Date With Mayzin

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

There were so many places in the castle where one could be, yet the most favourite and comfortable spot for Lilith was the courtyard.

This favourite courtyard of hers had a small pond, a small flower garden, a patch of well trimmed grass, and a pavilion at the side where there was a round table and few chairs.

This place was good for multiple reasons. The very first being that it was really convenient. Any maid could come up to her here and that wouldn't be possible if it was her bedroom.

In the bedroom, only Luna, Qingyue, and Bella could come and go without permission.

The next reason was that it was in the middle of the inner ring, a spot really easy to access by anyone. This would help her two babies have an easier time finding her.

There were many more such reasons, but all in all, it was quite comfortable and she spent most of her time here.