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At the bottom of the chasm

Two Wolforn are wandering around the area where they sense the smell of their kin and they arrive in front of the small cave and they see multiple carcasses of their kin and a lot of scattered bones.



Before the two Wolforn could even react, their head got stabbed with big sharp-pointed bones that went through their head completely. The stabbing continues for 5 more times.

After the two Wolforn not show any sign of life, their body is thrown to join with the carcasses that have been piling up in front of the small cave.

'I guess, I just eat them today. Their fresh meat taste better than the old one.'

The long hair boy with multiple scars on his body


'How long did I been here though, it's fucking dark on here every day. Although I eat Wolforn meat every day, I miss a genuine meal for god sake'

'By the way, how the fuck can I escape here anyway? I tried climbing from this damn chasm every day but their structure is too strong that even I stab it, the bones snapped. I lost count of the attempts by now'

The long hair boy is Bobby who trying to survive at the bottom of the chasm by killing and eating Wolforn every day. Most of the time, he uses the diversion tactics by scattering the carcasses of the Wolforn that he killed that will lead to the location of the small cave and when the Wolforn is looking at the carcasses and the bones of their kin, Bobby who is hiding will come from behind and stab them at their vital spot which is their head.

Bobby knew if he keep using his domain power to cancel the ability of the Wolforn every time he face them, he will suffer a lot too as when he used his domain power on his left eye, his body will become weak after that and the pain will surge at his eye and his head. So he only uses his left eye if the situation is dire.

As his physical become a lot stronger after the assimilation, He can transfer a bit of his domain power into his body to absorb the impact and increase his physical prowess.

In his free time, Bobby would do exercise to increase his strength and stamina to ensure he will be able to fight even a multiple Wolforn that attacked him. As Bobby is doing push-ups in his cave, abruptly he heard someone screaming near him.

Bobby feel weird as he has never seen anyone here before, he moves stealthily to the source of the sound as he doesn't know if it is someone who ends up here just like him or a new monster that can mimic the human voice.

Suddenly, he sees a girl running with her life from Wolforn that chasing her. Wolforn was already close to the girl and it leapt toward the girl.

Bobby who hiding in the dark shouted while throwing sharp-pointed bones toward the mid-air Wolforn


The girl crouched down instantly and she feel the wind above her head and she heard the sound of something being stabbed. She lifted her head and looks at the Wolforn that leap toward her earlier is currently on the ground with its life slipping.

She then sees long hair boy leaping above her and stomping the Wolforn at its stomach then he change the direction of his stomping toward the Wolforn's head. The Wolforn is now completely dead.

"The Wolforn is now gone completely, you are safe now. By the way, who are you?" asked Bobby toward the girl who still trying to regain her composure

The girl stutter as she slowly said "Er.....er...my name is Sarah...Sarah Wilder"