Hearts Reconnected Chapter 1: Shook

There she was, Brittany Adams standing on a stage opposite from the one and only Jesse Hasher, her arch nemesis, in front of a crowd they stood were people watching and viewing them from their seats wondering, which out of both of them will win this year's debating competition. The topic was about bullying, which Jesse had a lot of experience with. So Brittany found it shocking yet interested to hear what he had to say about it. While standing on the stage, Brittany's palms were sweating as if she was nervous, then she looked around at her best friend Brianna Hendriks sitting in one of the VIP front row chairs (for only VIP's), waving at her in which made Jesse believe that she meant good luck.

Brittany: It's only two minutes before the competition starts between me and that jerk, and I'm already sweating, what's going on?!!( Brittany thought in her mind).

On the other hand Jesse was thinking about something else or should I say someone else.

Jesse : That girl in the stand by is so cute, pity she has a boyfriend, I'm gonna ask her for her contact number later anyway.


Brittany: okay! ( she said softly with a sigh behind it)

Jesse : Let's beat this loser!!

Brittany: Remember whoever wins this competition, gets to go to the world debating tournament, so I have to win.

Jesse: There's no way I'm gonna let a GIRL beat me.

Judges: We will flip a coin to see which out of both of you will go first.

Jesse: Head,( he shouted immediately), head for me.

Judges: Ladies before Gentlemen.


Brittany: Uhh, Head Please. (she said softly through the microphone while making Jesse upset)

Jesse: How dare she take my decision of coin toss from me, this makes me even more pumped up to beat her, she will pay. Plus why did they have to choose a stupid topic like Bullying, it's pathetic!!!! ( he thought angrily in his mind)

Brittany grinned sneakily at the action of seeing her competitors face twisted to angry look, ( it fired her up intensely)

Judges: So that means you Jesse Hasher represents Tails.

Jesse twiched in disappointment.

Judges: Coin Toss Begins Now!!

While the coin was being tossed, both prayed that the others option would land as the outcome, because neither of them wanted to go first.

Judges: The Coin Has Landed On...

Even the crowd in front of them both felt the tension as the judges paused before giving the response

Judges: The Coin Toss Landed On.... Tails

Jesse: Crap!! (he thought in his mind)

Brittany: Thank God!!( she thought in her mind)

Jesse: Am I cursed by this freak. But I'm still gonna win no matter what!!

Jesse started by stating the definition of bullying and it's effects.

Brittany listened attentively to the "TWO FACED JERK" as he spoke so she could formally speak against his wickedness. Luckily, Brittany had evidence of him bullying students in the school. So she was more than prepared to kick his butt really hard so that it hurt for a long time.

After Jesse's speach ended it was now Brittany's turn. And was she prepared to rub his face in the dust.

Before she started she checked her phone to see if the evidence was there on Jesse bullying students in the school, but shockingly there was nothing, then she remembered that she forgot to send the files/evidence of the culprit/Jesse from her computer to her phone the night before, so now she could only stick to her voice and part of her planned speach, because it would make no sense bringing up a topic she had no evidence of AT THE MOMENT.

Brittany spoke of her experience being bullied by someone she stated name she would not disclose. She explained the definition of bullying and it's effects.

As she spoke Jesse knew that she was speaking about him, and felt a bit guilty as he remembered the trouble he put her through. He did some horrible things to her, for example: locking her up in classrooms for hours without food, water and phone signal connection, etc. Just thinking about it makes her cry, that's why she held down her head a bit while she spoke of her experience of being bullied.

When Brittany finished speaking, the judges then said they needed time to get the scores summed up.

As the Judges were deciding with each other on who to pick as the winner. Jesse and Brittany both prayed to be the winner, but little do they know the respond that the judges will give them to come will shock them both.

When the Judges have finished their discussion, the lead judge rose up to speak.

Lead Judge: The winner of this year's debating competition is....

Jesse: Scram the tension thing will yah and give the answer that the people want to hear, ME!! (he said under his breath switching from an unpleased tone to a mischievous grin)

Brittany: Please be me!!( she prayed in her mind)

Lead Judge: The winner is The Both Of You.

(Brittany and Jesse shouted): WHAT!!!!

Lead Judge: Yes, the both of you.

Brittany : Umm, HOW!?

Jesse: Yeah, That's what I'd like to know (he said backing up what Brittany said)

Lead Judge: Before this competition was even held, we were going to end up choosing you both anyway. Only two students can participate from each high school at the World Debating Tournament. The only reason why we did this, is because we wanted you guys not to have a choice to work with each other, because if we told you guys before we even decided that this would happen, due to both of you guys forever lasting beef, one of you would surely quit, we submitted your names already to the Tournament Agency, and within one week of submission the students cannot be replaced or changed unless of course something serious happens to either one of you, so you guys have no choice but to work with each other. And last week was the week we fooled you both into studying bullying and your pointers on the topic, by the way we loved the information from you both. We need the best this year. The rest of the school board and I had decided not to give you both a choice. May I make this clear You and You( the judge said pointing at both of them) have to work together!! That's the end story.

Jesse: Are you people stupid?, we're gonna lose even if that was the case, We hate each other. (Jesse said)

Brittany: Exactly!!

Lead Judge: You're both smart people so you can figure it out. Stop acting like kids and act more civilized.

Brittany: I'm more of an adult than he his.( she said pointing at her opponent ( Jesse))

Jesse: What did you say you stupid little-

Lead Judge: This is what I'm talking about, this behavior, you both have to find a way to respect each other and work together for this, for you, for your school.

We've already strategized your study time every day after school and Saturdays leading up until the time of the Tournament.

We will send you a letter to where you reside to give you further information on/ about what's going to happen at the Tournament and a schedule for your study and practice time for each day you both are at this high school.

Lead Judge: This competition is over. You all need to leave now.

The lead judge turned around to the audience and apologized for the inconvenience caused.

Lead Judge: I know you may not understand, but this had to be done. This was the only way we thought we could break the news to them.

Brianna Hendriks: I'm sure I don't understand!! ( she shouted)

Lead Judge: At the moment we cannot accept any request for questions that needs to be answered about this situation. It's just a fake competition, you do not need be overreacting this much.

As I said you all need to leave, our time is due in this part of the school, other clubs need to use this auditorium.

The Judge turned around back to the two standing there in shock saying to them, you both should go home and check your emails for the information about the tournament...

Jesse: Yeah, we know, you don't have to tell us twice. (he said quickly)

Lead Judge: Good to know Mr. Hasher.

Brittany: I can't believe this !! ( Brittany said walking towards her best friend)

Brianna: I know right, it's crazy insane, how do they expect for you both to get along?

Brittany: I...Don't.... Know.....

It was here that Brittany recognized she would be spending alot of time with her worst enemy.

Brittany and Jesse both arrived at they're homes at the same time, but both had different interests, Brittany was more eager to open the email to the schedule, Jesse on the other hand only cared about an upcoming party that he was preparing for.

As Brittany opened the email that she received from her high school, the first thing she saw was the long list of dates that they both needed to study on, time schedules and resting days (that they'd use to spend together, so that they would get to know more about each other), that both her and Jesse would spend practicing and remenising for the World Debating Tournament against all the countries in all 7 continents who applied for the Tournament in the world. While she was scrolling through the schedule she noticed a N.B. ( note well) note in the middle of the schedule saying, 6 DAYS A WEEK WILL BE PRACTICE DAYS, EXCEPT FOR SUNDAYS, RESTING DAYS AND IMPORTANT HOLIDAYS OFCOURSE.

Her father was upset enough when he found out that both her and Jesse would be working together at the Tournament to represent their school. If her father found out that they were spending 8- hours on Saturdays and 5-hours on week days with each other HE...WOULD...SURELY...FLIP..., but he had to find out one way or the other. To be honest Brittany was not happy about the idea of spending time with someone she doesn't get along with. Immediately she reaffirmed herself saying...

Brittany: If it's for the Tournament, I'll do anything!!

As she rubbed her weary eyes, her mother sent her a text saying...

Mom* text*: Dinner time is in 5 mins, please come down stairs and set the dinner table. You have 30 seconds to get down here.

As Brittany got ready to leave her room so that she may go down stairs to complete her duty. She stumbled into her father which was standing at her room door. After they made eye contact, Brittany said...

Brittany: Dad!!

Shire Adams/ Brittany's Dad: We need to talk after dinner, meet me in my office when dinner is over and tell no one that we will be in the office please, this talk that I'm about to give you is confidential between the both of us and only the both of us, ok!!

Brittany: O....k...Mr. Adams( as she giggled ackwardly)

As her father left her standing at her room door, while walking downstairs, she wondered what type of conversation would she have with her father or what type of so called talk would she be getting from her father later after dinner.

As she was setting the dinner table, she saw her father and her stupid brother which was adopted looking at her saying...

Jake/ Brittany's adopted brother: Look at maid Brittany!!!( he said laughing)

Brittany: Shut..up.. Jake

Mom/ Brittany's Mom: No conflicts at the dinner table please.

Brittany and Jake both fell silent.

Then Brittany looked at her father, then he gave her a look in which sent a message reminding her about the meeting they would have later, and in which it did remind her.

And the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to ask him what he was going tell her later. Soon enough her thoughts were faded away, because her stupid brother started to build conversation at the dinner table.

As they sat to eat dinner her brother Jake said....

Jake: Can't we get some maids around here?, it's about time!!( while taking up his fork to eat)

This statement irritated Brittany's mom, because everyone in that house hold knew very much that she didn't like the idea of having maids in her house working when she was strong enough to do everything herself.

Mom: It's best for you not to bring up this topic now Jake!!

Jake: I'm just saying, we need some.

Mom: NOT NOW!!, she yelled.

Jake: Ok..ok.

Brittany: dumb idiot!!( she whispered under her breath)

They sat there at the dinner table for a while before Jake just had to ask one of the most non related questions to ask at an half full table family dinner.

The question was....