What the …!

Sky couldn't register anything the doctor was saying. Even though the doctor might be clueless, he wasn't stupid. The silence of the boss, coupled with his absentminded look, was the cue he needed to finally make himself scarce from the room. 

Sky stood at the door, absent-minded and clueless about how to feel at that very moment. Kelly was pronounced dead, someone he saw a few hours ago. Someone whose final moments he saw without knowing it was actually the last he saw of her. 

He remembers saying some terrible things to her in his anger, however, only he knew deep down in his heart that he didn't mean any of those words. Not a single word he spoke made sense to him as a person, how much more Kelly. 

Kelly knew him well enough to know when he's just speaking from anger, or when he's just joking, even when he's dead serious. However, when her anger took the better of her, she took every word he said to heart.