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"This is the Wolforn that I just caught, want me to tear apart its flesh so that it's easier for you to eat later?" asked Bobby to the delicate girl with long white hair.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but it's hard to chew the meat when it is too big.." said the girl with a sorry smile on her face.

Bobby grinned and reply "Nah, don't be sorry, I yank the flesh of Wolforn for a long time now. I can even do it with my eyes closed hahaha."

"It's me that is should be grateful for you right now. Since you were here, I can eat cooked meat now and not the gooey and bloody meat anymore."

"But...the one who is in danger every day is you and with me here, you need to work extra hard to feed both people.." murmured Sarah slowly as she sat while hugging her knees

Bobby walks toward Sarah's behind. He starts to grab her long and silky white hair gently as he tied her hair into the ponytail. He smiled and said slowly

"I tell you multiple times already but I guess I just repeat it for you. Don't be sorry for me, I'm not worth the concern of anyone. I'm the one who killed his own parents anyway."

"Especially for the nobles like you, just think of me as someone who just doing his job protecting you until you get home later and meet your family"

"You say your brother is the number one genius in the continent right?. I'm sure he and your parent are worried now and they surely is working extremely hard right now to search for you."

"Don't worry, you will be back in your home soon.. so right now just try to conserve your energy and focus on cooking the Wolforn's meat. With your domain of creation, you help me a lot you know."

The hair is tied perfectly now as Bobby added

"Ok, let's cook the meat and eat it. We get some rest then. After that, let's search for the portal that sent you over here. I think there's not much Wolforn wandering in this area by now. The only Wolforn that has been wandering around is in our cute belly"

Sarah chuckled and nodded her head. She start to cook the Wolforn meat after that.

Based on the information that Bobby has gathered from Sarah this past few days, he now got some information about Sarah.

Sarah is one of the noble families at Kenlan which is located at Urophosia Continent. Wilder Family is one of the most influential noble families in the Kenlan and even at Urophosia Continent.

Wilder Family produced multiple Level 10 Domain Users over the years and Sarah said her big brother will be the next Level 10 Domain Users as he already produces a significant result in his young age.

Although Wilder Family is prestigious, they don't expect their daughter friend to cast an advanced magic portal spell toward Sarah and sent her to the chasm before Sarah could even react.

Sarah has the domain of creation which is one of the rarest domain power one could have. The ability of domain of creation is that the user will be able to create something out of thin air using their domain power.

Although it can produce all of the creation just by their domain power, the power is limited to how long the ability can be used for. Sarah can only maintain her creation for half an hour as her domain power is not too much to sustain the creation for a long time.

Sarah use her domain of creation to create a stove to cook the Wolforn meat. She also can produce water and fire but it took too much of her domain power to sustain the creation simultaneously.

After Bobby and Sarah got plenty of rest, they grab the bones that were crafted into looking like spears and shields by Bobby's handiwork.

They are moving stealthily toward the first places that Sarah has been sent here. They are planning to construct the portal's magic circle to be used to send them back away from the bottom of the chasm.

As they walk slowly, suddenly they see a big Wolforn as big as an elephant around the area which Sarah has been sent from the portal.

The big Wolforn has artifact at their feet. The bracelet shaped artifact ability is to make the owner of the artifact have increased agility and to remove the sense from the owner body.

Bobby eyes is stuck toward the bracelet artifact on the big Wolforn legs

Abruptly, his movement is frozen as the big Wolforn suddenly made eye contact with him and immediately disappeared from its spot. The wind is increasing at an alarming rate that seems to surround Bobby and Sarah.