Chapter 14! Set up!

As he couldn't bring himself to scold the nineteen-year-old before him, Connar could only open his mouth and close it without letting out the words that were stuck at the tip of his tongue. 

"Why don't you go get something to eat! I believe you haven't had anything to eat since breakfast yesterday. You may leave and I'll take it from here" was all barrister Connar could muster. 

Without care for anything in the world, Robin took his bag, hung it across his shoulder, and walked out of the police station, but not without remarking sarcastically "See you later, barrister Connar, You know the usual"

What Robin meant to say was that he would meet barrister Connar when next another case requires his attention. It was also for him to put the cost on Gerald's tab as usual.

Barrister Connar felt bad deep down because Robin only saw everything he did as part of his job. Only Connar knew that he felt more for the boy than he should. 

The lawyer couldn't help being sorry for the kid who seems to have a care for nothing in the world, as he lives in a world of his own, shut out from everyone else. 

By the way, who in his situation wouldn't do the same?

When Gerald finally stepped out of chief Poley's office, his son was nowhere to be seen. 

He didn't dare ask Connar, as it is evident that the man is currently in a terrible mood. 

In an attempt to calm the tense atmosphere, Gerald informed Barrister Connar about the post on the official pages of the C city central police station. 

At the very least, Gerald insisted on the post being released before he stepped out of Chief Poley's office.

The media houses were expected to follow suit if they do not wish to be sued for defamation. 

The move cleared the airwaves as the police and the media apologized for their rush actions, but Robin's image once again took a hard plummet down the drain. 

Many still believe that there was a power play, but they forgot to consider the involvement of the city mayor's daughter in the case. How could Gerald's influence surpass that of the city mayor in a power play?

Connar kept wondering how someone like Gerald Flynch could have triplets whom he discarded without any difficulty and then a set of twins that he treats like they were invincible.

"Life is so unfair," thought Barrister Connar.

What he didn't know however is that Gerald Flynch had started paying his dues gradually. He just doesn't know it yet.

Somewhere in C City

"Yes! Tell me something good" There was a moment of hesitation before a response came from the other end of the line. 

All hell broke loose afterward "how dare you to mess up my meticulous plans? Do you think I'm so free? I went through tireless efforts to present you the mayor's daughter as well as that Robin bastard, yet you still return empty-handed!" 

After a long pause came the response, "delete my contact" then a loud beep was heard at the other end of the line.

The group was lucky to have received a down payment for the job, or else, they would have ended up empty-handed. The leader could not help cursing his luck for having such an outcome after so much meticulous planning. 

He wouldn't have harassed the mayor's daughter for such a flimsy sum. Anyway, lesson learned, he wouldn't be fooled a second time. 

Everything on the table found its way onto the floor after the call ended. Vases are the easiest to break, as they have no weight to consider when lifting them in the first place.

"At least he took another hit. My son shines brighter once again!" All anger dissipated as this realization dawned. 

Adriana finished watching the footage from the police station and couldn't help being more and more interested in Robin Flynch.

She could tell, even from afar that he wasn't a simple character. However, she couldn't quite place her hands on why he behaves like someone who has given up but at the same time looks so full of life.

Adriana didn't want to admit it also, but something about Robin just reminds him of his sister, Matilda. 

Such a contrast is very hard to explain. However, she concluded that Robin Flynch could be anything but a delinquent. " show me your true face my dear brother!" Adriana was really itching for a good show to watch, but it seems she had to wait a while to enjoy herself. 

With her main focus intact, Adriana dialed one of her trusted contacts in the black market and vent her frustrations on him "if I don't have anything useful from you in seven days, you are on your own!" 

She knew her request was a difficult one, but hard decisions need to be made at such times as these.


After finally getting a hold of the man who has made the whole Rockerfeller family sit on pins, Aiden could finally take in a breather.

He was so tense he didn't know what to do. However, the expression on his face betrayed nothing of his current emotions. 

Anyone who looks at him right now could even be misled to think that he doesn't care about the safety of his family.

Aiden looks so disinterested in everything around him.

Anyone who has ever heard of Aiden Rockerfeller remembers the rumor about him being a chronic womanizer, to the extent that he has a different woman in his bed every other day.

Said misleading image is what makes every other family or clan have the illusion that he could be trapped with women. 

Aiden however enjoys his peace and quiet amid the stormy rumors.