Three Bullets

"Where do you think she'll be, Tilly?

All I see here is wastelands." Adriana asked her sister, as they looked through their binoculars, but found nothing in the distance. She noticed that they had traveled hundreds of miles from Country K, yet, everything still seemed like no settlement was in sight. Their devices also didn't pick up any signal from anywhere else proving that they may be hiding her sister anywhere around. 

Matilda's gaze remained on the cockpit, as she served as the co-pilot of their private jet, with Adriana in the passenger's seat. "Look at that!" The device in her hand suddenly beeped, and Matilda was about to prompt her sister when Adriana beat her to it and declared shockingly, "Look over there," Her gaze was fixed on the cloud of smoke ahead, and she felt giddy, sitting down comfortably in her seat. "What if Katrina is in danger right now?" She sounded worried.