Ant Against An Elephant

Lenz City, Neutral Continent.

Right in the area of the Lenz Tower, there was a neighborhood where adventurers could be seen roaming around in abundance.

This area belonged to the new rising sect of the world, the Jingmei Guild.

The main headquarters of the guild had become really busy recently. The officials had no idea what had happened, but they saw an influx of strong adventurers suddenly.

They weren't even any weak people. Some of the adventurers were strong enough to even rival the Guildmaster, making everyone dumbfounded.

The Guildmaster and the Vice Guildmaster had first thought that this was a scheme of someone, but later on came to terms that it wasn't. There really were people who wanted to join their guild.

Thus, as per normal procedures, they ended up taking everybody in.

In these dire times, the one who worked the hardest was currently sitting at her desk, signing papers and being busy.