Hearts Reconnected Chapter 5: Unexpected Events

~The next day~

Brittany`s POV

Brittany: It`s Sunday( I said thinking about everything that went down yesterday and her soon over free time will be occupied by spending the rest of her time with Jesse though it was for a good cause)

Brittany: I mean if it was anyone else, I wouldn't even worry about crap like this, this early on a Sunday, ESPECIALLY ON A SUNDAY!!( I expressed)

Brittany`s dad: Brittany!! Get dressed in something a little nice like a dress and wear a little makeee...up or whatever... the stuff girls used to look pretty now-a-days. ( he said obviously embarrassed and also unsure of what he just said) Anyways just do all that girly stuff and get down here, hurry up!!!( he shouted from the other side of Brittany`s room door)

Brittany chuckled at the idea of her father not wanting to say the word makeup and let's not forget how embarrassed he must be feeling right now.

Brittany: Okay Dad!!( I shouted back to my father)

Third person`s POV

Brittany did as she was told and went downstairs to see her father and her mother dressed quite nicely except Jake. He was still in his maid like attire, for a while Brittany even forgot he was a maid because she hadn't really thought about him and his punishment in the past few days.

Brittany: So where are we going, especially without Jake?

Jake: How`d you know that I wasn't going?

Brittany: Because you`re not dressed( she said as she whispered under her breath 'stupid')

Brittany: Anyways, I'll ask again Dad, where are we going? 

Brittany`s Dad: Jeezz Brittany, calm down, We are going to a biding party. Usually Jake would come with us to this annual event, but since seeing that Jake is now on maid duty ( he said looking at Jake and Jake pouted) he can`t come with us this time.

Brittany: O....k, and why does this involves one of us coming?

Brittany`s Dad: Well because all the important business men and women bring their children along with them when they're there.

Brittany: So why can't you guys just go without us?

Brittany's Mom: Brittany!, are you hard if hearing!?, Everyone is bringing atleast one of their children to the event with them, so that's why you have to come along with us.

Brittany: Ok.... I'm having a better understanding of the situation.

Brittany's Dad: Since that's all sorted, Jake will stay here and complete his maid duties and we have to leave right now, I don't like being late.

Brittany's Mom and Brittany: We know that.

After driving for about a hour and a forty minutes, they finally arrived to an unknown house that looked alot like a celebrity house.

Brittany: Dad, who owns this place?

Brittany's Dad: This is one of my friend from Paris many houses that he owns in America.

Brittany: Oh, I see, what's his name?, does mom know him aswell?

Brittany's Dad: His name is Pierre and no your mom doesn't know him as yet, but she will soon. He should be here anytime now.

At this point Brittany and her parents where walking up to the celebrity looking like house to be welcomed in my the securities, when out of nowhere some man startled us all from behind. When they all turned around to see who it was, my dad instantly greeted him like guys at her highschool would usually greet their friends that they haven't seen in a day.

Brittany's Dad: Pierre,you really do know how to scare a guy how've you been man?

When since does Dad say 'Man' ?, Brittany thought.

Pierre: It's been...peachy, I kinda like it here in your country, ya'know?

Brittany's Dad: America's...aight

Pierre and Brittany's Dad had began to laugh about what Brittany's Dad just said.

Now I'm sure, this man is not my father, it's like...Jake's behavior+ his already obtained formality, Brittany thought with much concern to her father's new way of behavior.

Pierre: Well Shire, who are these ladies behind you?

Brittany's Dad: Oh right, this is my daughter and my wife, he said gesturing his hands to whom he was speaking of while introducing them to Pierre.

Brittany stretched her hand to shake Pierre's and told him her name and her mom did the same.

Brittany's Dad: I also have a son, but he couldn't make.

Pierre: Well that's unfortunate...anyways let me welcome you all inside my humble abode.

This isn't just some humble abode...this house is a mansion on top of mansions, how does someone even live here?, Brittany thought.

Brittany's Dad: Brittany there's something I have to tell you, there is a huge possibility that some people that you know is here, say for instance, your friend Brianna, that guy's son Jesse, I'm just saying you should be careful and stay away from him.

Brittany: Ok, dad!!

After finally arriving to the center of the event where all the teens were, Brittany separated from her parents and set off to try finding Brianna, but surprisingly Brianna found her first.

Brianna: Hey Brittany it's been a day...( She chuckles) since I've seen you, by the way I'm still so exhausted from yesterday, she said and chuckled some more.

Brittany: You know, I feel the same. Hey, how come you never told me that an event like this happens every year, you're asking me I just found out yesterday, my parents said it would usually be my older brother Demark that has to attend this event, but he couldn't make it this year.

Brittany: Oh, I'd love to see handsome Demark again.

Brianna: Girl, stop. I'm telling you, you'd prefer to talk to me a hundred times than to talk to him and you know it's true.

Brittany: Is not, but about this place, I guess it never crossed my mind to ask my parents how come they've never told me about this happening annually, makes me wonder what other secrets they're hiding.

Brianna: Hold up now, now's not the right time to go all Sherlock Holmes on me, leave those mysteries alone, let's just do something fun as for right now. I mean, look where we are, a party.

Brittany: You're right.

Brittany: So I heard you that Jesse would be here, seems he hasn't even arrived as yet.

Brianna: Oh, he's definitely here.

Brittany: I see, Brittany said starting to think up something evil.

Brianna: Brittany?, What are you up to now?

Brittany: A little drop of my sweet, sweet revenge, she said while giggling.

Brianna: So what's the plan?,this sounds a bit more exciting than us just watching four episodes of Toradora!

Brittany: Well it's been pranking season lately, so... that's what we're doing.

Brittany: We're basically moving in three stages of this prank. The first one is for me to accidentally bump into him and spill juice all over him and pretend to be sorry sarcastically enough that he notices that I'm not sorry, I'm just saying the word and not meaning it.

Brianna: That's a good first prank, I'll go get you the juice.

Brianna: Here's the juice, only thing left for you to do is to find him.

Brittany: He's over there, I'll be leaving now, Ill see you after to discuss the second prank.

After Brittany said what she had to say to Brianna, she left her and went to walk by Jake to complete the first step in her three stages that she had set for her pranks.

Jesse: Yo, are you stupid, didn't you see me?

Brittany: I AM SO SORRY...I swear didn't mean it.

Jesse: No you aren't you lier, I knew you were always a freak, are you that blind?

Brittany: I'm sorry ok...I just didn't see you, that's all. Just wait here I'm gonna see if I can get a maid to get a shirt to you....I really, really am sorry.

Jesse: Hurry up!!

Brittany turned away from Jesse smiling about the fake facade she just put on, she called Brianna towards her on the way to outside if the house and began to tell Brianna the plan for the second prank.

Brittany: For the second prank, it's kinda actually the first, but we're gonna put it as second, this is were the first prank helps the second prank to get into action. There's a pink shirt in my father's car trunk that has "I'm a big baby" on the back of it. What I need you to do is to get this shirt to a maid, explain to her what happened to Jesse and that she should call for him to have change of clothes inside another room in the house for him to put it on. She's gonna distract him so that he won't see what's on the shirt while putting it on, if that doesn't work you'll improvise. After that , I want you to pretend to go around taking selfies with people for social media. While doing so you'll also take a selfie with Jesse by the pool , I'll place a full body mirror that we'll have to find in the house behind you guys to show what's on his back , but you need to move swiftly because he might see it . After you take the selfie I'll walk by and push the mirror into the pool while you thank him for taking the selfie with you. You'll post it on your social media and say in description " Look behind us" , with the evil grinning emoji at the end also tag me and say " thanks for helping this prank happen".

Brianna: Ok, this prank seems fire, but since you're the one commanding and I have to follow, can I ask a few questions?

Brittany: Sure, of course.

Brianna: First of all, why is there a shirt in your Dad's car trunk that says "I'm a big baby"

Brittany: That shirt was for my mom's baby shower 17 years ago. He's had it so long and everytime we tell him to take it out he refuses to lose it, he has it in a zip lock bag and it's still clean, so what's the horror on giving it to someone in need.

Brianna: Oh I see. Anyways, about the maid distracting him from him noticing what's on the shirt. What should I tell her to do?

Brittany: Well tell her to flirt with him or something, tell her to say stuff like "what nice abs you have" or" your really cute" if she's staring too much and he notices, Oh, also tell her to look hella flustered, he's obviously gonna be distracted.

Brianna: Will do.

Brittany: Well let's get to completing stage number two. Here's the shirt go give it to the maid I'll meet up with you soon; after I find the mirror and put it in place.

Brianna: Yes Captain!!

Brianna did as what she was told, explain to the maid the situation, ended up paying her to flirt with Jesse just to make sure the prank works. Brittany would owe her loads for her contribution towards the prank. On the other hand Brittany was looking through the house for a full body mirror and finally found one, she hurried out side and placed the mirror by the pool and the plan took it's start.

The maid: Hey there, come this way. Jesse, is it?

Jesse: Yeah...how do you know my name?

The maid: Your friend Brianna said you were in a messy situation and offered to give you a shirt on behalf of her friend, Brittany.

So she actually was sorry, Jesse thought.

Jesse: Anyways...thanks.

The maid stood there staring at Jesse and he noticed. The suspicion he was feeling led him to ask the maid a question.

Jesse: Is there something wrong?

The maid: Oh nothing much...just your good looking abs.

At this point, Jesse had already changed from the shirt that he was wearing to the one the maid gave him without him noticing the words that were on the back.

Jesse: Uhh....thanks

The maid: So my job is done here, I'll have this cleaned by tonight.

Jesse: Thank you

In this moment Brianna signaled to Brittany the phase one of prank #2 was already complete. Brittany told her to move on to phase two of the prank as quickly as possible.

Brianna: Hey, Jesse, I heard about what Brittany did, she really wants you to know how sorry she is for what happened.

Jesse: Yeah....Is there anything you want?

Brianna: Well, I've been going around taking selfies with other teens like us for my social media and I was wondering if you would want to take one with me by the pool.

Jesse: Are you planning to push me of the edge on camera?

Brianna: Seriously!!, why would I pull a lame prank like that,  you know what never mind, Brianna said turning around to rid herself from Jesse.

Jesse: Fine, I'll do it.

Brianna: LET'S GET TO IT THEN!!!, she said happily knowing that stage three of the prank was almost complete.

Brianna: Can you smile please?, Are you okay with smiling?

Jesse: Fine, whatever.

Brianna: Ok, and it's taken, thanks again.

Jesse: Yeah, sure thing.

After Brianna took the selfie with Jesse by the pool Brittany walked behind them as sneaky as possible so that she could swiftly push the mirror of the edge. Luckily, he didn't notice and the final stage of prank #2 was complete.

The third prank is a amateur prank, but it's a pretty good finale. Putting a spider in his favorite good. I used to know this guy. His favorite thing to eat is hotdogs, especially when there's alot of ketchup, mayonnaise and he likes his bread warm, which is so weird. But it's is what it is. We'll let a bartender hand it over to him with the spider on top and while he's taking a bite he'll see it and he'll obviously overreact. We also need a video of that, for my private devious use.

When it was time to eat, all the teens in the area went to go get their food. Another thing about Jesse, he likes to pre order stuff, he doesn't like waiting in line for anything. Brittany obviously linked with the chef who was preparing his food and asked him to put a fake poisonous spider on his hotdog because it was too risky to use a real one and the chef wouldn't allow it. The chef followed along with the plan and along with the waiter who delivered his food to him. And already did Brittany have her camera rolling and waiting for the action to begin.

The waiter: Excuse me sir, here is your pre ordered hotdog that you wanted.

Jesse: Thanks, I'm starving.

The waiter: You are most welcome sir, he said while walking away from Jesse.

While Jake removed the foil paper rapping from the hotdog, he didn't realize that there was a fake spider on it. He took his first bite and he seemed to be enjoying it...until of course he was close to the end of the hotdog, as soon as he was about to take the final bite, he realized that there was a 'spider' on the hotdog. He began to scream historically, he was so shocked that he even though the hotdog on one of the wall's that was in the celebrity like house. Brittany and Brianna got the laugh that they wanted just as they'd planned.

Brittany: That was so beautiful!!, she said wiping a tear from her eyes while smiling.

Brianna: I know, right?, she said with a relieving sigh.

Brittany: Well it's been...a day and I think it's about time both of us should head home and get some rest because we have school tomorrow.

Brianna: Yeah, it's about 6:00pm and have to be ad bed by ten and I also have that long drive home....ughhh, she exclaimed in an exhausted way.

Brittany: Don't worry I know you're gonna survive, anyways, what we did today was awesome, I really enjoyed it, we should fo this again sometime, maybe the next one can be with Jake, she said with an evil grin.

Brianna: I think he's getting all the punishment he needs already.

Brittany: Is it bad to want to give him more though?, She asked flailing.

Brianna: I'mma pretend I Diddy hear you say that, but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?, I really gotta go now.

Brittany: Yeah, sure, see you tomorrow.

Brittany: Bye

Brianna: Bye !!

And they hugged before parting ways. After Brianna left, Brittany left about 15 mins later and her parents got alot of stuff from the biding party; all of them could be held in the trunk so they had to go in the backseat which made Brittany very uncomfortable on her way home.

~ Bonus ~

I should really check that picture Brianna posted of me and those other kids at the party, Jesse thought.

When Jesse went her socials, he began to get very upset because then he realized that he was set up and he fell for it, infront of the world to see.

Well viewing the photo he noticed a tag, it was linked to Brittany's Account, it said ' thanks for helping to make this prank happen', this made Jesse's blood boil even more.

Jesse: I'm gonna make those freaks pay big time!!!, he said plotting a plan.

Guys I'm back 👀😪

Finally, I'm so sorry for not posting 'as much ' or alot but I will be posting more often from now on.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there WILL BE MORE TO COME.