gold slips

"Hehe, don't mind me. I'm done, let's go calculate the costs" Alex instantly stopped at this point.

'Thank goodness he said something, I was almost carried away and even forgot these were all low-level buildings' Alex thought to himself.

"No need to go outside senior. This is a big transaction and should be done in secret. I don't want someone coming to rob me later" the old man decisively refused to go out of the room.

Like hell, he would agree to leave the room. Forgetting the fact that someone might actually come to rob him if they find out he made such a sale, his biggest worry was that Alex would immediately exit the shop the instant they go out. Even if they were both basic mages, the fact that Alex was able to become a semi-four-star hunter was a sign of his monstrous strength. He would be powerless if Alex tried to escape, the city is currently trying to recover from the attack of the beast's horde, who would have the time to chase a common thief?