Hearts Reconnected Chapter 2: Double Trouble for J Twice

The question was...

Jake: So, Brittany, I heard you and Jesse are working together?

Brittany: Yeah, it's no big deal!!

Shire Adams/ Brittany's father: Jake, don't speak in my presence about that BOY!!

Jake: Okay, Dad!

Jake: But I'm just saying, don't go falling for my friend.

Brittany: You don't have to worry about that happening any time soon, because I hate him.

Jake: Mhm( he said with a smirk on his face)

Brittany's Mom: Seriously Jake, I need for you to shut up.

Jake: Okay!!... okay!!

Brittany's Mom: You keep saying okay, but your not even making an effort to change.

Jake: Well I'm serious this time.

After Brittany finished consuming her dinner, she thanked her mom for such delicious dinner and excused herself from the dinner table. She immediately went to her father's office where he was waiting for her.

Brittany's Dad: Brittany, close the door and come to me ( he said while putting on his business face)

Brittany found it very dramatic that he had to put on that facial expression.

As Brittany approached him he said...

Brittany's Dad: Take a seat!

As Brittany sat in one of the seats on the outer side of her father's desk, he said...

Brittany's Dad: I'm well aware that you are will be working with that bastard's son at school.

Brittany rolled her eyes while she looked else where other than at her father.

Brittany's Dad: I just want to know how much days and hours will you guys be spending together studying or whatever.

Brittany: Well the schedule is in my emails, and I don't think you're gonna like how it's set up.

Brittany's Dad: Please, show me this schedule your talking about.( he said with a serious face)

Brittany took out her phone from her back pocket and showed the schedule to her father. He was FURIOUS while looking at what he saw.

Brittany's Dad: Brittany, is...is this a face to face thing or some sort of online meeting?, because I don't want you being around that boy for five hours, tops.

Brittany's Dad: Have these stupid people even found a place for you guys to even study as yet?

Suddenly Brittany remembered a forgotten detail. The Lead Judge told her that they had to study at each others houses on the weekends by taking chances and for week days in the debating room at school.

She told her father of this forgotten memory that she had just remembered, and he was even more angry than before.

Brittany's Dad: We're scheduling a meeting tomorrow with the school board about this, I can't allow this to happen..( He said angrily)

Brittany's Dad: Brittany, just in case I lose this fight, I don't want you trying to get to know this boy, I don't want you getting your hopes up for that bastard's son, okay?...

Brittany: Yeah, sure thing Dad.( she said acting a bit annoyed)

Brittany's Dad: I know how much you wanted to be at this tournament, that's the only reason why I'm lossening the knot for this to happen. But make any wrong move and it's over, GET THAT GROUNDED IN YOUR MIND, RIGHT NOW!!

Brittany: Dad... I got it!!, Remember I..Hate..Him.

Brittany's Dad: Good, you can now leave.

Brittany: Ok Dad, Good night.

Brittany's Dad: Good night to you too.

As Brittany left her father's office, her stupid brother walked in her father's office saying..

Jake: Dad, Can I have 500 dollars?( He said with his face all lit up)

Brittany's Dad: Get out of my office!!

Brittany giggled at hearing this.

Jake grumbled as he went to his room.

When Brittany got in her room finally, she sat on her bed saying to herself..

It's gonna be long day tomorrow.

She let out an exhausting sigh.


Brittany woke up very early so that she could attend the meeting with her father about adjustment the time and dates. For some reason she understood why they did that, they needed all the time they could get to practice and put in the determination of doing this.

After she had prepared herself for that mornings important event,she went downstairs to her house's walking pantry to prepare some breakfast for herself.

She had to be at school two hours before school originally begins so that she may part take in this meeting by placing her suggestions to the table. Infact she hadn't thought of any suggestions, towards helping to fix this problem.

Soon enough she saw her father coming downstairs asking....

Brittany's Dad: Have you seen my brief case?, it was in my office last night, in there lies important documents including a copy of your study schedule....

Brittany's Dad: You know what I'm gonna go check Jake's room, if he thinks stealing is a good way to get money, he's gonna know what it feels like not to have a monthly allowance any more for 3 months.

Brittany: Good Morning to you too father

Brittany's Dad: I'm sorry dear, Good morning, I'm kinda in a rush today,( he somewhat yelled, loud enough for her to hear, but not waken anyone else in the house while he was running back upstairs)

Brittany: O...k( she said ackwardly as she got back to her morning duty( Making her breakfast))

Five minutes later Brittany's father found his brief case, and it was found in Jake's room of course, soon her father started yelling at Jake to get out of his bed, and he gave Jake a warning to not go back to sleep and make sure he is ready for school the time he gets back home and he also said your mom am I will discuss your punishment for stealing from me, later.

Jake: But..Dad..( he said sleepily)

Dad: Get up now!!

Jake came downstairs with his father in his sleeping attire. As soon as he spotted Brittany he pointed at her saying..

Jake: This is all your fault, you told him that I took it, didn't you!!

Brittany: Me!!, (she said looking shocked), I didn't know anything about that!!

Jake: Of course you didn't fav...

Before Jake had a chance to finish what he wanted to say, Brittany's father raised his hand and gave Jake a hard hit on his head.

Brittany's Dad: Brittany told me nothing of this sort, she knew nothing about what you did, I automatically knew that it was you because you do it all the time, STEALING MONEY FROM ME LIKE A THIEF, I didn't raise you to be thief so stop behaving like an idiot and gain some sense, like your sister.( He said while strangling Jake by his clothing)

Brittany's Dad: Now apologize to your sister for what you did!!

Jake: I'm sorry Brittany for blaming you, for something I thought you did, will you please forgive me?( he said as if he was a dead person)

Brittany smirked when she heard this, then said...

Brittany: Yeah, I forgive you.

She surely was gonna have to get the clip of this off the security cameras to show this to Brianna later of course.

Brittany's Dad now pinched Jake by his ear, and then told him to go get ready for school.

30 mins later

Brittany and her dad left their house and went to Brittany's school to attend this meeting.

~When she arrived at school~

She noticed a familiar looking face, then as she saw who the person was she asked her father...

Brittany: What is he doing here?

Brittany's Dad: What, I didn't invite him to this meeting, he isn't supposed to be here.

Soon Brittany and her Dad went in the room that the meeting was going to be occuring in. And of course she saw Jesse Hasher and his father David Hasher there. Brittany rolled her eyes when she saw Jesse glaring at her while she took a seat to sit down.

When everyone in the room was seated including persons on the school board were seated, someone rose to speak saying..

School Board Personnel: Good Morning everyone, I hope that you all...

Brittany's Dad: Cut the crap, I didn't invite these lunatics to our meeting.

Jesse: What the hell did you just say old man!!

Brittany's Dad: So you don't teach your son manners, this was very expected of you( he said glaring at Jesse's Dad)

Jesse's Dad: Jesse, calm down, I can handle this. ( he said whispering in Jesse's ear)

Jesse: Whatever!

Brittany's Dad: I see, your speachless, as usual, because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have a good reason to explain this insolence.

(Insolence- Bold behavior or attitude. Insult.)

Before this meeting began to become a conflict instead of a agree to disagree conversation the standing school board personnel said...

School board personnel: Stop Please, we both know Mr. Adams that we couldn't have a meeting without having both parties from opposite sides helping to make suggestions to fix this issue.

Brittany's Dad: Why didn't you atleast inform me that they were coming?

School board personnel: The school board and I are a very much well aware that, you both are just like your children or is it the other way around? The point is, if we made the mistake by telling one that the other would be attending this meeting, one or both of you would surely not be attending this meeting right now.

Brittany's Dad: So they didn't know either, I see, The next time you people pull a prank like this again, you guys are dead meat, you here me?( He said angrily)

School board personnel: Okay Sir, ( the person said trimbling in fear of losing his dream job)

School board personnel: May we now commence this meeting?

( Commence- To begin, start.)

Brittany's Dad: Yeah, just get it over with.

School board personnel: Okay, so I've noticed that you both have problems with the dates and they're timing.

Brittany's Dad: Yeah, we do!!

School board personnel: Well does any of you have any suggestions on how to place some limitations to this problem?

Brittany's Dad: I for one know that my kid can't spent 5hrs, tops with someone I don't trust at all, not even with my life. So can we somehow schedule meetings for them online instead.

School board personnel: We have thought about that idea and we saw that it was not going to work because, anything can go wrong with technology, please remember Sir, technology is not fully figured out.

Brittany's Dad: So may I ask is it not safe either when they're together and his son decides to abuse my daughter and bully her like he used to, she had to do alot of therapy to regain her usaul self back and you people more than new that!! ( he said angrily)

Jesse's Dad: You did what?

Jesse: That was a long time ago.

Brittany: But the memories are still there and they are terrifying. ( she said almost wanting to cry)

Jesse: You brought that on your self.

Brittany: How could I bring bullying on to myself?

Jesse's Dad: Jesse, Shut up!, shut up!, and listen to me, you mean to tell me if he didn't say that you did all this to someone that doesn't even like you, muchless talk to you even, and it's a GIRL, you wouldn't have told me about this ?!!

Brittany's Dad: So your son didn't tell you? ,huh, he's so easy to read. ( he said in disgust)

Jesse's Dad: How long now has these unfortunate events happened?

Jesse: It happen about 3yrs ago.

Jesse's Dad: Three years ago!, Three years ago!, Do you want me to torment you for three years. Have you ever thought to apologize to the girl for what you did?

Jesse: No, I didn't see the need to, because I stopped, didn't I?

Jesse's Dad slapped Jesse hard across his face.

Jesse stood there in shock, that was the first time his dad ever hit him before. It was here that Jesse knew he screwed up.

Jesse's Dad: No wonder the guy is scared for his daughter to be around you, because your an abuser, I'm gonna ground you for life.

School board personnel: Okay..., So do you agree with Mr. Adam's statement Mr. Hasher?

Jesse's Dad: After hearing about this I'm actually considering it, but I actually wanted to experience what it would be like if they were face to face. Maybe, only for a week or two to see how it goes.

School board personnel: Okay, we will have a vote for either face to face or online meeting, this also includes the school board's votes also.

School board personnel: All hands raised for face to face and all hands a down for online meetings.

Six hands were raised from persons on the school board, of course Jesse's Dad hand was raised and he forced Jesse to raise his hand too.

Brittany's Dad and Brittany's hands were down and four person's from the school board hands were down. The school board personnel(the speaker) was not allowed to participate in this vote.

School board personnel: The numbers are in, 8 hands were raised for the conclusion of allowing face to face meetings for the children.

Sadly the online meeting idea has lost due to less sums of votes on that party's side.

Brittany's Dad: Remember, what I told you, just in case I loose this fight, which i just did, what you should do.

Brittany: Sure thing, Dad.

School board personnel: So this meeting was shorter that we thought it would be, we actually have an hour before school officially begins.

Brittany hurried to say...

Brittany: I'm leaving, I'm going to the park, I can't be here right now, Bye Dad( she said holding down her head as she walked out of the room)

Brittany's Dad: Brittany, wait..

But he was too late, she was already in her painful phase again, she was crying so hard inside she couldn't hold it anymore, she had to leave.

Jesse's Dad: Go apologize to the girl.

Jesse: No way, what the hell did I even do?

Jesse's Dad: I said go know!!

Jesse: Whatever!!

Jesse went outside and saw Brittany at the school's most prestiguos park crying. He thought in his mind...

Why does she have to be so dramatic about it.

Jesse walked close to Brittany, but she saw him coming and quickly wiped away her tears asking him...

Brittany: What are you doing here?, you never follow me, Aren't I still the loser you think I am anymore?

Jesse: About that, I'm.....sorry

Brittany: Your joking, this has to be a prank, your friends can come out now wherever they are. I KNOW I'M BEING FOOLED. ( She yelled)

Jesse: No,No, It's...It's just me.

Brittany: Well, whatever, just leave!!

Jesse: Did what I did to you really affect you that badly.

Brittany: Uh, I'm not at the place to talk about this right now, I'm kinda already stressing over all of this so please just leave.

Jesse: Fine, whatever, I'm leaving, but I really am sorry. ( he said while walking away)

Brittany: Well I don't think you are. (she said under her breath)

Later that Day

Brittany was talking to her best friend about the meeting from earlier that day, and she was in shock, when Brittany had arrived at the part when she said Jesse apologized to her, for the first time in years( she excluded the part when Jeese got hit in the face by his dad because it wasn't her place to talk about it). Brianna stopped Brittany from talking so she could get a few minutes of silence to digest what she just heared, then Brianna said....

Brianna: What? ,How? ( she said using her squeaky dying voice which Brittany found a bit hilarious at the moment) Why would he do that no offense, but you get what I mean, he's a jerk.

Brittany: Yeah, I know, that's why I'm gonna start watching my back really hard, just in case I feels like he wants to prank me.

Brianna: And I'll watch your back too, just please don't get too close to this guy, I don't want you getting hurt, okay?

Brittany: Yeah sure thing, as if that'll ever happen.

While Brittany and Brianna where laughing, two boys were walking past them, they were Jake and Jesse. As soon as Jake saw the girls, he quickly said...

Jake: Would you look who it is, The 2 B's, What you gonna do, beat me, I'd be flattered!!

Jesse: Bro, Let it go, we have a class to go to right now!!

Jake: Yeah, I know, but I'm getting payback for what she did to me this morning.

Brittany: Well I'll be getting my payback before you even do, for putting faulty stupid blames on me( she said with a smirk on her face, as she remembered that Jake was being recorded by security cameras apologizing to her)

Jake: I'd love to see you try, Loser

Brittany: Oh, ( she said laughing) you will surely see, Brother ( she giggled after saying those words and walked away)

But she decided to turn around and she yelled to Jake...

Brittany: Jake, by the way, It's not my fault that Dad's planning not to give you any allowance for three months. ( she said while laughing) Yeah, he told me!!

Jake: Let's get outta here( he said to Jesse feeling angry)

Jesse: Whatever man!!

As Brittany walked away with her friend, she felt happy within herself, she humiliated Jake before he could get a chance to humiliate her.

~Later that day, After school~

Brittany and Jake went home immediately after school ended. She was excited and worried at the same time while she was driving herself home.

She was excited to see what Jake's punishment would be today and she was worried because in two days both her and Jesse would start their face to face practice session and she was a bit scared/ embarrassed to see his face because the last time he saw her, he saw her crying.

10 mins later

Brittany arrived home, as soon as she parked her car in her house's parking lot, she quickly headed inside her house to see the drama that her brother would give off after hearing what his punishment would be.

As soon as she got in the house, she saw her dad and mom standing infront of Jake that was seated on a chair.

Brittany's Dad: Good evening daughter, I'm glad that you are here to witness the disgrace I'm about to place on your brother.

Brittany: Good evening father( she said with a sneaky grin)

Jake: Why does she have to know about it?

Brittany's Dad: She has to know because she is also apart of the process we are going to put you through.

Brittany: Oh, really ( she said still grinning)

Jake: Fine, just get it over with.

Brittany's Dad: Your mother and I have decided on a brutal punishment for you after you stole my money. Since you keep complaining about getting maids around here to do all the chores and house duties, your mother will be released from those duties for three months and those responsibilities will enter your hands from now on, except cooking, we definitely don't expect you to do that.

Jake: Wait, what? I..I can't do that, you can't do that!!!

Brittany's Dad: Jake, we both know you do nothing substantial with your time, so you can do it.

(Substantial- most important, essential and nourishing)

Jake: But Dad...

Brittany's Mom: Maid Jake, is that your name now?, I'll be sending a list of chores to your room every day that needs to be done on that exact day.

Brittany's Dad: Oh, I almost forgot, a maid's got to pay his rent, right, for staying in my house, you won't be getting allowance from me for three months, I'll consider that as your rent, etc.

Jake: What!!!

Brittany giggled a bit at seeing his face expression.

Brittany's Dad: So go tell your girlfriend/s and party friends that you are now a maid at your parents house for three months.

Jake: Dad, this is too much, I'm sorry okay, I'll never do it again.

Brittany's Dad: It's too late for that now, and you must be wondering why is Brittany involved in this, well because you will be doing all her chores also, and cleaning her room every week, etc.. The list could go on, but I just want to say you placed this curse upon yourself.

Jake: You guys are just BRUTAL!!

(Brutal- savagely violent, vicious, ruthless or cruel.)

Brittany's Dad: Oh boy!!, you haven't seen nothing yet.

~Bonus Part, cuz why not ~

On the other side of the Hasher family...

As soon as Jesse got home from school he was treated all most the same as Jake, but his punishment wasn't that brutal.

Jesse's Dad: I'll be telling you your punishment now. ( he said with a stern facial expression while staring at Jesse attentively.)

( Stern- Having a hardness of nature, manner or attitude.)

Jesse: Yes, Father ( he said while his head was held down)

Jesse's Dad: You will be lossing you're rights to attend anymore parties unless it's yours( specifically for birthday purposes only) or any of our family's parties for five months exactly, is that clear?, stay here and do something more essential with your life for once!!

Jesse twiched at hearing this, then said...

Jesse: Yes, Father, I will attend no more parties except for the ones you have allowed me to attend.

Jesse's Dad: Good, Now go to your room!!?

Jesse: Yes Father.

I can't believe this!!!, Jesse thought in his mind angrily.

But somehow he was having a feeling, a feeling that was telling him, he deserved what was coming his way.