Alex the master mind

Alex casted the spell instantly with a thought,he didn't need to chant the spell out like other mages, nor did he have to follow procedures like connecting the elements' elemental moons.

Immediately after he casted it, inwardly though,so no one heard him,the ground below the raised foot of the skinny boy became soft and slippery,when his foot dropped on the spot,he slipped and stumbled forward.

With the force of his launch,he wasn't able to stabilize himself midair, thereby causing him to crash into the back of the other boy.

Sadly,the impact of the collision wasn't strong enough to do any damage,so Alex had to once again sssit them,they were just too unreliable.

Alex amplified the force of the skinny kid with the wind element to get the desired result.


The skinny boy crashed into the boy with muscular build and both of them skidded on their front a few meters before finally coming to a stop.

The rest of the boys burst into laughter while pointing at their friends,Ken wanted to laugh too but dared not to, afraid of being targeted for their misfortune.

Alex found this amusing but wasn't enough to make him laugh,so he didn't laugh,this was misunderstood by everyone else that he was also scared of being targeted if he laughed.

"Ouch,ouch, ouch, Steve,what the f**k was that for,where did you get so much strength from and why use it in me?"The boy with a big build barked at the skinny boy now known as Steve in anger and pain.

He forced himself to sit up while still trying to bear the pain that caused him to twitch occasionally,his back hurt really badly.

"Sorry Peter,I slipped suddenly,that wasn't intentional at all,I swear"Steve apologized while rubbing his head.

He himself was shocked at how powerful the force he used to crash into his friend, Peter,he felt someone had just pushed him with so much strength that he wasn't even able to change direction and could helplessly crash into his friend,his head hurts terribly.

Peter really had good and strong physiques,his body was just like a stone was(for normies though).

Steve could feel the sweet sensation in his throat and knew it was blood,so he forced himself to swallow it down,not wanting to let it out.

"What nonsense,you slipped? You freaking slipped?How would you explain slipping on a flat floor,huh?"Peter yelled at him,not buying his unreasonable excuse.

"Hey,why make such a big deal out of it,get up Already"another boy said to the both of them.

" Stay out of this,are you going to help him,did the both of you plan this?" Peter turned to the boy and said in a cold voice.

He was now having thoughts of being the primary target of this their so-called gang up.

Shaking his head at how such would be impossible, Peter raised his hand towards a boy closest to him,the boy understood his gesture and also stretched his hand out for Peter to hold, planning to pull him from the floor.

Peter had yet to raise fully and was just in a 90 degree position when the devil smiled again.

'earth spike'

Alex casted another spell and made sure to reduce his strength as much as possible,he did not know how powerful his earth spike spell was so to avoid unwanted events unfolding,he reduced the strength of his spell to get the minimum result.

Alex's guess turned out to be exact on point as he only made a small spike under the boy's foot,who was still holding onto Peter's hand.

The sudden assault from Alex made the boy release Peter's hand and with a thug sound, Peter landed heavily on his butt.

Peter almost yelled in pain as water droplets quickly gathered at the corner of his eyes,he was feeling quite miserable right now.

Peter painfully probed himself from the floor and without a pause in his movements,he rammed his fist on the boy's face, sending the latter tumbling on the floor.

The boy's face quickly swelled up as he spat out blood,he did not expect Peter to attack him out of the blue without warning,why did he have to hit him just because he accidentally let go of his hand? wasn't that a simple mistake?

Moreover,he had let go of his hand only because he stepped on what seemed like a pointed rock.

The issue between them quickly escalated and they soon started fighting among themselves and with Alex pulling strings in the shadows,they soon forgot about the duo and were now fighting like long time enemies.

By now,Alex was already laughing so much that his stomach was now hurting slightly,Ken looked at the five boys and had mixed feelings.

He was having a hard time believing that he had been scared of a bunch of idiots who couldn't even settle such simple matters among themselves.

Well,it's only reasonable he thought that way, since he had no idea that Alex was the mastermind behind their conflict, fanning the flame.

Alex soon recovered from his amusement and dragged Ken along with him, skillfully passing the boys who were having a royal rumble.

They finally entered their room after stealthily moving past the fighting boys,Alex slumped back to his bed and spread out his limbs with his eyes closed.

[That wasn't what I expected though,but it still was fun to watch, fufu] zero's cheerful voice came from within his head.

'Why do you sound happy,I think I'm turning into a bully and you should be trying to stop me or something,am I right?' Alex replied with his thoughts while he rolled over on the bed.

[Nah,you are not becoming a bully,think about it, you didn't go looking for them, they looked for you,you also didn't say a thing, even when they blatantly confessed that they wanted to beat you up, such disrespect, you are even older than their ancestors,so I would say you were on self defense] zero said plainly and even a hint of disdain could be heard from her voice, disdain for the five idiots though.

Alex felt like rolling his eyes at zero's shameless words.

'eh,a dragon on self defense against a bunch of kittens,well whatever,I did not touch them physically anyways and no one realized that I casted a spell,I have to admit it's quite fun to toy with others with magic though' Alex said to zero as he picked up a book from the table beside his bed,the book was titled 'the last royal vampire'