Hearts Reconnected Chapter 4: The 2B`s Adventure

When the 2B`s got to Disneyland, they decided that they wanted to do all the scary stuff first before they did all the good stuff.

Some rides they went through, which were scary, were: Guardians of the Galaxy Incredicoaster Splash Mountain Haunted Mansion, etc

Then transitioning on to the good part of Disneyland`s wonderful, exciting ang joyous rides, some of the rides that they went on were, which are good: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Grizzly River Run Star Tours, etc

After they finished enjoying their time at Disneyland, they decided to go to Times Square in New York to make Tik Toks, go shopping, and enjoy the city.

Later that day, after going on the rides in Disneyland and shopped at New York City until they couldn`t anymore, all the excitement and bundle of happiness was not over as yet. They had just arrived at Bonnies Trampoline Park a few blocks away from Time Square. As soon as they arrived at Bonnies Trampoline Park`s parking lot, they got out of the car immediately in awe. It was an inside built-in park and IT.....WAS.....HUGE.

Brittany: I`m going in.( she said with a big smile on her face)

Brianna: Uhh.....um....wait up!!( she said walking while staring at the enormous trampo park)

(trampo short for trampoline)

When Brittany and Brianna got at the front entrance to get in the building, they bought their wrist bands and put it around their wrists as evidence to show that they had paid their way into the building and did not fraudfully sneak their way in the trampo park.

( Fraudfully- originated from the word fraudfull-full of fraud, deceit, or treachery , fraudulent).

As they walked into the humongous building, Brittany said....

Brittany: Let's rock this place!( she said with a smirk on her face)

Brianna: Heck, yeah!!, let's do this, BABY!!! WOOHOO!!!( she said happily)

Their official aim after they got into the trampo park was to look for the largest trampoline in the trampo park. Seeing how big the place was, they came to a conclusion that they were going to split up. How were they going to communicate with each other though, for example, one of them found it? Luckily, that`s a solved problem they`ve agreed on the idea of texting each other when they found the largest trampoline. How would one know which one is the largest trampoline and where it was located? Thankfully, that`s also yet again another solved problem. Before they officially got into the building, they were given a map of the place and the 2B`s realized that the trampolines are numbered, except there was a mystery to it, the largest trampoline was not on the map so it was up to them to find were the largest trampoline was. They were told that no one could figure out where the trampoline was, and there was a huge prize to get if one were to find it. So, knowing the 2B`s not letting an opportunity like this pass by so easily, they took on the challenge. Knowing that this trampoline was not numbered, they decided to use the numbers on the trampolines to their advantage as a location sequence to locate each other when one has believed that they had found it.

After Brittany split up with Brianna, Brittany went left, Brianna going right. The 2B`s went their separate ways. While Brittany was traversing the trampo park, she saw a seven year old crying his eyes out on a small trampoline.

She decided to check him to see if he was okay.

Brittany: Hey little man!, What`s wrong? What`s your name?

Jamey: My name is Jamey.( he said while he stopped crying)

Brittany: Well, Jamey, why are you crying, and where are your parents?

Jamey: I want Shane!!! ( he said tearing up again)

Brittany: Where is Shane?( she asked, trying to comfort the young child)

Jamey: Shane is gone to get me food.

So this Shane is in the food court getting food for his relative or maybe...friend, Brittany thought.

Brittany: Is Shane your brother?

Jamey: Yes, he is.

Brittany: Guess what?!!, I`m gonna stay with you until your brother comes back to you, okay? So, do you want us to jump on this trampoline while we`re waiting for him?

Jamey: Yes, please?

Brittany: Okay.

Brittany then pulled out her phone and texted Brianna, telling her the situation. A few moments later, Shane came and saw his little brother playing with some teenage girl around his age.

Shane: Who are you? Get your hands off of my brother!!( he said, shoving her down on the trampoline.

Brittany: Shane?, right?!!, I just saw your brother here crying all alone, wondering how long it was gonna take for his big brother to come back after leaving him all by himself. So I decided to stay with him and wait till you came back to keep his company. I had to cancel my plans with my best friend just to stay with your brother. Not that I`m regretting what I did, but many people would, but a thank you could`ve been the first thing you could`ve said. But I guess that`s what you get for helping people, I`m leaving!!!

Shane: Wait! (he said in defeat)

Brittany: It`s too late for that now, Shane!!( she said " Shane" in a disgusted tone)

Brittany: Bye, Bye, little man, I hope I see you again one day, you were loads of fun.

Brittany turned around and walked away, thinking , "I did the right thing," " I did the right thing," no matter how irritated about how, that... that..guy Shane had just treated her. She immediately went back to her plans that she had set for her adventurous day.


After the girl left, I began to think about my actions towards her.

I should`nt have done that, I thought.

My brother instantly said...

Jamey: Why did you do that to Brittany, then make her upset and make her leave.

Shane: Jamey, I`m...I`m sorry that I did that, I was wrong, ok, I`m sorry.

Jamey: She was so pretty, and she was so much fun. God finally sent me a wonderful angel for once, and you, Shane , you screwed my chances with her( he said feeling upset).

Shane: Jamey, she`s older than you, there was no chance.( he expressed the word "chance" half disgusted, half calm and still angry at himself for what he has done )

Shane: Well, Jamey, I hope we see her again one day so I can properly apologize to her.( he said with sincerity in his voice)


While Brittany was walking, she saw a restroom for females, but beside it, there were none for males.

Usually there were always a restroom for males, so she found it really suspicious, then decided to touch the area where the missing restroom was but, shockingly, she pushed something with the force of her hand that she thought presumably was a wall, was a vent thingy that had a lot of fake smoke emitting out of it. It also had red light reflecting through the smoke. The idea then popped up to text her best friend. They got Boozeye. They invented the name for the trampoline while they were deciding how to find it. She also thought it would be a good idea to release from pushing the vent thingy any further so that no one would see her and figure out her plan or try to compete with her.

~ Brianna and Brittany texting~

Brittany - Girl!!, I think I found something!

* Seen five minutes later later by Brianna*

Brianna - Great, cuz I feel like I`ve been searching for hours.

Brianna - So where is it located?

Brittany- Trampoline 49 right, trampoline 51 left, I think this is trampoline 52.

Brianna- Oh, I`ll be there in a second.

Brittany- Ok, hurry!!

~ The end of Brianna and Brittany texting~

Brianna finally got to Brittany using the location sequence they invented.

Brittany: Finally, you're here?!!

Brianna: A restroom!!, you led me to a restroom, but wait, where`s the male`s restroom?

Brittany: That`s where it all adds up, I think behind this vent here.( she said while pressing on the vent, pushing it fully so that it officially fell on the other side of the wall so they may go through) is gonna be the first step in action that`s gonna help us to find Boozeye.( she said " Boozeye" with excitement in her voice)

Brianna: That`s great!!( she said clapping) You really did it, Brittany, I`m proud!!

Brittany: Let's go through. ( she said with determination in her voice)

As they got through, they hurriedly put back the vent thingy in the missing spot in the wall, so that no one would see them and they wouldn`t have to come in and start competing with them.

The first thing they saw was fake fog or smoke after they got in being reflected by red lights. They both turned in their flashlights on their phones to help in seeing where they were going instead of bumping into something constantly.

They walked a far distance before they recognized something, looking like a small staircase. So they decided to walk on the stairs to see where it would lead them. Then, after a short while, Brittany stepped on something. As soon as her foot touched it, it sank down onto the material but not all the way. Brittany then said excitedly...

Brittany: Brianna, are you feeling what I'm feeling under my feet?

Brianna: What?, what?, what is it?!!( she said, walking to where Brittany was standing, then she felt it)

Brittany: OMG!!!, OMG!!, we found Boozeye!!, we found it!!, the lost trampoline!!, we actually found it!!(she said happily while bouncing on the huge trampoline)+

It was like half of half of an acre.

While Brianna was bouncing up and down, Brittany noticed that the red lights in the big room turned green and employees started to come though vent spaces around the room with their hands clapping in congratulations to the girls which were the first persons to find the trampoline. The girls were so happy that they had found Boozeye, and the idea of them being the first persons who discovered where it sent shivers down their spines in an electrifying way. The girls were awarded discreetly. ( well, because it was a continuous quest) Brittany and Brianna also got awardee recognition, so that whenever they came back they`d be recognized and wouldn`t have to pay ever again to get in the building, even if they brought other people with them, those people would get in for free too. Basically, everything is free for them. The girls also got a cash prize of $500,000(five hundred thousand dollars), and they also got the opportunity to name the trampoline, and they named it " Boozeye."

At the end of the day, they drove home feeling happy yet exhausted. They had already decided to split the money 60`40 because Brittany did most of the work in finding the trampoline...Boozeye. After Brittany dropped off Brianna at her house, Brittany checked her phone to see that the current time was 11:00pm but decided that she wanted to head home.

After a 20-minute drive, she finally arrived at her house. Luckily, she had a spare key to get in her house. She silently closed the front door and immediately went to her room by taking the stairs. Then it hit her, there were security cameras at the door outside the house and also inside the house. She now recognized that she had made the wrong move, and now she was screwed. Yet, she felt happy looking back and reminiscing the day she had just had and the weird yet awesome turn of events that had happened in it.

It was now 11:30pm when she last checked her phone, but, she landed on the idea that it would be good to get some sleep because tomorrow,( which is Sunday) was the last day she had before her daily tormentation begins with Jesse or so she thought...

A/N: Hello people, my wonderful, wonderful readers. I have found new inspiration and ideas of how to continue this novel but before I forget, I`d like to apologize that it has taken me this long to post this chapter and I`ll try my best not to make it happen again. But y`all need to understand I`ve got school... yes, I`ve got school, and there`s something called tests and exams and there`s also another thing called studying. Just so y`all know, I`m currently doing my exams at school, and the school that I attend is not like some schools. My summer begins July. So that basically states that I`ve been busy overall with everything going on. As I said, I`ll try to make the posts more frequent. See y`all in chapter 5, which is very soon.

Tbh, I don`t even know how I posted this chapter this week, but ig God made a way for it to happen.