Chapter 15! Find her ASAP!

Aiden stared at the battered middle-aged man who was currently lying before him, recoiled into himself in a fetal position. 

He just couldn't get how a fly like this nearly caused him to become hypertensive. 

The middle-aged man however was wishing he never crossed paths with the devil before him, only that the regret came too late to matter. 

To be captured and beaten black and blue by the group of men before him was not something he imagined when he stepped out of his home to meet his daughter after so many days of hiding.

"Speak" was all it took from Aiden for the man to pee his pants while trembling as a sheep sent for slaughter. 

He was more willing to pee his pants than spill the beans. One thing he is clear about is that the secret may save his daughter if he keeps mute. His wasted life is nothing compared to that of his beloved daughter, so he thought. 

Aiden then gave his assistant a knowing look that had him wondering what his boss was currently up to but he still executed his order. 

The trembling middle-aged man looked up, only to see his twenty-year-old daughter in such skimpy clothes that were so tight and short that it looked to be several sizes smaller than her.

He was almost convulsing due to fright as he spoke while stuttering, "she has...nothing to do...with this boss...It's all on me...I...I...I...swear it! Please let her go! Please!"

Aiden didn't even spare the young lady a look as he kept his head down to his phone but still said once again, "speak, you have five seconds." However, as the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless.  

The young lady turned towards Aiden and said mockingly "if I were you, Mr Nobody, I wouldn't be this confident. Do you know..."

Her father knew it was over for both of them as his daughter had just signed her death warrant. 

Nobody dares raise their voice at the boss, talk less of talking back to him in such a mocking manner. It's all over and he just knew it. 

They both saw his face, something the Rockerfeller family had kept a mystery all this while and now she raised her voice at him. 

Regret is too light to describe what he feels at the moment, as his heart felt so heavy at the thought of his daughter dying without even anyone to mourn for her. Nobody would even see their bodies in the first place.

"Shoot" and before the word could leave his lips, the trembling middle-aged man stopped moving for good, as a single bullet through his forehead rendered him permanently immobile.

Aiden then stood from his seat and ordered "to Red Velvet"

The young lady, by the name Kelly, could not even stand straight anymore as she was about to collapse face flat. She felt like a force had sucked out all the strength in her bones.

Red Velvet would be her nightmare if she ever steps there again. She felt that it was better for her to rather follow her father than end up at a place where death wouldn't come easy, even if she prayed for it. 

Kelly fell on her knees as she was supported from falling face-flat. "Please! I'll do anything! Please don't do this to me. I can tell you where it is. Please!" 

She was trembling all over and had to be supported by the bodyguard to keep her from falling.

Unsurprisingly, Aiden was already on the stairs as he texted 'Sky' to expect the package that he would be sending over.

When Kelly reached Red Velvet, she knew it was the end for her. The place may be a bar on the surface but it was a den for sex workers in hindsight.

There were two types of sex workers at Red Velvet, those who worked willingly for pay and those damned to slave themselves without any gains. 

They are the women who are tossed away by drug lords or mafia bosses for one reason or the other, those sold to defray debts, and those who betrayed their organizations. 

Kelly belongs to the last group.

This group of sex slaves only need to doll themselves up, looking extremely beautiful and nothing less. They accept and entertain anyone the superiors assign them. 

Slacking in the slightest could result in a punishment so severe that the slaves wish for death, only to realize that their lifespan is surprisingly very long.

Kelly stole from the boss of Red Velvet because she was privileged to be his girlfriend who had access to virtually everything at the place. 

Everyone was at her beck and call, but one wrong move made her a sex slave today. 

To make things worse, she is tossed back as a prisoner to the same person she betrayed, also at the same place, she once ruled.

How was she supposed to survive now? Her snot-filled nose and tear-stained face that could fill a bucket did not move even a single person present because she nearly caused an unprecedented international underground war through her actions. 

If Aiden Rockerfeller had not been far-sighted enough to encrypt the message on the disc she stole, the Rockerfeller family could have been in deep shit at the moment. 

Most secret deals and unspeakable deeds that could bring many, including the Rockefeller family to their knees were encrypted on the drive.

Anna Hastings was in City C purposely for the same drive. 

"Boss! Our scouts just spotted someone who could likely be the Iron Lady at the Central Airport." Calvin paused for a while and continued, apparently, she's here for work." 

Aiden thought to himself and said, "as expected" then spared his assistant a look that read "do I need to show you your job?". Calvin only nodded subtly and responded, "on it boss"

However, how is Calvin supposed to find someone who doesn't wish to be found?

He sent out a simple message to the scouts stating, "find her ASAP!" 

The seemingly impossible task needs to be executed anyhow if Calvin has the wish to remain alive and kicking at the boss' side.

Failure is just too luxurious a commodity for him to afford.