You’re aware I’m straight, right?

"Four months? That's as long as Katrina has gone missing."

Kendrick's lips trembled as the realization dawned on him that Katrina might have been dead all these while, yet, he didn't notice it. Every cell in his body fought to deny that thought. The Captain swayed where he stood and quickly held onto the protruded side of the buried aircraft to steady himself. His body trembled as he held onto it, and anyone who looked closely could spot him shaking violently. 

"Calm down, dude, we can't be too sure just yet." Aiden placed his right hand on his friend's shoulder as he tried to encourage him with a few words. Seeing how the proud man was weeping like a baby, he couldn't even place his hands on how he felt at the moment, as it was clear how Kendrick felt about the young lady. "I believe there were survivors. Your girl may just be one of them. Have faith"