Heart's Reconnected Chapter 7: The start of something new

~Brittany's POV~

The day ended quite quickly, but now it's time to prepare for the worst. It's time to actually 'spend time' with Jesse. He's been acting really weird lately but I wont fall in his trap. It's just like Dad said, "Don't get close with him."

I was drawn away from the thoughts by Brianna saying something...

Brittany: "Huh?..." I said.

Brianna: "I was saying that if you wanted me to accompany you to the library for you and Jesse's little " Thang", I'd gladly take you up on that offer."

Shane: "I think I can come too, it seems my aunt will be picking up my brother from school, so I'm gonna be free for the rest of the day."

Brittany: "Sure! Let's go!, I'll lead the way." I aid happily.

When we arrived at the library, there was a secluded area specifically for Jesse and I's "debating practice sessions". We were told to practice based on topics the officials of the tournament sent out to schools around the world to partipate in the competition.

After a while we got closer to the area and realized that the table was a table for four.

Why does this table have four seats?, I thought to myself, then brushed it off as an accident.

Brittany: "Are you guys just gonna stand there? Take a seat!"

Brianna and Shane start to make their way to the empty seats when Shane began to ask me a question.

Shane: "So, who is this "Jesse" to you anyway?"

Brianna: "Her ex." she said blandly.

Brittany: "Wait, what?"

Shane: "He's your ex?" he asked in utter denial.

Brittany: "Brianna stop giving him ideas. He's not my "ex". I'd never date an idiot." I state in disgust.

Shane: "That's good to hear.:

Brianna: "So much for starting a bit if drama: she said which instantly made me give her a girly slap.

Brianna: "What's that for?"

Brittany: "Talking too much, THAT'S what it's for."

~25 minutes later~

Brittany: "And the creep's twenty five minutes late. Just AWESOME!!" I say sarcastically.

Just then, as though it may had been magic, Jesse makes his appearance very noticeable.

Brittany: "Look who finally decided to show up. What a sore to human eyes."

Jesse: "What?"

Brittany: "Nothing that needs to be said twice."

Jesse: "Well, for you information, I had my own stuff to do."

Brittany: "Like I care, come early for once will yah?"

Jesse: "For once? This our first practice."

Brittany: "Well, first impressions last."

Jesse: "First impressions? That makes zero sense."

Brittany: "You make no sense, I said under my breath."

Jesse: "What?"

Brittany: "Moving on...let's just get started. Take a seat!"

Jesse: "What is " he" doing here? More interestingly, what are "they" doing here?"

Brittany: "Because they are "my friends" and I don't feel comfortable being alone with you, you imbecile!" I said staring him up and down.

Jesse: "You forgot, didn't you? Or did you just not read the instructions?" He chuckles in disbelief.

Brittany: "Forgot what? Didn't read what?"

Jesse: "Damn Brittany, I never thought I'd see the day... I thought you were miss perfect. You actually didn't read the email that was sent to us this morning, did you?" he said smiling.

Brittany: "What email?"

In that moment, I pulled out my phone to read the email that was sent to me this morning.

Shane: "What does it say Brittany?"

It took me a few minutes, but when then I read out aloud the part of the email that stated additional information about our debating "predicament", I instantly knew, he was right.

Brittany: "Due to confidential purposes and non disturbable interruptions except for emergencies, you both are only allowed to be in acquaintance of each other, no one else except for authorized personnel is allowed".

Brittany: "Guys, I'm so sorry, but I swear I didn't know, unless I wouldn't keep you guys here. You guys aren't allowed to be here, but if you guys do actually plan on studying, you can sit near by at another table though." I said with a depleted sigh.

Jesse: "Bye, bye!" He said waving at them as they went off about their way.

Shane: "Its okay. We'll just sit at another table."

Brittany: "Again, I'm really sorry."

When Shane and Brianna left, I turned to Jesse nauseatedly and told him off straight forwardly.

Brittany: "You're a rule breaker, you always break the rules, so the fact that you're even considering to follow them now is because you knew this would happen. You did this to spite me. Real mature, Jesse. REAL MATURE!!!" I said whispering aggressively.

Jesse: "In my defense, I didn't know you were gonna bring those losers with you and so what if I do follow the rules sometimes. They can be cool at times." He said smirking.

Brittany: "You always act so clueless to things you do but, you know what?, whatever SNAKE!!!"

We sat in silence as we both went through the practice topics we were given to research and practice debating on for the Word Debating Tournament. I did sneak a few glances at him when he wasn't looking ofcourse. But, at times, I felt him stare at me for a short while and then just looks away. After a few minutes, he did it again and I decided to confront him about it. So I took a big leap and met his gaze, he was shocked to see me look at him when he was caught staring at me.

Brittany: "What creep? Is there something on my face worth looking at by your eyes?"

Jesse: "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He responded ignoring my second question.

Brittany: "Tell anyone about what?"

Jesse: "About what happened between me and my dad."

Brittany: "What happened between you and your da...OH!!, THAT! It wasn't my place to talk about it."

Brittany: "Why do you ask?"

Jesse: "Because I was wondering why I haven't heard it circulating all over in school." He said averting his eyes from mine.

Brittany: "Do you want it circulating?, I can most certainly help you-"

Jesse: "I'm fine, thanks."

Brittany: "I mean, someone has to be the one out of both of us that actually respects person's personal information." I said looking at him.

Jesse: "About that, I really am sorry."

I didn't respond. I didn't want to. How was I supposed to respond to that?, I didn't even know if he was telling the truth.

Diavolo! (Italian: Devil)

I wonder if Shane knows Italian, I'm supposing he's very smart to have made it into this school so he might just know it.

Wait... What did I just do?

I was thinking about SHANE!!!!


Maybe I just want him to know the language too so we can be the bestest of friends along with Brianna ofcourse and talk crap about people like Jesse and they'll have no idea what we're saying.

Yeah...that's it.

Jesse noticed my ackward flustered face expression and said "What are you thinking about?"

Brittany: "Umm...none of you business."

Brittany: "Anyways, what are you doing? I hope you didn't come here to do your homework?"

Jesse: "Crap!"

I stared at him in disbelief. Is he always this irresponsible. How could he have been my rival? He actualy is an idiot behind the scenes.

Jesse: "What are you looking at weirdo?"

Brittany: "Nothing of importance." I said blandly and just got back to work.


I traverse through school for the past few days, people asking me how cool it must be working with Jesse. Do these idiots not know that I hate him? Or do they lack common sense? If only they knew every day for the last three days have been total havoc for me. This whacko follows me everywhere like he's a lost puppy. What makes it worse someone may want to ask? His smirking. His constant stupid smirking all the time. It's a huge turn off. What a stupid face he has. Whenever we're in class he always gives me death stares. He always makes sure to make me remember his favorite quote- "I can't believe I have to work with such a failure." If I were in a documentary and the interviewer asked me- "How are you going to survive the next 6 months Jesse preparing for the meeting competition with Jesse?" I'd say in a heartbeat- "Sooner or later one of us is going to end up dead."

Anyways, today is Thursday. It's my favorite day of the week. School always ends early on Thursdays. It's the day I feel more productive and efficient. The day I feel as though I get most of my work done, though I actually don't. It's just what I feel.

~Time skip to the library~

Brittany: "Hey have you looked through the schedule?"

Jesse: "Yeah! I'm having you over at mine this Saturday."

Brittany: "Cool..."

Brittany: "What's it like there?... At your house I mean."

Jesse: "It's okay. I guess, it's a bit boring at times, so I would just have a girl over to lighten the moo-"

Brittany: "Now that, I did not need to know." I said rolling my eyes.

Brittany: "Does your house have a library?"

Jesse: "Yeah! It's does actually."

Brittany: "Great!. I'll see you at your house on Saturday then."

Jesse: "Yeah!"

Rest of the school week run off quickly and Friday was gone before I knew it. And soon enough, it was time to meet my probable doom. If only I knew what I waited me.

~Saturday Morning~

I woke up 10:00 a.m. this morning. It's not a big deal, it's a Saturday, any extra time I get to rest I'm going to take it. Moving on to more important business, today's the day. The day I go to Jesse's house for the first. Worst case future scenario: His Dad won't be there, It'll onlu be just us. ALONE!!! TOGETHER!!!

How will I servive it?

I begun to get up from my bed to prepare for the day ahead of me. By the time I was done. I was ready to leave by 12:00pm. Jesse had sent me his address last night, I don't even know how the creep got my number. He claimed that "he just happen to have it incase he can't get to Jake." I honestly don't buy it.

I called an Uber driver and he took me Jesse's house. After about 10 minute, I arrived at his house only to hear music on blast emmiting from out of the house.

This can't be his house, right?, I thought to myself.

I immediately checked my phone to see the messages again. It's the right address. I immediately got out of the car and thanked the driver for the ride.

I should have known...,I said to myself.

...that you would do something like this you moron, I finished.

I have to confront him, I thought.

I hate parties, they give me severe anxiety and I tend to feel extremely claustrophobic. If it were anyday I wouldn't want to be alive on never did I think it would be today; a Saturday of all days.

I walked up to the front door an I rang the door bell. The door opened only for me to see the blood relative of the devil hmself " Sandra Hasher"; Jesse's stupid cousin. She looked me up and down with a disgusted look. She then proceeded to "summon" her friends behind her and they satrted to mock me.

Sandra: "Who the hell invited you to my party you freak?!!"

Someone behind Sandra: "Yeah, what a weirdo!"

Sandra: "Aren't you daddy's little saint? Look at her, she looks so stupid."

After taking a deep breath I said, "Look... I need to know where Jesse is."

Sandra: "I'm sure as heck Jesse doesn't want to see you."

Her and all her "puppets" begun to laugh like the maniacs they are.

Sandra: "You're ugly!! Don't you see it? Now leave!! And go do something Cinderella would do."

Someone behind Sandra 2: "Get out of here loser!!!"

I was honestly willing to turn the hell around go back to where I once came to do something more useful with my life untill something stopped me.

~Jesse's POV~

This morning I woke up quite late. When I chequed the time, it was 12:15pm.

Oh crap!! I'm in big trouble, I thought to myself.

I got up off my bed, tidyed it, brushed my in bathroom and got prepared to go downstairs. As soon as I opened the door, music hit my ears at full blast. Just then I remembered I promised Sandra that she could have a party at my house today. I had completely forgot to tell to Brittany about that. I'm gonna be so dead. My feet dragged me to the kitche downstairs. I had to pass many people that I know, even some making out on my living room couch and in corners at this early hour. I didn't care though, my dad's an arse. Screw him and what he wants. When I was finished doing what I was doing, I begun to walk back to my room when I saw Sandra and a small group of people standing at my front door laughing at someone I was presuming. I got so interested to know what was happening that I went up to where my cousin was to see who they were laughing at and I knew for sure then I was totally dead.

I rustled pass them and grabbed Brittany's wrist before she could turn away and pulled her up the stairs to go to my room. When we got there, I quickly shut the door behind me.

Brittany: "How could you not tell me about is?"

Jesse: "I'm sorry, I forgot."

Brittany: "How long have you known?"

Jesse: "What does it matter?"

Brittany: "I said, how long have you known?", she asked visibly getting more annoyed.

Jesse: "Since Wednesday", I answred honestly and she scoffs.

Brittany: "You know what, I'm leaving. I can't beleive you right now."

I hurridly grabbed her by her wrist as soon as she began to turn around so I could stop her fom leaving.

Jesse: "Look... I'm really sorry. Lets just practice and forget about those people downstairs."

Brittany: "Stop that!!"

Jesse: "Stop what?"

Brittany: "Being apologetic. It's not like you."

Jesse: "So what's like me?", I said taking a step closer to her.

Brittany: "Let's just practice.", she said looking away.

I watched as she makes her way to my study table, then sitting on the chair infrontof it. My chair! The only chair in my room.

I run my hand through my hair after realising I was staring at her too long. I walked over to my neatly spreaded bed and sat on it.

Brittany: "Have you completed all your homework?"

Jesse: "Is that why you're here? To help me with my homework?", I said answering the question before she could.

Brittany: "Nevermind... lets just practice, she said with a soft voice."

Jesse: "What a releif! For a second there I was actually beginning to think you cared about me. But now that, that's out of the way and your back to your-"

Brittany: "That's it! I'm out of-", she was cut of as she begun to get up from my chair to leave. AGAIN. I grab her by her waist and turned around facing me, my hands still on her waist.

Brittany: "Get your hands off of me!", she said firmly said and I let he go.

Brittany: "This is it... I'm done. I'm leaving. We can just tell the them that w actually did something. We'll pick this back up next Monday... First it's the dumb party; Now you and your stupid..."(inaudible)

As I start to zone her out, I begun to admire her small features, her lips, her small waist that I wanna grab everytime I see her. Her arms that I always would want wrapped around me in a nice hug. Her pretty eyes and her, shiny glistening light brown hair. But... she'll never know, I'll never let her know that.

Brittany: "Hello? Are you even hearing me?"

Jesse: "Just calm down, you're not going anywhere. Let's do what you're here for us to do. My door's sound proof so we won't be having any distractions."

Brittany: "Whatever... Let's..."( inaudible adain)

And there she goes rambling again. How cute. I can't let her know that I don't hate her as much. I never actually hated Brittany, I just wasn't given a chance but to act the way I do.