Hearts Reconnected Chapter 6: Always Expect the Unexpected.

Brittany's POV

It's Monday, just great, I thought in a sarcastic way.

This was the first, thought that came to my mind when I woke up this morning. It's also then and there while lying in my bed and staring up into an unknown abyss that I noticed that this is the first day of my tests and trials. It would be the day that I face and cope with that I was not prepared for enough. I would say it's going to be chaotic but, my mind was imagining more than just that.

~ Alarm sounds ~

I even woke up before my alarm, I thought while turning it off.

I took a step from off the comfort of my bed and tried to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare myself for the day I have ahead of me. I was picking out an outfit for the day and landed on the decision of just wearing a sweat pants, a cut out shoulder crop top and thin-ish sweater/hoodie over it along with my blue and white Nike Air Forces. I packed my bag according to the subjects I had for the day and also placed the necessary items that are important for me to have. I then took a shower, brushed my teeth brushed my hair, and did all the hygienic stuff that's essential to be done before heading to school.

It was about 6:15 am when I began to head downstairs to make some breakfast. Today was different from the usual; pancakes with syrup and eggs along with fried sausages. Today I wanted a change and that change was probably not the best change I made for the day . I couldn't bother to go through all the hassle in making breakfast because I wasn't in the right mood to. So I was left with one simple and easy conclusion to fix that problem; cereal and milk. No offense to cereal and milk, but I forgot the most important detail about them when I decided to eat "that" for breakfast. I forgot that it is not as sustaining as my usual breakfast. So that's something to regret this morning. Because of this I have to take a stop at McDonald's on my way to school.

Brittany: Ughhh...what a day it has been so far, I said to myself.

~Time skip to until I got to school~

Oops...I'm a bit early, I said while parking in my school's parking lot.

I texted Brianna to ask if she was on her way coming to school but it seemed sue didn't have her phone with her when I sent the text or she didn't notice that I'd texted her so I didn't get an early response. It's 7:05am and school doesn't start until 8:30am.

I wonder what I should do with my time, I thought to myself.

In that very instance, the unexpectable happened, another student was driving in the "literally empty " parking lot and parked directly infront of my car facing it on both parallel opposite sides of the parking lot. I'm not sure if I was completely paying attention to the car, I mean, I was basically watching it park but it took me a while to notice who's car it was and when I did notice who's car it was, the realization hit me and I immediately sunk in my car seat.

Brittany: It's....Jesse freaking Hasher, I said whispering a little loudly in my car.

I wonder if he saw me, I thought to myself.

Within the time frame of five minutes of me suffering and trying to not let him see that I was "actually " in my car, he finally got our of the car for what felt like forever that he was couped up in there, he also walked to the back of the car and took his back from the car then locked the car fully. After doing all that, he tuned to look at my car seat which made me sink even more on the flooring of the my car, then he smirked at my car and walked away to....somewhere, I never cared where. I just wanted him to leave.

He.... definitely saw me, I said internally facepalming myself.

Why does the heavens always do this to me?, I thought while physically flailing.

~ Time skip to me being on my way to the first lesson for the day ~

No One's Pov

Brittany: You will not believe what happened today matter of a fact just this morning, Brittany said correcting her self.

Brianna: What?..., What happened?, Brianna asked inquisitively.

Brittany: So this morning I was...No!, No!, No!, No!, No!, No!, there's no way!!, Brittany said obviously shocked by something.

Brianna: What?, Brianna asked looking around.

Brittany: This can't be real, right ?, Brittany asked in denial.

Brianna: What isn't real?, Brianna asked Brittany.

Brittany: It's him...It's the guy I was telling you about, the guy that I helped last week Saturday at the trampo park , The jerk!!, Brittany said a bit too loud and seemingly very upset.

Brianna: Oh, it's so unreal that he's been attending our school and we're just noticing him, even worse, he's in our God Damn Grade!!, Brianna said obviously mind blown.

Brittany: No, I don't think that's it, it's just a damned small world!! , Brittany said in annoyance.

Brianna: That could also be true theoretically, Brianna said while gaining her own thesis said while gaining her own thesis from this natural cause of events.

Shane's POV

I was standing by my locker and heard two girls making a commotion, so I turned around to see what it was all about and when I saw who they were my eyes widened in the realization of recognizing the girl that I knew from a recent incident that happened between her and my little brother last week. The fact that the girl that was upset with me is staring at me like she hates me now, made me feel like it would make no sense to do what I was planning to do next.

I'm gonna apologize, I thought.

Brittany's POV

Brianna and I were talking until the unexpected happened, the guy we were looking at turned away from his locker and looked directly at us. When we realized he was looking at us, we turned away from him as swiftly as we could and tried to walk away but he ran to us and turned to stand directly in front of me. He looked at me for about five seconds and then he began to apologize for for his behavior last week.

Shane's POV

Shane: Look, I'm really sorry for how I behaved with you last week Saturday when you were trying to keep my little brother's company and keeping him safe for me. I also never got the chance to say thank you for what you did for him because of the way I reacted. It's just that our lives haven't been the best and I couldn't live with the scene or idea of someone wanting to or just straight up kidnapping my brother. I am so sorry again and I really am a nice person, I rambled out hoping she would forgive me.

The girls stood there staring at me in shock for 30 seconds, then they stared at each other until the girl I wanted to answer my to my apology finally answered.

Brittany: Ok, I forgive you- she said before being cut off by some buff guy that surprisingly ended up between her and I in a blink of an eye.

Jesse's POV

I was on my way to my Chemistry class, when I saw guy run in front of the 2B's acting all stupid and without thinking I found myself stand in between them, but I was facing the guy that was around my height, had a few muscles, body type was similar as mine and his jawline was more defined than mine but I didn't care, he looked soft so I went on with what I was going to say.

Jesse: Is this idiot bothering you?, I asked directing the question to Brittany even though I was standing in the opposing direction of her.

I side eyed her before after asking the question and grabbing a hold of her best friend's has is she was scared for her friend.

Brittany: And when since did you begin to care if I was in trouble?, huh, by the way , you're the idiot here, I was just talking to the guy so LEAVE!!!, Brittany said looking at me in disgust.

Jesse: I don't know...I just did, whatever, I was leaving anyway, I said trying to get myself out of a problematic situation I just got myself in while stepping away from in between them to continue get going to my class.

Brittany: Well guess what Almighty JESSE!!!, I DONT NEED YOU!!!, Brittany said with full hate while watching him walk away.

Brittany's POV

Brianna: It's okay, just try to calm down now Brittany, were the words I heard coming from my best friend as she squeezed my hand.

I instantly remembered my current predicament and continued to talk to the person in front of the me.

Brittany: I'm...uh, really sorry about what just happened, I said embarrassed.

Shane: Who's that anyway?, Shane said.

Brittany: It's no one, but as I was trying to say before, I forgive you but next time please try to be nicer and bit calmer until you've had come to a proper conclusion relating to any probable troublesome situation in your life, yeah?, I suggested.

Shane: That I will do, Shane said laughing shyly.

Brittany: Anyways for proper introductions unlike before, I'm Brittany Adams, I said extending my hand to shake his.

Shane: My name is Shane Benjamin, he responded with the shake of my hand.

Brittany: This is my best friend, Brianna Hendriks, I said and they greeted each other.

Shane: Do you think it would be cool if we could be friends?, It's just that I kind of just moved here and I'm a transfer student, plus today is my first day here, so that means I don't have any friends and I'm just wondering if you guys would like the idea of us being friends, He said very quickly.

Brianna: I mean he talks a lot, but yeah, we'll be friends, Brianna said answering for me.

Brittany: Yeah, I said with a smile.

Brittany: So what's your first class?, I asked.

Shane: History, he said.

Brittany: We have the same class, it must be fate, I said smiling.

Shane: It might just be, he said smiling as well.

Brittany: Ok, I'll just lead the way, I said eagerly.

~After Class~

After class, Shane and I instantly bonded, we had the same interests; practically almost relatable in every way. He's like a boy best friend you never knew you needed. When it was time for our next class, Bio-Chemistry, it seemed we had the same class again!!!. I was so excited to be honest, I finally got to bond with a guy who isn't a jerk or a creep. Soon enough we were in the cafeteria sitting, eating, and talking. Shane, Brianna and some of her friends along with "Muah" (me) of course, we all sat at a table in the cafeteria. Everyone at the table enjoyed Shane's company and we all seemed to get along. Until..."someone" had to ruin that beautiful peace.

Brianna: What do you want Jesse?, Haven't I seen you enough today?, I asked him.

Jesse: What's wrong with seeing me more?, You know we'll be seeing each other more, right?, he replied to my questions with two questions.

Brittany: Yeah, that's exactly why I shouldn't see you at all until it's necessary for me to see you, creep!, I said unapologetically.

Jesse: Wow, Wow, ok, calm down Bri, I didn't intend to bother you, Jesse said.

Brittany: Don't call me that, you don't get to call me that anymore. We aren't friends!!!. We never will be!!!, I said yelling at him so loud that everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing to look at us. But, I clearly didn't care.

Brittany: Is it that you love to be a bother to me, the only reason why I'm even doing the International Debating tournament with you is because I need the benefits that come from it. But, be sure you know this, if it weren't for me helping you win this competition, you'd be left for dead, cause no one in this school with proper conscience, even if you were to bribe them would ever work with you except ME!!!, so don't test me!!!, I said loud enough for everyone in the cafeteria to hear clearly.

At this point I was standing and I was furious.

Jesse: Ok, fine, I'll leave you alone, see ya later, he said walking away witha smirk.

I was so angry, I wanted to punch him, hit him, give him back all the havoc he gave ten times fold. In that moment. I felt Brianna hug me from the back and I looked at her with teary eyes. I walked out of the cafeteria briskly before the tears ran down my face. Shane ran after me and gave me a hug in the quiet hallway.

Shane: Why did you get so angry?, He asked.

Brittany: Jesse is just so irritating, I said crying.

I can understand why you say that, you can tell me all about it if you want another time.

Shane: Hey, I just need to make sure that you will be ok, its fine if you cry , its better to let it all out than to hold in all that pain, he said in a comforting way.

Brittany:...ok, I said.

Shane: Though you can't really cry for too long, because after this is Math, and from what you told me, Miss Cleevar is very "annoying" when we get to her class late, he said giggling.

Brittany: Ugh...not Miss Cleevar and the annoying math class, I said smiling while wiping my tears away.

Brittany: Thank you for staying with me, I said hugging Shane tighter.

Shane: No problem, always, not for too long when we have math class though, have math class though, he said being genuinely funny.

We both laughed.