The Messenger!

"Hey, sissy!" An inmate was beckoned over by a group of other inmates. Meanwhile, she wordlessly kept her head low and walked away; ignoring everyone like they didn't exist. However, they felt insulted that the new inmate thought they were beneath her. 

Someone who seemed like the leader, then motioned for some of the cronies to get the new girl over. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard from her. 

She was dragged by her hair, while a heavy slap landed across her face. Two others held her hands in place without even granting her the luxury of covering her stinging cheek with her hand. 

"Aaahhh?" Another loud scream escaped her lips, as her hair was pulled backward, causing her to scream in uncontrollable pain. Her head was now facing the leader of the group. 

"What's your name?" The leader asked in a condescending manner. Before the question could be repeated, her hands were dragged at strange angles behind her.