identity anywhere. 

"What belongs to Matilda Hastings could not be given to a spoilt brat like Caroline Brown!" they reasoned. Caroline never lacks words to describe how awesome her movie star father is.

Katrina couldn't help wondering how the little girl would feel when she finds out that their father could intentionally work her superstar daddy to death if he wants to.

Sabrina and Vicker felt that the kids were growing more and more adorable. How could they stand up for each other so well? 

Sabrina Had a fleeting thought about her sister Emily, and how they both never got the shorter end of the stick in any situation.

She could only conclude that it runs in the family. 

The trip to the computer shop was hence cancelled due to the short interaction at the car park. 

The couple decided to allow the children to order their chosen items online, instead of physically going to the showroom. 

Matilda wasted no chance in buying every single piece of equipment she needed as well as placing an order for a mini supercomputer which was to be delivered in three days.

"Mom, do you mind if I use the attic to mount a supercomputer?" Sabrina did not even think twice when she blurted "out of bounds Tilly, use your inner room."

Matilda then gave her sisters a knowing smile that reads 'and she took the bait.' 

They had to get Sabrina's consent or she might disapprove of the computer being mounted in the inner room. 

"I have a surprise for you girls." Vicker then presented an enlarged photo of the kids on the first day they were born. Each of them had one copy and the keen eyes of Matilda found exactly where to start searching for their father. 

Hospital records are a piece of cake for her and according to the picture, they were definitely born in a different City. She just needed to find where. 

They all smiled sweetly and repeatedly thanked their parents for everything they had for the day, much to the surprise of the couple. 

The kids were thanking them so much, it felt weird. The couple couldn't help staring at each other with a million questions in their eyes. 

Vicker only shrugged and pulled his wife onto his laps, where Sabrina settled with her legs wrapped around her husband like it was the most natural thing to do.

"You are really doing a good job with the children, my dear wife!"

Sabrina gave her most beautiful smile and responded "it's all thanks to my dear husband's immense care!"

The couple then spent the rest of the night under the sheets, doing what only adults could understand."

Meanwhile Caroline Brown could not explain why her cell phone suddenly malfunctioned that night, and when it was repaired after three days, all her pictures were gone.

There was no helping it, her phone's problem could not be diagnosed even after three days. The repair shop didn't tell how they left the phone unattended after trying all they could to no avail, only to watch the phone reboot on its own. 

Matilda got to work immediately after her computer got installed. The five-year-old, with the help of her siblings, searched for a whole day and night, only stopping to eat, before finally finding their birth hospital.