I'm Leaving!

[The Flynch household closet laid bare!]

[Who is at fault? The greedy mother or the naive son?] 

[What kind of creature is Dorothy Sawyer?] 

[Dorothy Sawyer confesses to murder and impersonation. What fate awaits the Flynch household?] 

[Who remembers the ex-wife of Gerald Flynch? Where could she be with her triplets?]

[What would you do if you were Gerald Flynch? Forgive the naive bastard or punish him with his greedy mother?]

[I feel so sorry for the young heir]

[Dylan Flynch was led on for nothing. Such a fall is too hard to be ignored]

[If you should advise Gerald Flynch, what would you tell him?] 

Many more headlines about the explosive news from the Flynch household were everywhere. No one knew how the most hateful villain was caught on tape admitting to her crimes, but many believed that it was karma. 

Actually, no one really cared about it. 

"Timothy, did you just see that? You've been vindicated.