Ruling Without Actually Ruling

Ten years passed.

Under the orange moonlight of the Dragon Continent stood a tall figure, his calm back facing a mighty metallic door.

The figure gazed at the vast kingdom that lay ahead of him as multiple experiences flashed right in his amethyst purple eyes.

Light from various establishments illuminated the entire kingdom, bringing life in the darkness of night.

"Isn't it serene?" A soft voice rang in the ears of the tall silver-haired figure.

Without turning to the voice's source, the silver head, in a gentle tone, said, "Yes."

No more words were exchanged after this short conversation as the two stood by each other's side and gazed at this beautiful night landscape.

A decade had passed in the blink of an eye and the now immortal Lith felt as if it were a mere few months.

For a whole decade, he had done nothing but train.