The Fallen Bird!

"Matilda, please tell me you got something." 

Adriana requested over the phone. Since the ruse her sister created about Incredible M being captured, she expected the fake hacker to find out something in the prison he's being held, or even send her as much as a signal, but she could guess that no such thing was done. 

"He got nothing. They didn't even allow him near a single computer, and neither did they summon him before any of the high-ranking officials of Silence. Can you believe no one else went anywhere near him after his arrest?

Whew! I'll just let his family handle his release. At least, they'll get enough money from the compensation settlement from the authorities. After all, he was manhandled because they thought he was the notorious hacker, Incredible M." Matilda spoke as if she wasn't referring to herself. She then continued,