Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I continued to walk and reached the room Europe, it was the section's name since the whole class was sectioned into three.

It was very free and easy to enter without being noticed by anyone because everyone is on speaker mode chatting with their friends and our next teacher was not there yet.

I sneaked and sat down. My head hung down on the table and waited until the next period started. It was history and I hated it. I had to read the text fast and slept. Mr. Bargoha does not care anyway.

The moment I woke up was a heavy tap to my back from my seatmate Jordan.

"Wake up Sam!" he called out.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Mrs. Johanson was in front of me holding a discipline stick.

"Ms. Jacobs?" she said in an interesting manner keeping an innocent kind face.

My heart pounded so fast. It was quite an embarrassment that all their eyes met mine and some were giggling. I was becoming a laughing stock in the second period of the class.

I turned to look at someone, Norton. I did not know why would I look at this guy but my eyes pointed at him, sitting at the right corner in the back. 'Please save me.' He was looking at me too but could not do anything.

"Ms. Jacobs, I am talking to you!!" Mrs. Johanson shouted which made me sit erect and look straight at her.

"I am sorry ma'am, I won't do it again," I apologized fast.

She turned back at me. Whew! I thought she was gonna spank that stick on me.

As soon as I believed I was alright, Mrs. Johanson turned to me again with the stick pointed closest to my nose. My eyes meet the horizon as my heart wants to jump in my brain.

Mrs. Johanson was the most fearing teacher in our class. I won't mess with her again.

"Sleeping or not sleeping, in my class, you should be attentive!" Mrs. Johanson said in a scary loud volume as she kept her army-looking style and walked in front.

She realized she needed to continue the lesson she started.

"Now what is the definition of atom, Ms. Jacobs?" she asked me.

What? Don't ask me that. I don't know. I don't know, I just got back from my beautiful dream that she interrupted and now she's asking me what's an atom.

I looked at my book. Oh! It was there. As I picked it up to read, someone was already reading.

"Atom, according to .........

....... ...," Dennis from behind read the text.

I sat down.

"That is what I am talking about Ms. Jacobs. Now do not fall asleep in my class ever again!" she screamed at the whole class.

But I was going to read it anyway. Ugh! I am starting to hate this class. I think I was the least favorite of Mrs. Johanson now. Not to forget, I gave Dennis a crooked look. 'Hey, you smartass!'

He looked at me, he even winked smiling. Wtf!

I focused on the lesson and got a high score on the quiz given.

"Now this is what I call listening attentively," Mrs. Johanson started to give us a lesson after looking at all of our scores. "Ms. Jacobs got the highest. Good job," she said at the end of the class. "I am glad you learned your lesson after all," she closed remarked.

I was on the tip of the mountain thinking that all the embarrassing moments that happened this day has paid off. 'Look at me smartass, this girl is a genius!' I gave Dennis a look.

Dennis was top number one in the class and I just beat him at science.

Dennis approached me and exchanged seats with Shanaya, the one seating beside me. I do not know why would Dennis do that but he began talking to me.

"I am only kind at smart people so why don't we become friends," he said.

I was shocked. For months that passed, he was the only one to have the nerve of making friends with me.

I said. "No!"

Okay, first of all, I do not like this guy in terms of looks and attitude. His pride is very high, to the point that he makes fun of dumbasses which is I do not like. He got some big wrinkles, no offense but he looks disgusting! So my answer to his proposal of friendship is a big NO!

"I don't fucking care, I don't need you anyway and I can beat you in all subjects hmp!" he said sobbing away exchanging seats again with Shanaya.

Now, I should let it slide. I know I can beat him up in all subjects but if I'll do that I'll be in trouble. He and his smart gang might hurt me so another big NO to being a genius.

At lunchtime, I had my lunch so I preferred eating in the classroom than at the cafeteria.

While I was digging my lettuce, someone came at me. It was Jess from the other class. She took away my spoon from my hand and pulled a chair, sat on it, and looked at me.

"Tell me, have you been with the poop this morning?" she asked me.

I did not know how should I react. Should I laugh at what she said or be scared as my heart rises again.

"Yeah I pooped this morning, why do you ask that?" I said scared trying to scrumble the meaning of her sentence. I was trying to change the atmosphere by answering her question literally when she said poop.

But she slammed her palm on my desk and some of my food got wasted.

"Are you fooling around?" she said angrily. "I said, were you with Trexie this morning?" she asked.

Oh, so she was referring to Trexie as a poop.

"No," I answered fast.

She smirked. "Then what are you doing in the comfort room this morning? Weren't you late?" she asked again.

O gosh! She's gonna find it out.

"No, Y-yes. No. Yes, I was late but I did not enter the comfort room as soon as I saw her in there!" I said fast without taking a breath.

Jess looked at me.

Suddenly, a man came at us disturbing my big LIE confession.

"That's enough Jess, I have something to say to her." It was Norton who came up.

I looked at him. He got a lot of coolness in there. No wonder why I like him so much.

Jess immediately stood and went out afterward. I am not wrong of Norton. See, he is helping me out. He is the perfect type of shield friend.

Now Norton was the one sitting at Jess's. He looked at me.

"Hi, Norton!" I geeked and smiled.

"Were you late for helping Trexie?" Norton asked me.

I let out a cough. I like to be friends with Norton and this is my chance to be friends with him. He is asking a difficult question and I cannot just ignore him. Yet I was having trouble with his trust. He could expose me to Kyle Pierce or he won't?

"Hmmm. So does your food taste well? I like to have some of it," I said changing the topic. We both turned our attention to his lunch box by the last seat.

There was nothing, he was finished eating his lunch. "So would you still like some of it?" he turned my question down to hell.

We did both let a little laugh to our jokes. "Can I be friends with you Norton?" I asked in this sudden moment.

He looked at me. "What?"

"Friends!" I repeated.

He stands. I popped my hand. I thought he was gonna shake it but he walked away. What?

I closed my lunch box and cleaned my seat. Now I had to follow him.

"Is that a no?" I asked him sitting in one chair beside him. There were not much of people in the classroom and everyone is doing their own business.

"Yes," he said.

"You mean yes, we are friends?"

"No. Yes, it is a no!"

At some point, I cannot figure this guy out. He was saying no and yes at the same time. How could I know what yes and no was he talking about?

"Yes? No? Or yes? Or no? Why don't we just be friends and let this conversation end?" I suggested.

"No!" he said.

I figured it out. "So you want this conversation to not end. Is it? Then let's talk like how friends do then."


I couldn't stop making my trouble, following him wherever he went. He grabbed his bag and went outside. I followed him.

"You mean let's end this conversation then?" I continued talking to him as we walked down the stairs.


"So that means we'll be friends and let this conversation end?"

"No," Norton refused. We are now in the middle of the race track. I did not notice how we end up here.

Then suddenly, he stopped. "We can't be friends," he said.

"Why?" I asked popping out my palm sideways.

"Sam, can you just leave me alone," he protested.


"Why? Do you want something from me?" he asked troubled and confused.

"Yes," I said immediately.

"What? Take it and just stop following me!"

"Friendship," I said. "I want your friendship. Can I take it then? But I will still follow coz that's what friends do? Follow each other," I answered giving him a look.

We both stared. "No!" he said.

I should've followed him when a gang stopped by us. It was Kyle Pierce and his gang.

"O shit! Your brother is here," I said at Norton's face.