Heads Will Roll!

Chapter 49

Sky never considered the possibility of Kelly ever being in the room, still lying on her bed, motionless.

When the guards opened the door and found Kelly lying on her bed at almost 2:00 p.m. he thought she was taking a nap. 

He then went out and ushered in the housekeeper who opened the door earlier and instructed her to check on Kelly. The guard was among other guards who were stationed at the door the previous night. His shift was over and he was just standing in for his colleague who happened to be caught up with an emergency at the moment. 

When he took a step forward and was about to close the door behind him, the sight of Kelly, still holding the plastic jug of water earlier, suddenly popped up in his mind. He couldn't help the thought from crossing his mind "who falls asleep with a jug of water in hand?"