Chapter 12! Interesting! Aiden Rockerfeller!

Manager Liam felt apologetic and told Adriana to feel at home in Flynch Apparel, as they were really glad to have her on their team.

When Gerald received the phone call, the sharp ears of Adriana Hastings caught the details of the conversation. She just couldn't wait to leave this damned office and get to work on her computer.

So, when Manager Liam tried to calm her down, she made sure to let him know she was grateful, then hurriedly walked away from the overly nice middle-aged man before her.

The fanatic manager couldn't help muttering "I guess she just had a sudden inspiration! Hmmmmm! The world of geniuses is really different"

Adriana got to work immediately after she got to her office. Wherever there is a camera, she would be there if need be, with or without an invite. 

Following the signal of Gerald Flynch's cell phone, she found out that the man had gone to a police station. 

Adriana then followed the artificial eyes of the camera, obviously without an invite, and then, listened in on the conversation. 

Adriana was shocked to find out the details of the meeting. What could be the problem of a privileged child-like Robin Flynch? Why does he seem so unreasonable? She couldn't help developing a strange interest in the young man.

Robin doesn't seem like what the rumors say at all. Well, one cannot judge a book by its cover. 

Adriana felt strongly that, there is more to the young man than meets the eye. "Interesting! This is really interesting!" 

With Adriana's target locked onto the seemingly troublesome Robin Flynch, she began to dig deeper into the life of this interesting character. 


Downtown in a lower-class community of C City, a group of bodyguards in full gear, obviously looking out of place, scanned every nook and cranny of a particular neighborhood.

They must find this traitor, or else, their heads will roll. 

As they walked through the rain, they were the least bit perturbed about how the rain continuously drenched them. What's being drenched, compared to having your head chopped off? 

That would even be if they get the luxury of having a quick death, one without torture. 

Across the street, stood an inconspicuous land cruiser which seemed just like any ordinary car. There was no logo on this vehicle, but one thing that many wouldn't guess is that the car was bulletproof. 

A Land Rover is really out of place in this neighborhood, even if there is no mention of it being custom-made and bulletproof. 

Behind the Land Rover, was a black Toyota van with tinted glasses, whose driver couldn't help worrying about the time his other colleagues seem to be wasting. 

Tim, the van driver, is a family man who became a driver with the group due to the high pay as well as other renumeration. 

He wouldn't want to leave his two children fatherless at a time such as this.

Sitting at the back of the Land Rover happens to be a twenty-five-year-old man, who was currently checking the time on his Philippe Patek wristwatch.

All the while, his long and slender fingers tapped across the armrest of the car.

The young man looked so handsome in his custom-made suit that, anyone could mistake him for a celebrity. 

However, the deep frown etched on his handsome face, as well as the chilly vibe he is exuding at the moment would keep anyone at bay.

The worried assistant kept hoping and praying that, nobody dies tonight. At least, not from amongst their team.

After about sixty more seconds of an agonizingly silent wait for the assistant, he was about to request permission to join the search party, when an aggrieved and terrified voice was suddenly heard. 

"What are you doing?...Let me go...You have the wrong person...who...who...are you people?"

An angry bodyguard slapped the man across the face and rebuked, "quiet! You leech!  you'll have your answers soon enough!" 

Being dragged across the wet and muddy floor, the only thought that filled his mind was "I'm dead!...I'm so dead!"

He then tried to make a final struggle but was knocked unconscious by one of the angry bodyguards before he could do so.

Not a single soul felt sorry for him, not even the Van driver who happens to be a family man.

This man right here nearly cost them their heads. His betrayal is so grave that, Aiden Rockerfeller had to travel to C city personally, just to clean the mess he created. At least, for now, everyone believes him to be the traitor.

The middle-aged man still thinks that the absence of his daughter could be his bargaining chip. 

Unknown to him, his daughter's location was already locked, even before the group came for him. There is no saving the father-daughter pair.


Meanwhile, at the C city central police station, Gerald Flynch sat with the chief of police, who didn't have a pleasant expression on his face at all. 

"As I said, it was one of his friends who had the drugs on him, and they were all drinking in a group. How on earth does he keep denying his involvement with them?"

The chief of police kept bombarding Gerald with one unpleasant question after another, forgetting momentarily that, blood samples from all the accused persons had been taken to the lab. 

"Mr Flynch, there is no getting out of this with words, I'm sorry. The mayor's only daughter was harassed by that same group." 

He then stared at Gerald, with helplessness lacing his voice, and asks, "are we on the same page here?"

When Gerald remained silent, the chief says, "I believe you have one of the best lawyers in the country. Hope he does his magic once again."

Just then the lawyer was ushered in and he asks the chief without any delay, "so what does the result of the test say?"

Just then, an officer walked in with the document and salutes the chief before stepping out of the office. 

When the chief saw the document, he heaved a sigh of relief and then stared at Gerald with a small smile before saying,  "I'm terribly sorry Mr Flynch...!"