Chapter 8! Since When have you Known?

The Keith family Hospital in Country C is exactly where the children were born.

Matilda worked tirelessly behind her giant screen until she had a face staring back at her through the screen. Her sisters were with her through it all. 

The three girls couldn't help speaking in unison, "Gerald scumbag Flynch" as though they rehearsed a certain script before now.

They all then decided to let sleeping dogs lie, after watching the picture.

However, Matilda presented a divorce agreement between Gerald and Emily Flynch, on the same day they were born. 

If Sabrina or even Vicker were here at the moment, they would have been shocked and speechless to see the divorcee agreement between Gerald and Emily. 

The couple did their best to erase any record of Emily and her ex-husband, only for a five-year-old Matilda to rub it in their faces. 

Vincent really spent a fortune in destroying any connection that led Gerald to Emily, or even the children. 

This is really disheartening.

Gerald Flynch currently has a beautiful family of four, as described by the article Matilda pulled up.

Even the photograph says it all if the beautiful smiles in there are anything to go by.

Staring at the picture of Gerald and Dorothy Flynch, who were seated with their two sons on each of their laps,

Adriana Hastings vowed to pay her father back for killing their mother. 

The children feel absolutely nothing for their birth father, and therefore have no reservations towards him abandoning them. 

After all, they already have a loving mother and father. Their family is a happy one indeed!

The little girl with her little brain worked out all the complexities in her head and concluded that her mother's heart attack was due to the shock of the sudden divorce from Gerald Flynch. 

To her, nothing else could be the cause, apart from her father's betrayal. 

As young as Adriana was, she understood what it meant to trust, and also be heartbroken. 

The little girl was well aware that she had no plan yet, and there was a very long way to go, but she resolved to make her father face the consequences of his actions in time. 

Adriana will later discover a secret that made her realize that she had no reason to even handle her 'dear' father on her own in the first place. 

The scumbag started paying his due from the moment he walked out on them. 

The issue is, he just doesn't know of it yet. 

This would be a conclusion in the very far future, but for now, the scumbag needed to pay.


Fifteen years passed extremely fast meanwhile Adriana's resolve never weakened, but it rather grew stronger by the day. 

Through Matilda Hastings, the computer wizard, Adriana kept her eyes and ears in the Flynch household and knew exactly where to start her plans from. 

"Here I come, my dear father!"

As the years went by, the triplets expanded their network and made a name for themselves. 

At twenty, Katrina was already a secret weapon in the Country K army. She develops biological weapons that countries have never heard of or seen before. 

With her own working space in the army headquarters, the number of people who dared to mess with her could be counted on one hand. 

Matilda Hastings schooled herself, just like her sisters, and also had occasional guidance from the cream of the crop of the computer field, worldwide. 

Every organization, company, and even governments try their best not to mess with the devil called 'Terrific M'. 

There is nothing Matilda cannot find as long as she wants to. 

There is a popular saying in the hacker community which goes like, 'what Terrific M cannot find, does not exist'

Her gaming company took the world by storm and her codes always return to her for cracking. 

Hacking was her forte, as she spent her days doing that more often than anything else. 

The line of people who wish to meet her has no end as many would go to any length just to meet Terrific M but to no avail. 

The only designer who was invited to a certain royal family for a facelift happens to be the famed Adriana Hastings. 

Her paintings are sold for as high as seven figures. 

She has never lacked money but has never slacked in anything she enjoys doing.

Only a privileged few get to experience her wonderful designs as Adriana works according to her mood and the challenge involved. 

Her clothes mostly get sold out before they are even released. 

Her designs are unparalleled and she has the leading brand worldwide, kamsvee collections.

Adriana could just choose to design a school, a public workspace, a market or anywhere else she deems fit, for free, instead of taking millions for a paid job in some boring luxury apartment. 

When the president of Country K tried to force his son onto her, she redesigned his residence as per prior arrangements.

However, she received no pay as she designed for free, and threatened to publicise the country's refusal to pay if the president ever dares to attempt to waste her time again. 

Any attempt to pay her was vehemently refused by Adriana.

The insult made the president so angry that he revoked her visa to the country, only to see her at the coronation of the new king of the country.

The royal family paid Adriana, triple for her work in the president's residence. They subsequently made her the sole designer of the royal household which was actually out of bounds to outsiders, according to the ancient rules. 

With such a slap in the face, the president and his family never tried to make contact with Adriana to date. 

The Hastings grew from strength to strength and thrived over many other mafia clans and families.

On this day, Vicker called on Adriana who recently returned from a tour of Country F. 

"Ana! I have a job for you" 

Adriana stared silently at Vicker, awaiting further instructions. 

The man may be her father, but he also becomes her boss when business is involved.

"We have a lead on the possible mastermind behind the death of an Emily Fynn..." Vicker noticed that the name did not affect the ever-curious Adriana. 

Her expression also remained the same, with no fluctuations in her emotions either. 

Vicker could not help the question that suddenly popped up in his head. 

As a result, he smiles self-deprecatingly, with a shake of his head, and probes, "since when have you known...?"