Beggar Witch

Lith felt as if his head was about to explode at any minute. His eye was already bleeding and was on the verge of bursting out too.

Noman, Ruben, and Luna, all these guys were concerned for Lith, but acted as per the orders and did their best to hurry.

Fei's condition was getting so bad that she was starting to bleed from every orifice of her body. Luna healed her as much as possible, but nothing was working.

On Ruben's back, Lith strode all the way across the Vampire Continent and reached the Treant Ocean. It was a dead end from here, but Lith could still see the black thread.

Using space artifacts, these guys made jumps one after another and eventually ended up in the Witch Continent.

Men were forbidden on the Witch Continent and the arrays laid alerted the authorities.

Neither Lith nor his servants cared about this and quickly made their way inside the continent.