Someone killed my son




"Chill, guys! 

I need to take this wristwatch back." Katrina told the intruders and moved toward Betty. "This belongs to my brother-in-law. You're lucky my sister isn't here to claim it." She deftly took off the wristwatch back and was glad to see that it had no scratch on it. Everything was in place perfectly. Betty couldn't believe her sight, as she finally realized how stupid they all were to have fallen for Katrina's trap. 

The two remained at the door, exchanging confused glances that required Katrina's explanation. They were of the view that she was in danger in here. However, the reality that faced them indicated that the other occupants were rather the ones in danger around her. They watched silently as she moved toward Aiden and presented the watch to him as she said, "I believe this is yours." Aiden stretched his hand and took the wristwatch wordlessly. He was short of words.