Chapter 13! Terrible Misunderstanding!

"I'm sorry Mr Flynch!

I think there's been a misunderstanding somewhere.

Gerald did not make things difficult for the police chief, as he let out a deep sigh and probed, "What do the reports say chief Moley?"

The police chief hesitated a little, before saying "the results show that Robin's system is clear of any narcotic drugs, unlike the rest of the group..."

Before Gerald could dissuade the situation and finally step out of the police station, Barrister Connar beat him to it and lashed out at the police chief, "why the heck do you think your pathetic apology could dissuade this situation? Don't tell me the police are now running on apologies! why are we even here in the first place?..."

Barrister Connar suddenly felt extremely tired of the whole situation. He just couldn't understand why Gerald wouldn't see it, when it is absolutely clear as day, that someone is out to get his eldest son.

The boy gets entangled in so many unpleasant rumors that certain people even question the legitimacy of his identity as Gerald Flynch's son.

People would have been more skeptical if he were not having a twin brother. The rumors got so bad at a point in time that, at the age of thirteen, Dorothy Flynch had to persuade her husband, Gerald Flynch, to have a DNA test conducted on the twins.

In her words, she wouldn't have anyone questioning the legitimacy of her children, more so now that it is clear they are fraternal twins who share no resemblance whatsoever.

There was no resemblance to Gerald either until Robin Flynch started showing more and more resemblance to his father, Gerald Flynch.

The DNA test was supposed to serve as a backup plan, should anyone question the legitimacy of the twins. Therefore, Gerald Flynch had the DNA test done at the Number 1 military hospital of country K.

Such results were not worthy of a double-check, because the military hospital of country K is globally known for its high-quality service delivery in confidentiality and authenticity.

No one will even dare question anything from there.

When the results came out that Robin Flynch had a 99.99% chance of a relationship with Gerald, he didn't bother comparing the DNA of Dylan Flynch. Who needs to check for relations with the other twin, when one of the two is already proven to be his son, without a doubt.

Even though Barrister Connar thought that it was unnecessary at the time because the enemies of Gerald Flynch could find ways to play tricks on him his advice fell on deaf ears.

However, his counsel could not hold water against the numerous pillow talks of Dorothy Flynch. This was evidenced by the DNA test result that was presented to him only a few days after his talks with Gerald.

Connar remembered clearly how the fourteen-year-old Robin Flynch, had to be tagged as a petty thief because he stole the ball pen of a guest during their fourteenth birthday.

The ball pen, which happened to be the very first and last birthday present received from her mother, made it the most precious present for Tatiana Monel.

The ball pen provides her unimaginable solace whenever she remembers the untimely death of her mother.

She was crushed by a heavy-duty truck, on her return from working a late-night shift at the Keith family hospital. Tatiana never met her mother but always feels her presence through her first and final gift.

Therefore, when Robin supposedly stole the pen at the birthday party, she made a very huge fuss about the whole situation.

It was the timely intervention of Dorothy Flynch that enabled the search party made up of maids in the residence to find the pen hidden in the notebook that Robin left on his table.

The situation was ruled out as Robin mistaking Tatiana's ball pen for his, as the two look very similar.

Tatiana was then coaxed into accepting that Robin did not intend to steal from her and received many of the gifts that were originally meant for Robin, as a way of showing their sincerity.

To date, Robin could not understand how the pen got into his notebook. The only conclusion he could draw was that the real thief hid the pen in his notebook to avoid the heat when he/she noticed how the search was going.

He refused to consider the thought of someone planting the ball pen in his book, which was rather the case.

He never bothered to find out what happened, as his own mother didn't even believe him, but rather chose to side with everyone else to call him a petty thief.

He subsequently got grounded and had to stay home for a month, without even eating at the table with the whole family, as his punishment.

His father never really showed any interest in anything that concerned him either.

From that day, Robin avoided every high society gathering, including his birthday parties. No one even noticed his absence and even if they did, no one really cared, his parents inclusive. It was all about Dylan Flynch.

The word birthday party rather left a bitter taste in his mouth and he found no reason to even celebrate the day that led him to be branded as 'Robin the petty thief', 'C city Robinhood' among others.

As Barrister Connar was about flaring up once again, Gerald Flynch decided to come to the rescue, as he said carefully, "Connar, do you mind giving me a sec with chief Moley?"

Connar was so angry that he nearly vomited blood. He just couldn't believe that Gerald Flynch was really taking the flimsy excuse of a terrible misunderstanding and leaving this big dent on his son's records.

He spoke through gritted teeth before storming out, "if by tomorrow morning, the same papers that published this nonsense and the police who held a young man for almost twenty-four hours just for drinking close to a rowdy group, do not give an official statement, I will sue someone. I promise you it will be for free."

He then walked out on the duo and headed for the holding cells where Robin was supposedly held.

However, when he spotted Robin sitting on the bench, with his back to the wall while keeping his eyes closed, barrister Connar reduced his steps and gently moved to sit beside the teenager.

He couldn't help himself from asking, "have you had anything to eat?" Robin reluctantly answered after a few seconds of silence, "I had some water to drink!"

He then turned towards the lawyer and said "I guess that counts as having something to eat"

Barrister Connar wanted to rebuke Robin as he usually does, by telling him to mind his attitude but the words just wouldn't come out.