I'll Be Watching You!

Adriana waved her left hand at Tricia, prompting her to allow her to continue the conversation with Robin. 

She then stared at her younger brother for a while and asked, "I heard you visited your school today. You got caught skipping classes. 

Well, Tilly wouldn't need to hear this. After all, a nosy student caused it all. So congrats on your new milestone." 

Adriana spoke to Robin as if nothing was bothering the young man a few minutes ago. She then asked Robin out of the blue, "do you remember I promised to find justice for everyone?" 

Robin watched his sister in a trance-like state. There was nothing he could do to change the state of things. Adriana's previous statement hit him like a tsunami.

Robin's delicate heart couldn't take the news from his sister. All he wanted was to hear her clarify what she said just now. 

However, he was certain that Adriana wasn't going to speak if he rushed her.