Terms Of Their Reconciliation!

Adriana walked ahead, with Melania limping behind her. She wanted to raise her head high and walk like the rich heiress she sees herself to be. However, her limping wasn't making it easy for her. 

"Am I going to face Aiden looking like this? No. I can't go to him looking this pathetic. I need to freshen up and put on…"

Suddenly, Adriana paused as if she didn't notice the conflict on the young lady's face. She waited for her at the door, only to hear the two people on the other side speaking about a murder. 

"What's the update on Tiya's murder?" Aiden asked in a grave tone. He couldn't believe that his house was so lax on security.  "A maid could be brutally assaulted in this house, causing her to lose her life. Calvin, don't you think this report of yours is too shabby?" Aiden asked further.